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15 Ways To Make People Like You

7m read
·Nov 1, 2024

We've all met people who were kind of a pain to endure, and none of us wants to be that person, right? The person everyone rolls their eyes at. The person people avoid talking to for long, no matter the social setting.

Though there are certain ways to present yourself that will endear you to others. Some might say all you have to do is just be yourself, and while we're not going to argue with that, we believe there are some more subtle actions you can mindfully make to win people over. Today we're taking a look at 15 ways to do just that.

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Number one: Smile heartily. Despite the fact we live in a digital age where technology is increasingly used in place of human connection, in our hearts, we're still very social beings. Facial expressions can make or break a relationship. We humans utilize social connection as a kind of feedback, basing both our deliberate and reflexive decisions on the reactions of others around us. A genuine wide smile has infectious effects, and someone may love you more if your optimistic outlook makes their day better.

Number two: Listen attentively. We are predisposed to like people that listen to our problems. It's obvious that if you take the time to hear out what others have to say, you'll earn their favor. This goes beyond just not looking at your phone while out to dinner with friends. Body language, turning your face to someone and imitating their posture, eye contact, providing plenty of it, and vocal affirmations are all ways to demonstrate that you're paying attention to what the other person is saying.

Number three: Maintain a low profile. A know-it-all is someone who thinks they know everything and is disliked by many people. Respect those who admit they could use some advice or guidance and are willing to ask for it. If you want people to like you, you shouldn't put your business all up in their faces. Everyone in the room doesn't have to know when you walk in. Most people don't appreciate arrogant individuals who think they know everything and everyone else should just listen to them.

Number four: Follow your interests with passion. If you're passionate about your activities, you will find people who will like and support you. Even if other people don't share your interests, they could be swayed by your enthusiasm and get closer to you because of the vibe you give them. The same holds true if you discuss your appreciation for a particular band, a song, an artist, or a sacred text. The more you speak about something, the more interested they might become.

Number five: Don't be bossy. People hate being told what to do and subconsciously dislike people that give them orders. Managers will find themselves at odds because how can they get something done without ordering people to do it? Instead of being confrontational, you can ask subtle questions that imply a task needs to be done or politely remind the person. If you relate with others without putting up imaginary hierarchies and bossing them around, you'll more easily be able to bond with them.

Number six: Genuinely worry for the well-being of others. By worrying about others, you make their problems yours in a way and relieve them of some of their attention. A quick call to check up on them every few days might seem like a little effort to you, but the receiver could see it as so much more. In this day and age, it's hard to find people with genuine compassion. Being caring means putting other people's needs before your own for a little period. It demands work. Caring for another person is a choice you make on purpose. When you can do this and mean it, people will start to like you more.

Number seven: Compliment them. If you like someone, tell them. Perhaps they'll even start to warm up to you. A sincere compliment might be the thing that someone remembers the most about you, and moreover, it'll feel fantastic knowing that you've contributed to another person's positive self-perception. To be sincere, praises shouldn't be exaggerated or outright false. Doing so might give the impression that you're trying to be more sympathetic than you really are. Consider how you react when you get praise for anything that you've done or worn. A good compliment from someone can make you closer to them, make you feel exceptional, and have you thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Number eight: Acknowledge them by name. We're generally good at recognizing faces, but you know it's not the same for names. A lot of people find it hard to remember people's names immediately. While it might be difficult, making the effort to remember their names will make them feel valued and appreciated. Now, the trick to do this is when they tell you their name, immediately repeat it. You shake their hand and say, "Nice to meet you, [name]." It'll help it stay in your mind, and keep in mind a person's name is endearing and significant to that individual. They love hearing it come out of your mouth.

Number nine: Act a little mysteriously. It's good to give someone you're just beginning to know a little background about yourself. After all, it's how people will come to know you. However, you shouldn't go on to tell them everything there is to know about you on the first shot. One reason is that doing so may cause the other person to feel a great deal of stress. It's possible you'll get the other person curious about you and want to learn more if you leave a little mystery about your character. If you don't share every detail of your life at the outset, you'll have more opportunities to talk to them and become friends later on.

Number ten: Don't force friendships. Being kind and nice to those who care about us is wonderful, but we should avoid giving the impression that we're in desperate need of their approval. Trying too hard will come off as needy, and it may be too much for the other person to handle. Do your best, but recognize when you should give others some space. You shouldn't be overly possessive of people by showering them with gifts, visiting them excessively, or phoning or messaging them too often. If anything, this behavior could lead them to becoming more distant from you.

Number eleven: Be warm. It'll be difficult for others to like you or even get to know you if you put up barriers between yourself and them. To really exude warmth, one must have a relaxed and casual demeanor, both in facial expressions and whole body posture. It'll be immediately obvious to others if you're tense and closed off, and most people will just back away. When you're warm, you're friendly, enthusiastic, and passionate. One trait of a friendly individual is an absence of preconceived notions about them. You can learn to appreciate others' viewpoints even if you disagree with some of them, and people will feel at ease in your company.

Number twelve: Have a good sense of humor. There are some people you run into every once in a while who you haven't seen in a long time but who seem like old friends right away. These people would easily make you laugh as you catch up on different things. Most people feel more at ease when they're able to laugh. The ability to poke fun at oneself is a part of this. If you take life and yourself too seriously, you might come out as tight and inflexible. However, if you can keep your cool and maintain your sense of humor, people will be a lot more comfortable with you.

Number thirteen: Practice self-love. If you really love yourself, you'll be more likely to succeed in making others like you. Having that kind of self-assurance will shine through, and it just could be the thing that draws others to you. It's human to be critical of oneself or aware of one's weaknesses, but being too critical of oneself might turn others off. Dissuading individuals with an overwhelming amount of negativity is not a good idea.

Number fourteen: Be dependable and honest. Prove that you're reliable by demonstrating your ability to keep a secret. If the person you're trying to impress can find something in you, don't go telling everyone you know about it. A relationship built on trust involves more than simply keeping a confidence. Allow this individual to have faith in your reliability by knowing that you will always be there for them and participate in their planned activities. Building trust takes time and effort, and it's seldom instantaneous. It can take a long time, but if people see that you're dependable and honest, they're bound to like you.

Number fifteen: Be confident. Having self-assurance makes you more attractive to others since so many individuals struggle with low self-esteem. Those who exude assurance tend to attract the admiration of others around them. They are curious about their way of life in hopes of adopting some of their dynamic nature. Now, there's no denying that a decent level of confidence is a desirable attribute for anyone to have. People find insecurity rather unattractive, yet overconfidence could be just as off-putting. Begin by acknowledging and appreciating your talents and abilities without being too proud, and watch people try to get closer to you.

At the end of the day, you know it's hard to put into words why it is that you like a certain individual so much. Perhaps it's their easy-going nature, their quick wit, or simply their infectious smile that makes them so likable. It's not always easy to break the ice when you first meet someone. What do you say? How can you ensure a positive first impression? Is there a secret to keeping discussions going? People are unique and respond to things differently. What you should focus on is being a better person and a better friend, and surely people will like you for who you are.

We've actually made a video called "15 ways to be a better friend." If you enjoyed this video, check that one out next. Now we've come to the end of the video.

Alexa, please tell us in the comments what you think should make this list. Also, don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel; it encourages us to make more videos like this one.

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