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What to do When Willpower Fails
Narrator: One of the most instructive stories in Greek mythology is to be found in book 12 of Homer’s Odyssey, where the central figure adicus king of Ithaca is described as having to sail past an island inhabited by some compelling female figures known a…
BlackRock - The company that owns the world?
Narrator: There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of BlackRock. Founded in only 1988 in less than 30 years this American financial firm would grow to become “the company that owns the world” managing assets worth 6,3 trillion dollars. These are assets t…
How to Have Interesting Ideas (The Ben Thompson Playbook)
The most important article you write is the second article someone reads, and I do think that volume or quantity is underrated. So that’s like 50 or 60 books worth of writing over the last decade. That is an insane amount of volume. It would be hard to ha…
The AI Poison Pill - We Can DESTROY The Slop Channels
This video is brought to you by S. Stick around to hear more about the special offer they’re providing to the entire upper echon Community. Okay, just to get something out of the way right off the bat, here the title isn’t clickbait. Anyone watching this …
Apple please watch this. - Frore AirJet MacBook Air
Okay, Apple, I know this is gonna sound a little crazy, but what if the MacBook Air actually moved some air around so it didn’t thermal throttle after two minutes of any kind of work? Well, believe it or not, it can and without even adding any fans. All w…
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)
Rick Astley: [Music] We’re no strangers to love, you know the rules and so do I. I full commitments while I’m thinking of you, wouldn’t get this from any other guy. I just want to tell you how I’m feeling; got to make you understand. Never Going To Give Y…
Unlocking The Power Of The "HALO Effect": What You Need To Know
So today I want to talk about the deeper psychology of looking and feeling your best, and I want to talk about something really really interesting: it’s called the halo effect. Halo effect is a psychological phenomenon that has been studied extensively, a…
How I Built 7 Income Streams at 23 That Retired My Parents
Everyone’s talking about building multiple income streams, jumping side hustle to side Hustle, but here’s what nobody’s telling you: In today’s AI driven economy, being average at multiple things is actually the riskiest position you can be in. Instead of…
How I Escaped Corporate Hell (They Don't Want You To Know This)
Speaker: To raising your vibration, this is the video version of my podcast. If you want the audio version you can click the link in the YouTube description. Apologies guys, if you’re listening on the audio that was a YouTube intro and vice versa. If you …
Charlie Munger – The Man Who Built Berkshire Hathaway | A Documentary
[Music] America looked at capitalism as a failed experiment. This is the example of the time when capitalism broke. There was a terrible deflation, a shortage of money so little money that people made their own monopoly money, their own script. It was so …
The Untold Truth About Money: How to Build Wealth From Nothing.
Narrator: Let this circle represent $1,000,000. This is what ten million dollars would look like. This is what one hundred million dollars would look like, and this is what 1 billion dollars would look like. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has a net w…
Ultimate Guide to GTD in 2022: Amplenote Edition
So in today’s video we’re going to be exploring the best ways to implement getting things done or GTD for short in 2022. Do not worry if you have not yet read the book or heard about the book; we’re going to look at why these Concepts work and how to help…
SUPERCUT: President Trump And First Lady Melania Trump Share Christmas Messages In First Term
My fellow Americans, Melania and I are delighted to wish America and the entire world a very Merry Christmas. At this time of year, we see the best of America and the soul of the American people. We see children packing boxes to brighten the Christmases o…
Narrator: A tiny country smaller than Central Park that holds more billionaires per square mile than anywhere else on Earth, but today we’re not just talking about any billionaires; we’re going deeper into a world so exclusive that even money alone can’t …
Naval Ravikant: 2 TRAPS in Life to Escape
Jordan: Naval ravikant will share one of his biggest insights in life, two traps to avoid, and one of the most impactful things that helped me to avoid these mistakes. I’m Jordan. I’ve made over $5 million, hired 50 people, and here is the first repap you…
Lao Tzu - The Art of Not Trying
This episode of after skool was written by Einzelgänger. Those who stand on tiptoes do not stand firmly; those who rush ahead don’t get very far; those who try to outshine others dim their own light. Taoists have long observed that humans often act in co…
Marc Andreessen: Trump, Power, Tech, AI, Immigration & Future of America | Lex Fridman Podcast #458
I mean look we're adding a trillion dollars to the national debt every 100 days right now and it's now passing the size of the defense department budget and it's compounding and it's pretty soon it's going to be adding a trillion dolla…
WHICH PLAYER SHOULD I CHANGE? | Maresca hits back at calls for more Chelsea substitutes
Must proved a very frustrating end to the afternoon for you, and what does it tell you about your Chelsea team? No, yeah, as I said, I just said that probably we did enough to win the game today. Between the first half and second half, I think we created…
STOP PLAYING SMALL| Jordan Peterson Motivational Speech
You are far more capable than you allow yourself to believe. But here’s the hard truth: that potential will remain hidden if you keep retreating into comfort and avoiding responsibility. When you play small, when you settle for less, avoid challenges, or …
People Don't See It - Anthony Hopkins On The Illusion Of Life
I had one moment when I decided to change my life. When I was a little boy, I dreamed of where I am now, and I remember saying to my father, “One day I’ll show you.” Certain moments in our life, we get little signals, little flashes. I may have had a visi…
Warren Buffett: "Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1."
Warren Buffett: The first rule of investment is: Don’t lose. And the second rule of investment is: Don’t forget the first rule. And that’s all the rules there are. I mean, if you buy things for far below what they’re worth, and you buy a group of them, yo…
How to Focus to Change Your Brain
Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast where we discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life. [upbeat music] My name is Andrew Huberman and I’m a professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford school of medicine. This podcast is sepa…
Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World
So you’re nestled in the 1970s. You’re the inventor of baby formula, a life-saving creation for babies who, for whatever reason, can’t breastfeed from their mothers. But just helping moms who can breastfeed isn’t enough; it’s such a small segment of the p…
If you can't focus, please watch this video…
Do you know why your brain is like a browser with too many tabs open? What if I told you that you’re just one funny cat video away from losing your focus completely? In this video, I will dive into a major culprit of focus. By the end of this video, you’l…