Transforming a Studio Apartment | National Geographic
A studio apartment in the big city, a small and strange environment. This human has boldly traveled far from a natural countryside habitat but is not as adapted to this harsh alien world. It threatens her instinctual behavior. Her ears are assaulted like a cacophony of the city, throwing off her equilibrium and concentration. The blinding rays of unnatural light penetrate her eyelids.
If she can't make her nest feel safe, she won't sleep. Not sleeping can lead to higher stress levels and a greater risk of depression. Something must be done.
Daybreak. She works quickly to transform her habitat into a more healthy and restful home, gathering soft materials to line her nest. Research shows an organized living space can increase productivity and help you sleep better. She improves her space by bringing life to the formal, a lifeless ecosystem. Houseplants can improve concentration and productivity, as well as reduce stress levels and boost mood.
Victorious, she displays a warrior's pose and prepares for tomorrow's busy workday with a great night's sleep. [Music]