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How to HACK Flash Games -- And More! *DONG*

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Dang it. This is too real. I want something I could do online now, guys. DONG. Let's start things off with a Tetris Overload. 'Muse13NJ' showed me this first person Tetris. When you turn a piece, so does your perspective. It's fun, but 'Dixavd' would rather prank you with Portal Tetris. Ah, you know, this isn't going to end well. Or, really, in debt at all.

'LeatbouldersTV' brought us Tetris Laps, where just like Mario Tetris, you arrange blocks to make the level more navigable. Now, as you play, you unlock each next level. But you could just cheat like 'BloodsailAdmiralTdk,' who showed off, where you can find flash games you like to play, except all the levels are already unlocked right off the bat.

'MrDeagleking' blew my mind with browser pong. Why play with moving dots and fixed parts of your window, when you can play with windows? But now, let's toggle like 'tanos1998.' This search engine takes a word you give it and makes a picture of that word using the word itself.

For science, check out the periodic table of videos where the University of Nottingham gives you a video with info and experiments for every element. Not enough about you? 'AliRex27' recommended a site that takes your name and displays it as elements. 'Vince8745' brought us this simple beauty of a game called 'And Everything Started to Fall.' In this game, you climb through your life to survive. And as you survive, you actually grow up - first to child, then a teenager, and so on.

Wo... wait. How quickly can you type the alphabet? 'Thecheatlord999' showed me this guy whose work is awesome. His planetarium lets you pick a region of the world, click through time, and then check out where the Moon will be, what phase it'll be in; you can even mouse over a star to get its information. And if you own 3D glasses like these, check out his anaglyph drawing tool, where you can draw pictures on the screen itself and then navigate around in three-dimensional space.

On the manly side is 'JakeGordonTV's' message about balls dropping. This Chrome experiment lets you draw lines to bounce falling balls right inside your browser. Finally, trip out with 'misterturtle1998's' suggestion for this game that scares me. But that's not all. On Friday, I'm gonna have a brand new episode of Vsauce Leanback. It's going to be a really fun one.

But right now, go check out Kevin's little piece of investigative journalism about everything you need to know about jetpacks. It's awesome, subscribe to our channels. And as always, thanks for watching.

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