Khan Academy Welcomes Duck Duck Moose
Hi, I'm Sal Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, and I'm Caroline H. Flexer, founder of Duck Duck Moose.
We have a very exciting announcement today. As you probably know, Khan Academy is a not-for-profit with a mission of a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We've always viewed the core mission of how do we meet the needs of our youngest learners—of kids in preschool or who might be in kindergarten.
Whenever we thought about this in the past, we always looked to Duck Duck Moose as really the best company out there. I'm a father of young children, and they, to some degree, grew up on these apps. So, it was very exciting when Caroline and her team reached out to us and proposed that we join forces.
We're thrilled to be joining Khan Academy! Duck Duck Moose is an indie developer, and originally we started designing apps for our own children. Now we have 21 early learning apps. We've always been a mission-driven company, concerned about kids and education, and trying to make the biggest impact.
I think this is why this is so exciting for us—being part of a larger nonprofit where we can really make an impact on kids all around the world. You already have an incredible suite of 21 apps, which now are going to be free—free and really free, not "download and then we try"—truly free.
We want young children all over the world to be able to have access to this learning. As a reminder to you, the only way we're able to do this is with philanthropic support. So, if you are a big supporter of this vision, please think about donating.
As you can imagine, we're all very excited that now the Duck Duck Moose team is part of the not-for-profit Khan Academy. Keep a lookout for what's to come, because these 21 apps are just the beginning. We have some fun plans ahead of us—absolutely!