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trying to get my life together vlog | Med School Diaries

8m read
·Nov 2, 2024

Oh, these fake sleeping scenes! Oh, let me pretend that I woke up right now. I've been feeling so... I've been feeling [Music]. No friends of mine, good morning! It's actually currently 1 PM. Our professor canceled all of our lectures today, so I didn't have any lectures, or at least I thought in that way. And then suddenly, when I was taking my nap, he decided to do a lecture. But I'm currently at home, literally just woke up, and he suddenly decided to do my lecture. Professor, don't play with me! I like to play with people, but I hate when people play with me. Don't do it, please. [Music] [Music] You [Music] I just wasted [Music] [Music]

So, I made myself a cup of coffee. Now we're gonna film today's video. The problem is that I didn't script it at all, so I'm gonna go like with freestyle. 90% of my videos are actually freestyle. Why did I, why did I pretend that I write script every single time? I'm such a liar!

Anyways, so I need to make sure that I set my camera settings, microphone, and lighting and stuff, but guess what? I didn't! And I also need to do my makeup, skincare... Ah!

Anyways, I'm dying. Yo, last time when I had a burnout, I was really rushing to get back into the zone and, you know, live my best life. But this time, I'm gonna chill. Like, there's no need to rush. And also, I'm currently wearing this Arigato sweater, which means thank you in Japanese, from Amazon.

Amazon is a German-based, Japanese-inspired, Japanese style brand. They contacted me and said like, "Oh, hey, we want to send you some sweaters. Are you down?" And like, "Yeah!" And down! And they sent me this Arigato sweater. I think it's really cute! It has like a nice thickness; it's not too thick, it's not too thin, but it's really cozy and warm. So, I think it's great.

Ah! I think I'm gonna film a video, then edit it, publish it, go to the gym, come back, cook something, study, and then go to sleep. You don't want it to begin one time. I just wanna see what happens. Don't ignore! You wanna know? I'll show you all the classics! No, I'm small but I saw you when I saw the title.

[Music] [Music] [Music]

Okay, so I've been editing the tech recommendation video for over three hours, and now I'm super tired. I thought that I would go to the gym, but I realized that my body is super sore. Yesterday, I went to the gym after a very long break, and every single muscle of my body is really sore, and my ankles kind of hurt. So, I decided not to push myself. I used to push myself and say that it's just an excuse, but today I decided to just listen to my body. I'm gonna chill a bit.


Okay, so it's currently 8 PM. I published the video. It's been going pretty well. It's performing pretty good, and now I'm hungry because I only had like omelets, two slices of bread, then I had crackers that actually has quite a lot of things. I had this overnight oats that I put last night in the fridge, so I think I'm gonna have it with a little bit of pomegranate and a little bit of apple. And then I think I'm gonna add a little bit of yogurt—Turkish yogurt.

I don't [ __ ] understand why nobody knows that yogurt is also a Turkish thing! In Turkey, we eat yogurt quite a lot. We have like different types of traditional yogurts. In Japan, they say they sell like Bulgarian yogurt, and in the West, people say Greek yogurt, but nobody talks about our Turkish yogurt. In Turkey, we have amazing yogurts! I personally love Turkish yogurt the most! I traveled to a bunch of countries, more than 10 countries, and I had like different types of yogurts, but I personally love our yogurt the best!

The yogurts that I had in Japan were like really watery, and in Turkey, we have like that thick, you know, yogurt—thick with double C.

Anyways, I'm gonna have our yogurt. So, as you can see here, we have our yogurt. I'll show you. Can you see this thickness? We also have the watery, like kind of consistency yogurt as well, but I love my yogurt to be good. Thanks!

Try to make more money than life makes problems. No saline.


Foreign [Music].

I'm gonna have dinner while watching some videos.


I've been laying here one and a half hours. I had my dinner. I mean, I meant like the yogurt bowl because my cooking skills... I need to respond to emails. I probably need to film another video. I need to write a script. I need to study. But guess what? Who's procrastinating? I don't know why the heck I'm so happy I'm procrastinating, but I'm the happiest girl alive right now. Happiest since you, woman!

I don't know what's next. I ain't found closure. I keep a knife in my chest just to cut holes off. I don't know, I gotta go now. It's over here!

Alrighty, so it's currently 12:50 AM—12:50 PM. I don't know, 00:50. Which one is it? I don't know. I didn't write any script, I didn't respond to my mails yet, and I didn't go to the gym, but I also procrastinated like for four hours—no, three hours. But the thing is, I filmed two videos today, I edited one video and I published it, and I filmed like Friday's video, and I'm currently filming this vlog.

I didn't study because there are not so many things to study right now. Just like my committee exams just ended yesterday. We started the second committee, and we didn't learn that much yet. So luckily, I didn't have anything. I used to force myself to do something and tell myself that today was not enough. It's not good. Like, "Rudy, you gotta, you know, push yourself to do something and stuff."

But today, I'm not gonna do that! You know, I'm gonna appreciate the amount of work that I've done today. Think positive about it! If today was good, that means that there is more space tomorrow to improve myself. You know, if you do a little amount of work, that means that you can be better easily the next day. So, I'm the only one ever really needed.


I don't think I'll ever fall in love with you, baby.


I don't think I'll ever fall in love.


So, this is Wednesday. Actually, Thursday is due because it's currently 1 AM. So, today, I went to school. Okay, and after school, we like had dinner with one of my friends, and I came back home and then I took a nap. And the time that I realized, it was 1 AM! I just woke up from my nap!

In my makeup, do my skincare, and you know, classic self-care. But in order to become a morning person, I decided to take a step because I feel like since I'm filming this video, I feel like it's some sort of responsibility towards this video, which affects me in a good way. So, I decided to book a 7 AM gym session, um, in some sort of like a gym class, which is going to be a CrossFit.

So, I booked that, and tomorrow actually, you know, today, if you want to be really specific, at 7:00 AM, I have a gym session. And after that, I'm gonna go to uni. We'll see how it goes. If I like it, like do my workout at the beginning of the day, I might like continue that because it seems like a pretty cool idea.

I was planning to go to the gym after school, but then I was like so tired and really sleepy, so I just like came back home and then did a nap and then blackout. And it's what I am!

So, we're gonna try it out. I think trying different things out when you're trying to figure out your life is really important! My sleep schedule is really messed up right now, and if I would book every single day at very, like in early hours gym session, it might motivate me because I really like to go to the gym! It makes me feel like 100 times better after even a really short workout.

So, I feel like I can fix my life in that way! So, we're gonna try it tomorrow out, and if it works, it works! It's 1 AM, and my brain is just like... I don't know! Guess who cleaned up all the dishes at 2 AM? Literally, why? But I also cleaned my pan as well. Your girl is even procrastinating from sleeping. Good night!


I'm really questioning my life decisions. Why did I pick a class at 7 AM? Like, literally, why am I doing this to myself? I changed to my workout clothes. Let's go!


You see, you’re walking down [Music] under her disguise.




So, I actually booked a class at 7 AM, but then I miscalculated the time that I need to go to the gym. Therefore, I rebooked the class at 10 AM. I really want to go from back, but I'm in my workout clothes, and I feel some sort of responsibility towards my workout clothes! Therefore, I want to hit the gym today. At 8 AM, we have two hours.

I decided to use this time productively and respond to some mails and also write a script for a video. If I have enough time, I might study. We'll see!


I want it right now for taking it never held [Music].


I don't do forgiving.



Okay, so I came back home, and my mom made me some food. And also we have pocha, which is a Turkish sort of like bread. This is really yummy! Okay, oh, my mom baked them! We have our chicken noodle-ish soup and chipotles, and my mom is currently making some salads for me to get those vitamins, you know? Let's have our chicken soup.




Okay, so my mom made me a steak salad. Time to take some nap! I actually have an online lecture right now. It's actually mandatory, but they record the lectures, and also, they don't really check if students are there. I'm currently exposing myself, but I'm gonna watch the recordings at like triple speed or so because during the lectures, professors talk really slowly.

I can watch a lecture in 40 minutes rather than 120, so why wouldn't I watch the recorded one? You know, I'm gonna use that like time difference, you know, 80 minutes as my nap time! Because let's talk about today. Today was actually a pretty productive day. I went to gym—I, you know, did my workout session, took a shower, came back, and edited the exchange video.

I also made a thumbnail for it, I took a nap, and I also like ate healthy today! I did everything except studying! I probably should find some sort of a schedule for my studying, which I'm gonna do like tomorrow. My friend is gonna come—one of my best friends will stay at like my house, so this house, and we're gonna have fun together.

So, on the weekend, I'm gonna study quite a lot. I decided in that way. So, rather than like trying to squeeze everything in one day, I decided to split up and, you know, spread over the week. I used to always think like, "Okay, today was not productive, I should be productive tomorrow." But right now, I changed my approach and started to think about the whole week!

So, rather than focusing just on one day, I decided to focus on the week. And if today was not good, or yesterday, or like I don't know, Monday, I'm gonna focus on the week! And I also decided to aim to hit 50 to 80% of my goals. So, let's say I want to go to the gym every single day, but my actual goal—my realistic goal—will be hitting the gym three to four times. That means basically 50 to, you know, not 80% but 80% of the goal.

In that way, I actually wanted to start meditating and studying regularly and reading books and stuff, but I feel like these are the habits that we're gonna build over time! So there is no need to stress at all, and I decided to give myself some time. And this week, I feel like even going to the gym two times, I went to the gym two times, and tomorrow I'm gonna hit the gym once more. Three times is a great start!

My sleep schedule is still messed up. I start to eat a little bit healthier—not healthy yet, but healthier. I didn't study this week, which is super bad, but I'm gonna study at the weekend, and we can cover it up in that way. And I will start to also read, and I will reduce my social media consumption. I socialize enough, in my opinion. I have a lot of friends currently, which is good, and yeah, I think it's been going pretty well. We're gonna continue like this!

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