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Pop Goes the Beetle | Primal Survivor

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Dehydration is affecting my coordination. I should drink, but there's a problem with my remaining water. This water in this bag has been here so long, and it's been so hot; it just tastes so rancid. I'm thirsty, but it's almost undrinkable. Drinking bad water will make me ill, causing vomiting or diarrhea, and the resulting fluid loss could be a death sentence.

So, I need to purify what little liquid remains in an environment where water is scarce and the source is often questionable. Boiling it is always the smartest course of action, and the Berber Nomads go further, adding mint to make a tea with antibacterial properties. That's a refreshing pick-me-up.

While the fire coals are still hot, I'll cook the last of my food supplies—these beetles. You smell them, and they emit a toxic, noxious smell. It's almost like creosote. They're definitely going to pack a punch when they're done, but roasting them a little bit makes them taste a lot better.

Sorry, buddy, crunchy that's for sure! Definitely popcorn with a little bit of gasoline. But they're not that bad—kind of nice, actually. All right, that was a very needed break.

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