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TIL: Dinosaurs May Have Danced Like Birds | Today I Learned

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] I think one of the most exciting things that people don't really realize is that birds are living dinosaurs.

And dinosaurs giving rise to birds probably did the same thing that birds [Music] do. Virtually all birds use their feathers for display.

You think about a Triceratops; I mean, they had this huge, uh, fan basically on the back of their head. There's no evidence that Triceratops used its horns for any kind of aggressive behavior because, as they got bigger and bigger, their horns became hollow, and their shields became very thin. They were probably all for display, and because they're displaying very much like birds, more than likely, dinosaurs danced like [Music] birds.

Kind of dances that you might imagine with dinosaurs would be spectacular looking, and it would be spectacular motion.

It's all speculation trying to figure out how they're going to display, but that's pretty cool.

If you look at the brain, it looks like multiple Grand Canyons. If you look at a mouse brain, you don't see that; it's very smooth. The outer mantle of the brain, the cortex, is very smooth in a mouse, but we have all these grooves and valleys in a human brain.

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