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High Speed video of Canon DSLR Shutter - Smarter Every Day 40

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey, it's me Destin. Welcome to Smarter Every Day, and a blood vessel exploded in my eye. It's pretty cool. It's called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. I think it's pretty neat.

Anyway, so today I'm gonna show you a little experiment that I'm doing right before we go to the hospital and have a baby. I am taking high speed video of a DSLR camera shutter. DSLR is Digital Single Lens Reflex, and this is a high speed camera, a Phantom that I'm pointing directly at the DSLR.

I take the lens and the cover off here, and you can see underneath there's a mirror, and the mirror jumps out of the way and then exposes the shutter which then exposes the sensor. And there's two types of sensors in modern DSLR cameras. There's a CCD, which is a Charge Coupled Device, and there's also a CMOS sensor. A CMOS is a Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor sensor.

So I'll explain what those are in a later video, but for now, enjoy some wicked cool high speed footage, and sorry about the eye. Eugh. It happens.

Anyway, have a good one. We're going to have a baby. Bye.


[Captions by Andrew Jackson]

Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.

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