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Changing your Application icons

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Uh hey, what's up guys? Uh, this is Macad 101, and um, a couple people requested, or one person requested, how to um change your icon um for any application.

So um, 'cause previously I showed how to make some of the Adobe icons, and I don't know, maybe someone made a cooler one, made one that they think is cooler, and they want to exchange it. So for this example, what should I do? I'll do Firefox; I'll change its icon, but I'll keep a copy.

So first stuff, um, applications aren't really um, applications. Well, they are, but uh, what I mean by that is they're kind of folders. But they just... just, if you double click on a folder, it'll bring you inside of a folder, but if you double click on an application, um, it'll launch the application. So in order to um, view the inside of the folder, you're going to have to right click on a Mac. It's control click. Obviously, on a Mac, you can't do this on a PC.

Uh, well, you can't do it the way we're doing it. Show package content, and that'll open up the folder inside. So now we're inside of the folder Firefox. Like here, we're inside applications; here we're inside Firefox. So take another icon. Then I'll use, I'll use... you know what? Taco HTML, I like its icon.

Okay, so I'm just gonna... okay, so right now I have two things. Usually, you're just going to see the inside of the folder; you're just going to see one folder. It's called content, and then you're going to see resources, Mac, and stuff.

So right now I have two things, and you see they're very similar. You'll get info, and you'll get P info or package info, and you'll get um, maybe some code, resources, some plugins, Macos, and resources. Go into resources and go into resources. Usually, resources is going to have a whole bunch of pictures for um... what's it called? That you'll see.

Like here's the mouse cursor for when you're over, and a whole bunch of pictures that you'll see in that application. So um, you'll see the picture for the icon; it will always be there. So I'll just copy that and paste it there. I'll copy that and paste it there.

So let's say you photoshopped something, okay? So right here I have Firefox icons, or icns, and I want the taco to be its icon. So I can just um, here I'll put that, make a new folder, because you can't have two things in the same... I’ll just put that in my home directory for now.

Okay, so now I'm going to press enter, press Apple A, copy that name, 'cause inside there's code for the thing. So you can't have it any name you want. And I'm going to paste that name there. So now that that's called fire fox. ion um, i ns, I can just bring that right into there.

It's going to ask me if I want to replace it. I'll say yes, and if you look at my dock... well, um, my dock didn't change yet. Hold on, quit Firefox.

So now if I go into applications, I'll go to Firefox, and Firefox has a taco icon. So I'm going to just change it back for... I'll show you guys real quickly how to do it. First, you right click on the application; you say show package content. You'll see a folder called content. Click on that, go into resources, look for um, the icon. It should be do i ns, and it's usually going to be the name of the application. Drag the other one that you want in there, make sure it has the same name, so that's how you change your icon.

I know there's another application that does it for you; I think it's called um, Lollipop or Candy Shop or something like that. Lolop Mac. Well, okay, well, whatever. But I, I know that I don't like to use that application that much 'cause it doesn't really back it up. And if you have a f a picture that you want to use as an image, it'll use the image icon, so it doesn't work that well for me.

Um, um, doesn't back things up, and um, I just think it's safer to do it this way 'cause you know what you're doing. So um, thank you very, very much. I hope this helped, and uh, goodbye.

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