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Life Unlocks After These 15 Changes

14m read
·Nov 1, 2024

92% of people want change. Every year, 76% of people die with the regret of allowing life to pass them by. Average job. Average home. Average partner. Despite nobody starting off looking for average yet, they still end up there. By the end of this video, your life will not be the same. You'll either get up from your ass feeling like this is an inflection point in your life, or with the realization that you'll never be more than you are and it'll eat away at you from within. This video is a challenge to see which of you are willing to do whatever it takes if you want your true life to finally start. Here are 15 changes for a life you are proud of.

First up, change what you think is achievable. Not possible, or you're not going to like this. But your potential doesn't mean anything. You don't experience life according to your potential. You experience it according to your effort. There is a difference between I can do something and I will do something. Lots of people can. Only a small percentage will do the thing that's necessary and all the rewards in the world will go to those people. That's why 90% of the wealth goes to 10% of the people. That's why 90% of fame, comfort, happiness and peace goes to 10% of people because they don't leave it to chance. You don't find happiness. You become happy.

The difference between those categories of individuals lies in the belief that their version of success is attainable. Not everyone who believes they're going to be rich and successful actually gets there. But everyone who's become rich and successful knew deep down in their hearts they were destined for it. This is a very subtle distinction that most people miss. So if you want to live a life that you're truly proud of, change what you think is possible for you. Believe in it in your heart and through obsessive pursuit, you'll actively bring it into existence.

Change how you see and speak to yourself. As cliché as it sounds. And hey, it's cliché for a reason. Any real change starts from within. That's within the brain of yours being pumped with chemicals that you allow to interpret your reality on that basis. If you're able to tweak who the interpreter is, your identity, your actions and your reality will reflect that. This is why, after losing £10 through trials and tribulations, you put the weight back on. This is why, after quitting smoking or drinking for two months, you pick it back up again. You took a break for your identity, but you didn't change it. You still ate and partied.

But if you change your identity from a lazy person who's doing this massive push to temporarily lose weight to I am a runner, the goal becomes the norm. A runner keeps on running. Same with smoking, drugs, alcohol, red meat. Whatever you choose to remove from your life, the results will stick around forever. If you shift from a limited game to an infinite game, it needs to become a lifestyle. Everyone who's rich and successful made this change early on. Watch any interview, read any biography, and they'll tell you that they became that person in their head. First, they changed their identity. They started doing the things rich, happy and successful people do on a daily basis. And what do you know? It freakin worked. It's simple cause and effect.

If you are not your number one fan, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be? Change the way you speak about yourself. Once you really believe the person in the mirror is going to make it, you change your personal behavior in pursuit of that vision. Well, the metric changes from if to when.

Change how others see and treat you. The world treats you how you treat yourself, how you present yourself, how you allow it to treat you. From posture to the clothes you drape your body in, to how you smell, how you're groomed, how much you actually mean, what comes out of your mouth, as well as the quality of the information. Humans are hierarchical creatures. We've been using hierarchies for millennia, so as humans we leverage these indicators to figure out everyone's place in the hierarchy.

This grants non-linear outcomes to people higher in the perceived hierarchy. They get promoted more, they have better looking partners. More people come to your aid along the way. And all of these compound over the years. The moment you experience this domino effect, you begin developing confidence. And confidence is a cheat code in society. Also, some people are just assholes. Okay. Which is why bullies prey on the weak. Life is pretty terrible at the bottom of the societal hierarchy, but the great news is with a very small tweak, you can make your way up.

Change what you do professionally. Where and how you do it. There are three changes you need to make professionally. First, what? Change to a different field or industry. If you don't feel aligned with what you do now. Second, where? Change your position in your current organization or change the organization altogether until you're paid what you're worth and your growth is aligned with your professional goals. And three, how? Go from employee to consultant to freelancer to creator to business owner to impact. It needs to be challenging, to be creative.

Instead of training, people waste their lives in jobs they hate working with people they don't like, jobs that won't make them rich or at least fulfilled. Feeling stuck on a professional hamster wheel where they'd dread waking up to another day because they have to go to work. It's obvious from a distance, but they don't see it. If you're always in a room full of shit, it's not going to be long until you no longer notice the smell. But rest assured, the shit is still there. Change the view, the soil, the city, the country. There's so much power in just the ability to move. And small choices have dramatic effects.

Move from the back of the bus to the front of the bus and the world changes. Move from the cave out into the sun and you realize just how much world there is. Moving leads to what is right for you. So did you move? How far did you go? How far do you feel like you should go? If the life you want is not available in your location, every second of every day should be focused on moving somewhere it is. The world is much bigger than the small town you grew up in. People you would really like and they would like you. Memories you could make together. Jobs, projects, experiences are all out there waiting. Your life is supposed to be one hell of an adventure, but you locked yourself into this imaginary box and you refuse to move.

But how, Alux? It's expensive, isn't it? What if this move doesn't work out well? What if it does? You will never be the age you are right now ever again. The new year is around the corner. And if you don't move next year, it'll look a lot like this year. But with more back pain, two or three extra pounds and waiting for the weekend. For some of you, it might be as easy as just moving to a different place in your city. For others, it's moving to a completely new country where you can take a bike to the beach.

What if we guarantee your success? What if we showed you exactly how to prepare for everything? How to save a little bit of money here and there for the plane ticket? Land a remote job at another country? Get yourself a few months of buffer time and just get you moving on with this great adventure. Would you do it?

Well, for the last 12 months, we've been working on a flagship experience called Reinvent Mastery. We're not only do you get the recipe for completely reinventing who you are, what you do and where you live, but we guide you along the way. If deep down you feel like your life is supposed to be an adventure, that you can't wait for your life to start, know that this is the thing you've been missing. This thing right here is your ticket to a new life. And this ticket comes with the biggest guarantee we have ever made. If your life doesn't change for the better, or if the course doesn't at least pay for itself in the next six months, we'll give you all your money back. Guaranteed. No questions asked.

The course is available at Reinvent for the next seven days only. We'll close the doors up and help this batch of students implement a plan to earn more, get promoted, switch jobs, elevate themselves, and even fully move into a different country. Even better, to help you get started, use the promo code NEWME for $100 off at checkout and put that $100 toward your new life fund. We'll see you on the inside. Go to, promo code NEWME.

Change the narrative. If you loved the Rosa Parks example earlier, you're going to love this one because every narrative out there is up for grabs right now. So what if nobody where you're from or in your family has ever gotten rich? You'll be the first. Whenever idiots say stuff like people like you can't insert your dream here, kick back and watch someone complete glee crush it. It's the universe's way of reminding them that the game is still in play for whoever wants to play it. There are no walls that can stop someone who is a force of nature. When your moment comes, will you capture it, or will you let it slip?

Change what you fuel your mind with. Your mind is your most valuable asset. Every reward you'll get in life will be constructed first in your mind. So protect that gold mine of yours carefully. You remove garbage from your house because it'll fester and lead to disease. The same thing happens inside your head. You need to remove garbage beliefs and ideas that are not contributing to your well-being. You know better than anyone just how much time you regret wasting on endless scrolling through nonsense. So remove the garbage. Add a daily dose of wisdom and your life starts to make sense.

Change what you fuel your body with. Now we're not going to tell you to eat your salad. Okay, relax. But understand that your body would feel differently if you changed some of the things that you consume. Turns out some of you out there are feeling depressed, not knowing that you're actually just iron deficient. It costs a couple of hundred dollars to get your blood work looked into. They'll tell you exactly what you're missing and why you're feeling the way you are. If you're tired, if you can't focus, if you can't sleep well, if you don't feel motivated, if life is kind of gloomy, you're likely deficient in some chemical your body normally fills you up with. But for some reason, it's not doing that right now.

So to go the natural route, you can buy the foods that will supplement your deficiency or you can get the supplemental pills if that works better for you. Changing the biochemistry in your body opens you up and allows you to live. You've been running on low battery mode for months now, so charge up.

Change how you treat other people. Life has this way of reflecting things back at you. This seems to work both for the positives and the negatives. Some people call it karma, but it's actually more instant than that. We experience life through our own relationships. Be more forgiving, give people the benefit of the doubt, smile more, and these seemingly insignificant things will amount to a much better lived life. The world will notice and will smile back at you. Support people in their own journeys. If you want to be happy, make others happy. If you want to be rich, help others become richer. Be nicer to the people you meet consistently and soon enough you'll have built a small community around you that you know and care about.

This is one of the core reasons why people in Okinawa live over 100 years. Meanwhile, you're out there acting like some kind of antisocial martial animal who can't wait to be away from everybody. And you wonder why things don't feel right.

Change the speed of your decision making. The biggest accelerator of achievement when it comes to your dream life lies in your ability to make decisions. Since we are the sum of all the decisions we make, making better decisions faster leads to superior outcomes in a shorter period of time. Instead of waiting until the end of the week to make a decision, make it today. Instead of leaving it for tomorrow, do it today. Historically, you've made decisions that have worked out in your favor and you've developed a gut feeling and rationale for them. Use it way more often than before.

Deep down, you know there are things that will benefit you in the future if you only acted on them. Reinvent Mastery is a perfect example of this. Deep down, you know this is perfect for where you are in life right now. And if you went to to reinvent it and enroll today, things would immediately be set into motion. This is a decisive moment for you, where you choose how fast you're willing to make decisions that help you accelerate your progress in life.

Even better, this is what's called a free roll for you, meaning that you just have to make the decision without anything to lose. For you, it's just upside. Because of our public guarantee, you get to experience the course and if for any reason you think it wasn't valuable enough, we'll give you your money back. If you're a business owner, all of our courses are deductible expenses as they fall under personal development. So your company, not yourself, can pay for the course on your behalf.

So how quickly are you able to make this decision? If you want to move into the fast lane, go to, use the promo code NEWME for $100 off and make sure to buy it with the company credit card to deduct it as an expense. We'll see you on the inside.

Change the volume. Nobody's ever told you this, but growth in life is actually a simple formula. Growth equals time of activity over time per decision multiplied by leverage. That's knowledge, money, tools, etc. Even if you only make one good decision a year, meaning the time it takes to make that decision is high, you can still see massive growth if you take a lot of action following through. Think about it. If you double the volume of effort, double the number of your hours you put into your craft, you will achieve in a year what it would take others two years to do.

By year three or four, you're so far ahead, they can't even catch you. You increase the speed of making decisions as well. So now you're learning faster. You invest in yourself, in your education and your tools, and all of a sudden your growth is ten times that of everyone else's. And they're looking at you as if you're some kind of alien. If you want life to change, you need to change the variables that contribute to it.

Change the elevator that you're on. Some of you got into the wrong elevator and you know it. The elevator you're on is going down when you want to go up. You feel like it was a mistake, but you've got so much put into it that it would feel like taking a big L to get off. You only get a couple of shots at this. If you waste any more time, you'll lose all of them. Business-wise, if you're in the newspaper business, that's an elevator that is almost at the bottom and it ain't going back up. TV as we know it is dying. It's also one of the elevators going down.

YouTube is the elevator going up. Los Angeles and San Francisco are elevators going down. Barcelona and Dubai are going up. Streaming and AI are going up. Tobacco and alcohol are going down. Jeff Bezos literally became the richest person in the world because at the age of 30 years old, he saw a statistic and said the web is growing at 2,300% per year. That was an elevator going up. So he jumped on this elevator knowing that if he misses this boat, he may never see anything like it again.

Once again, this comes down to the speed of decision-making and the ability to recognize elevators going up. Change your optics on life. Beauty is in the eye of the person who chooses to see and create beauty out of what they have or whatever. That saying is about holding BS. We laugh at that joke, and even if it's this far in the video, so hit the like button if you like BS.

Now, not to get too stoic or relativistic on you or anything, but everything is relative. Everything. It matters what you compare it to. You might feel like you've got a shitty life because you've never met anyone, or your mind doesn't process just how shitty other people's lives can be. There are at least a billion people in this world right now who, if they got to live your life, it would mean that all of their dreams came true. All of them. This doesn't mean that you should stop growing. Nope. That's actually a part of the dream. You get the incredible opportunity to do this, to change, to experiment, to try things and keep the good parts.

Once you understand how you can shift your reality by shifting your optics, you'll never feel like the world is against you ever again.

Change over, over and over again. Here's the thing, okay? Not everything will work out, but a few things will. So the rational, smart person who's going to win this will look at that hypothesis and go like, "Well, I just have to try as many things as I can until I find the one that works." This is what changing your approach allows you to do. As long as you don't stop, you will make progress, and every once in a while something will click. The more things that click for you, the better you are at distinguishing what won't work from what will, and everything that happens in your life expands.

You pick up speed and smile from ear to ear. To everyone else, this looks like all of the planets have aligned for you, and instead all you have to do is to go through all of the combinations. The worst thing you could do is to try once, get a negative outcome and decide to quit and label it as not working. Off the top of your head, you know people who are like that.

And last but not least, dream freakin big. We wanted to end with this one because it is the truth. The big rewards in life are exclusively reserved for those who dare to dream about their achievement. This is a skill you have to develop on your own because your parents, your teachers, society in general lacks the ability to dream big. It's a fire inside of us that they don't have. And if you do, you know exactly what we're talking about. When you tell people you're going to be a millionaire or billionaire, they laugh at you because their understanding of reality doesn't allow for that kind of dream. Yet there are billionaires and millionaires in the world, so why not you?

When you tell people you're going to write a bestseller, they say it's impossible because they've never written a page in their life. Yet every month people publish bestsellers. So why not you? People change jobs, friends, relationships, countries, industries all the time. So why not you? Once you do, they'll look at you strange. They'll say you changed like you worked that hard to stay the same. If there was one thing you could change about your life or yourself, what would it be like, sir? Let us know in the comments.

And as a thank you for watching this long video until the end. We've got a special bonus saved just for you. One leap of change per year at ALUX. We have an internal challenge that we've set up for ourselves. Every year we look at our lives and we pick one thing that we want to change or one thing we've never done before but really wanted to. It's not a superficial thing. It's more deep than that. Then we organize the entire year around making that a reality.

Think about it. Let's say you're in your thirties, right? You're probably going to hit your eighties. That's 50 years ahead of you. If every year you change one thing about your life that contributes to your overall happiness, that's 50 things that stack up to make sure you live a great frickin life and you don't die with regret. The New Year is around the corner and we want to make sure our own people don't fall into the same trap as everyone else. We built Reinvent Mastery around this idea, and since only the true elixir has watched over to you until the very end, we've got a secret discount code saved just for you.

Go to and use the promo code MYTIMEISNOW for $150 off. That's a massive 30% discount as a way for us to say thank you for watching these videos until the very end. By the way, one of the perks of the course is that you get access to a live coaching session where some of the Alux members, including Mr. Emile Anton, the CEO of Alux, will see you on the inside, a lecture.

And just to keep up with tradition, write the word now in the comments. If your new life begins right now, as we mentioned in the beginning of this video, let's see how many of you are serious about this.

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