How to sell a $23,500,000 private jet | Dassault Falcon 7X
This is a Dao Falcon 7X aircraft. We're going to take a look through it right now.
So, Steve, I've noticed that this aircraft has three engines compared to the other two-engine aircraft. Why is that?
It's quite funny, there's three engines versus two engines, but the three engines burn less fuel than most two-engine airplanes. The benefits are that it gives you better runway performance, meaning that you could take off and land in shorter runways. Also, flying over the ocean, it gives people a psychological sort of comfort level that you have three instead of two. In reality, these engines are so reliable on all these jets, it's really a non-issue.
And of course, you know, most of the new airplanes now, they all have these winglets. They give it better stability, get you climbing to altitude much sooner, and they provide better fuel efficiency. So the combination of those things, you see all airplanes today that are being manufactured have these winglets.
So, we are now inside the aircraft. Steve, could you please tell us a little bit more?
Sure, most of these airplanes have the first four forward club seats. It's a very open seating; it's more of a conversational area. Coming back here, you have the conference four table, which is a dining table with two extra seats across to have a conversation. You can have a meal. It's a great place that everybody gathers around, then more of a place like in the back here, where you're coming into the bedroom.
You can see here now you have two couches, or they're called "deans" on these airplanes, and they open up each to a single bed. They also can come together completely to make one big full queen-size bed. Obviously, all the window shades close down so you can be a complete blackout. It's really like a separate bedroom on an airplane.
Yeah, indeed, there is plenty of space. I'm like 180, and I can literally stand straight here. Could you tell us a little bit more about the range of this aircraft and the capacities?
Sure. So this airplane, now, this is a very high-density aircraft. It holds about 16 people. It has the capability of going from London all the way to Los Angeles; it's 5,800 nautical miles, and it's very fuel efficient. The 7X came out after the Falcon 900. The Falcon 900 had a couple of different versions: the 900B, C, EX, EZ, and an LX. Those airplanes basically did about 1,000 miles less in range, so this airplane goes further.
You have the capability of carrying more people, longer range, and it's actually about the same fuel efficiency as that airplane.
I've noticed those shades are manual. That's quite funny because normally they're supposed to be automatic.
Those shades are used up and down a lot. If one gets stuck, you got a little bit of a problem. So they are more convenient when you hit one button and they all go up and down, but when you have an issue, it's better that they're individually controlled. It's like on a regular commercial airline, you know, one section that has the shades open and some sections have them closed doesn't really disrupt the interior lighting that much.
The million dollar question is, how much is the aircraft going for?
That is a million dollar question; it's actually a $20 million question. This aircraft is probably half the price it was when it was brand new, but around $20 million, this airplane could be yours. And if I want to buy the aircraft, where should I go?
There's only one place to go when you want to buy an airplane: it's Jet Business.
So, Steve, I've noticed that there are a few other aircraft around. Isn't it?
Yeah, it's busy right here. This is a Gulfstream 450 over here.
Wait, Steve, how do you know that it's a Gulfstream 450?
After 40 years looking at these things, I know. But it's a shorter fuselage, it has less windows, and the engine is a little smaller.
Compared to?
Look at that; the next one is a G650. You can see how many more windows there are. They're bigger windows, the engine's bigger, and the route where the wing hits the fuselage is much fatter.
Do you give us a ballpark for how much these two aircraft are going for?
Depending on what year, the G450 goes between $10 and $20 million, and that G650 goes anywhere from $40 to $60 million.
There are a few smaller jets around here as well.
Yeah, this is actually a Pilatus PC-24. There are not too many of them around, but it's a good short-field airplane. Then right behind it, you have a Citation M2. You can't really even see it here; it's so small, but it's a much smaller range, only about five people. It goes about 1,500 miles—not really great for a lot of people long range, but it's a nice, efficient, small little airplane.
Could you tell us a little bit more about the price for these two jets?
Yeah, this Pilatus PC-24 is about $12 million, and the Citation M2 is probably around $4 or $5 million.
Okay, and what about these aircraft?
This is a Global 6000. That airplane could be around $35 million.
Have you ever flown on one of those?
Not on the PC-24, no. No, it's super tiny. I love it; it's like a tender to the Falcon, you know. It's in case you take that little Citation to taxi to the front door of the FBO. It's for the kids.
And which one is that aircraft?
That's a Global 7500 or 6500. The 7500 is super quiet. They really have a very, very nice calm ride. Because the giant wing gives it a really steady ride, it's really a nice airplane to fly.
My God, I was going to take that Falcon and go somewhere south.
Sounds like a good one.
And now I've got to race back to Central London; I have a meeting at 2:00, so I'm going to be rushed. Then another meeting at 4:00, another meeting at 5:30, a dinner meeting at about 8:00, I think. So full packed afternoon.