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Witness the Majestic Fin Whale | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Oh, I'm Bertie. I want to tell wildlife stories in a rapidly changing world. You ready? We made it to Antarctica, and I'm here to film the mighty fin whale. Antarctica is a monumental challenge to filming at the best of times, but the whale gathering we're going for happens out in the roughest bit of ocean on the planet.

As the days tick by, serious doubts are creeping in. But there's one small scrap of hope: one of the satellite tags is reporting lots of whale activity close to our anchorage. For the first time in days, it's clear, and straight away I can see little party poppers. This is unbelievable! The scale of it is mind-boggling.

It's hard to comprehend that we slaughtered 750,000 fin whales, taking the species to the brink of extinction. Knowing that makes this spectacle even more powerful. More importantly, new research has shown the vital role these giants play in capturing and recycling carbon. A thriving whale population brings huge benefits to the planet as a whole.

From this footage, scientists estimate that more than 300 whales were feeding in this aggregation. It is the largest known gathering of fin whales ever filmed. I mean, look at it! This is what happens when you look after wildlife; when you give it the chance, it'll come back on an unbelievable scale.

This is a day I'm not gonna forget in a hurry. [Music] You.

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