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less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Dude, I got an idea! I challenged you to a jump off.

A jump off? What the heck's a jump off?

There's not much to it! Watch this. The [Music] bucket. Is that all there is to a jump off?

Wheelbarrow! Yeah, you think you're something? How about this? Two wheelbarrows! Check this out. [Music]

Yeah, the [Music] hammock! [Music]

Two words: bird [Music] bath! Trash can!

That's right! Add [Music]

I see your trash can and I raise you a trash can! Woo!

Oh yeah, Daddy! Make you, make you! If you can do two, you shouldn't have a problem with a [Music] third.

It's just practice, just warm it [Music] up. I think it's time to up Annie to a picnic table.


Barbed wire fence, old rusty barbed wire fence! Hope you got your teis shot!

I down, I down! Get out your seat!

Jump Around! Jump Around! Jump up, jump up, and get [Music] down!

The ginormous hay! Bab [Music]

The labrador! Get down, so get out your seat and jump around!

Jump Around! Jump Around! Jump around your car! [Music]

Everybody, a [Music] bush!

Your sister, man! Your [Music] sister!

Leg! I broke your leg!

Don't touch it! Never!

I'm never going to challenge you to a jump off again!

Yet another example of Christians having fun.

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