Changing Timestamps of Your Files
Hey guys, this is mac1 with our latest Mac app. So this app is called File Tools. You can download it from our website or a link in the description.
When you open it up, it allows you to set things on a file that you wouldn't normally have access to. So, if I have a sample file here, if we right-click it and say, um, first of all, we can say "Get Info" just by pressing Command + I. We don't even have to right-click, but uh, if you have a look, you'll see the created date and the modified date. You'll also see the software that was used to encode it.
Now, this is kind of, uh, annoying because people will be able to tell what operating system you used and when you made it, etc. So, if you want to have better file privacy, you can go into our app, click on "File Dates," click this little thing, select samples, um, and now you'll be able to modify the date that it was created and modified.
So, let's make it created and modified on the 12th. It'll save automatically. We can look back and it was created yesterday. Now we can do something very cool; we can change it to tomorrow by setting it to the 14th, and now it's created tomorrow. So, this is really easy. It's easy to mess with this thing, and it's pretty hilarious that it actually says "Created Tomorrow."
Um, so that's pretty amusing. Um, you'll probably get a kick out of that. Now we can go to the QuickTime dates to get rid of the encoding software right there. So, if we open it up, we drag it in, um, we click "Open," we click "Clear Timestamps," and now, um, if we close this up, press I again, looks like the encoding software is not there.
Now, last open is just, uh, metadata. So, if we copy this file, let's just copy it, um, and then when we press info, it will become the modification date. So, if you want to change that, just go back in here. Let's say we want to make it on the 4th. Um, you just change that date, you can then copy this file, then the new copy will have a different last open date.
So, that's how you change the last open date. You just have to make a copy of the file, and it'll change to the date modified. I think that's very, uh, easy to do. Now before I do that on the Mac, there's hidden files. So, we can go to "File Flags," select the file here, and we can check if it's hidden. If we hide it, it won't be there; if we unhide it, it will be there.
We can also make it so Finder shows us hidden files. Like, it'll show you this; it'll show you's door. I like that being off. Um, anyway, I'll hide the file and hide it one more time. Now, the last thing you should know about your Mac is that when you delete a file, it actually just deletes a reference to the file. It doesn't actually wipe over the data that the file had.
So, it's very hard to actually get rid of a file, even if you delete it and empty your trash. So, to do this, we go into "Secure Delete," click dot dot dot, drag it in, and now we can wipe it for good. So I'll overwrite it 35 times. I'll say overwrite the date, I will randomize the data that is overwritten, and I'll move it to the trash.
So, we can see that it's not valid. If you don't check this, it'll just delete it, and I'll make it play a sound. So, let's wipe that. We can look in my trash and it seems like this is the latest one, and it's corrupted. So, that's pretty, pretty awesome.
Um, so that's our latest app. So thanks for watching mac1! Check out the download in the description and goodbye.