YouTube On the Rise Contest- Smarter Every Day
Hey, it's me Destin, I just got home from work. Ignore the thunderstorm in the background. But a couple of things I'd like to do after a long day at work is— the first is I find my wife and plant a big kiss on her. And then I take my boots off. That's what I like to do.
So, I wanna tell you something cool that happened today. YouTube has entered me into a contest called the 'YouTube on the Rise contest.' It's a contest for people who have a lot less than 100,000 subscribers and I probably have around 9,000 subscribers. I got them from various experiments I've done with SmarterEveryDay.
So anyway, I'd really like to win this contest. I was gonna tell you why. I've got two reasons down the hall. They're in this room here on the left, and I have one more reason but let's see what my reasons are doing.
"What are you doing?!" [Giggling] "How did you get up there?!" [Laughing] "Good girl! Alright, let's go outside. With all these toys, why are you playing with a box? Do you know why? Why? Because boxes are awesome!"
Alright, so anyway, sorry about that. Those are two reasons why I do my YouTube channel, because what I do is I am saving up money for my children's education. Every time somebody watches a video, ultimately, in the long run, it ends up getting closer to my children being smart.
So the other day I asked my children on the way home what they want to be when they grow up so I can know what I'm saving the money for, and the response I got was not what I expected. "What do you guys wanna be when you grow up?" [Unclear] "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" [Unclear]
"What? An ice cream girl?" "An ice cream girl? Little boy, what do you want to be when you grow up?" [Unclear] "A dancing hotdog?" [Laughs] Who am I to stand in the way of my son's dream of becoming a dancing hotdog? I mean really. And who are you to stand in the way of his dream of becoming a dancing hot dog?
So please speak... Wait [Giggles]. So this is what I'd like you to do, if you don't mind. Um, if you would go to this website—it's the YouTube blog page—and it's called the "On the Rise Video Contest." If you'd vote for "destinws2," which is my channel name, which is Smarter Every Day, if you'd vote for that I'd really appreciate it.
There's a lotta other good people out there. If you don't like my stuff, I can understand; you can vote for them. If we wanna be smart about this, if you really do like the stuff, the smart way to handle this is not only you vote, but you get your friends to vote too. That'd be really cool.
I'm not cute, I can't sing and all that kinda stuff, and I'm not great at video, but I do know science and I want other people to have the same passion for science that I do. But anyway, if you would please vote, I would appreciate it.
There's a bunch of other videos that I've already shot that I haven't edited. I shot rockets in the smallest country in Africa in front of a school of young Muslim girls to promote science education; that was pretty cool. We also did a minor surgery in Africa on the fly. I have nothing to offer, no incentives—just me.
Alright guys, it's bedtime. Y'all got a book? You know, sry. Alright [Child] ... story... mmm, let's read. "Hey, little girl, what does daddy expect of you?" [Unclear] [Unclear] We really, really need more dancing hot dogs in the world.