Let That Be a Lesson
I think what's appropriate is a very simple story that I think you'll appreciate. There's an island right off the coast of South Africa where the largest population of sardines exists. Seals love sardines; hundreds of thousands of them sit on an island just bare rock, nothing to eat. They look at the sardines.
After about 7 days, they start to starve, but they know if they go in the water, the great white sharks will eat them alive. Somebody has to go in the water from the seals to sacrifice their lives so the others can live, eating the sardines. It's the one that's starving the most that goes in first, followed by maybe a few thousand more.
The ones that sacrificed their lives did it for a purpose: the DNA of the ones that live can go on. So be, do you know who you are in the story? You're the first seal that goes in the water. The purpose was that others will never come in here again without their numbers. They will learn from the blood and the waters that you've provided.
I'm out. Good luck. Thank you. Thank you very much. Don't go swimming; let that be a last.