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Ask Mr. Wonderful #1 | Kevin O'Leary answers your business questions

3m read
·Nov 7, 2024

[Music] So I'm gonna ask your Instagram questions. We're going to go right down the list. Ready? We're sitting on the set of Shark Tank Season eleven being taped right now.

First question: How long does it take to actually tape a whole season? Well, basically we tape about 10 to 12 deals a day, and we work for about two to three weeks in June, two to three weeks in September. So basically three, four, five, six weeks depending on the season because you never know how long a binge is going to be. So a couple of months to work go into this. It takes time to do it right.

Question number two: Do I invest my own money or does the show have its money? All of this money is money when I make an investment; it's my personal cash. That's why I care about it so much. I care about these deals because it's my cash.

Don't miss this poster! That poster has all six of the main sharks. Even though at any one time you usually only have five sharks on set, but that's the original cast right there, right from the beginning. Barbar me! Okay, imagine six sharks. They'd eat you alive!

Okay, does anybody have a sharpie? Maybe I could sign this nice card. Oh, what a dick! What an idiot! Like that, such a waste of money.

A question: How long's the average pitch? A great question! Pitches last from 20 minutes to an hour and a half, and they get edited down to about seven or eight minutes. It takes a long time to do this.

So sometimes the deal is very competitive; that's the ones an hour and a half long. Sometimes nobody wants any of it; 20 minutes happens. Just don't know; they walked in the door. It's all random.

What's the best part of filming an episode? Getting a deal you love! That's always a great moment when you love something and you win. It is absolutely fantastic!

Photobomb! She's just jealous. [Laughter] [Music] [Music]

My number one shark tape moneymaker was the sale of Plated to Albertsons for 300 million dollars. There's never been a bigger exit than that in Shark Tank history. That's a big question I get all the time: Who's my favorite shark to sit beside? It's always the same answer: I allow that Mr. Wonderful guy. He's fantastic!

Alright, so now you start to get an idea of how big this set is. So there's likes to sound; actually, it's the stage over there. [Music]

An area where guests can watch the show being made. Morning! Yeah, so these are the guys that work on doing a little social media. So after the deal is done, we've got teams that work with the entrepreneurs to get all the paperwork going, the villages started, and everything else at all.

Let's go look at the donuts! Now this is what you wanted to stay away from. A lot of calories in the air. Fresh fruit—that's good! So scrambled eggs and maybe a little veggie! This is vegetarian cauliflower. Index is probably breakfast enchantments right there. And that's it! You— that is not bad food!

So you have lots of options. Cute one! The green ones are vegetarian, and the ones are bacon. You need to stay away from all these calories. Like getting in... feed about this.

Why do I offer you our LT deals? I don't always do royalty deals. There's all kinds of structures. I'm actually the king of structures on Shark Tank. All the other sharks learn from me!

Now we're out to do some very poignant... Did you get your money back faster? I do those, but also convertible debentures, structured debt, preference shares— you name it, I do it!

I'm the financial one! One of the most important things you can do in life is invest in yourself, and one great way to do that is to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Don't forget to hit that notification bell so you get the latest updates of my data. This is stuff I don't put anywhere else.

I'm sharing with you on my YouTube channel, you know, all the things that have helped me get success in life. It's a great place, it's a great resource, and I want to help you. Share, share, share— pass it forward! That's what the Mr. Wonderful YouTube channel is all about.

Subscribe to my channel; you know what happens: you'll be dead to me! [Music] [Music]

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