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TROLL LIPS and more! IMG! #51

3m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Violin skulls and the most popular social networks by country. It's episode 51 of IMG! Our Sun is big, like really, really big. Take a look at this photo of the transit of Venus. Brady Haran pointed this out to me. Venus is pretty big. Almost the size of Earth, but the Sun in this photo is huge and to put it in perspective, in this photo the Sun is 67 million miles further away from us.

But more seriously, what colour is the Moon? I mean, it's easy to think that the Moon is just a bright, white silvery grey. But a lot of that brightness is an illusion, caused by the fact that the Moon is brighter than everything around it. In fact, the Moon only reflects 12% of the light that hits it from the Sun, which means the Moon is quite dim. In fact, it's about the same colour as asphalt, which means that if you were to put the Moon and Earth in equal illumination, the Moon would look like this.

And if you follow @tweetsauce, last week you would have seen how shallow the oceans are compared to the radius of the Earth. If you were to take all the water on Earth and collect it into a single ball, it would only be this large. Mountains and valleys on Earth's surface are even more puny compared to its overall size. If you were to take the Earth and shrink it down to the proportions of a pool ball, the Earth would be smoother than an actual pool ball. But I guess what really matters is that you should be careful kissing these lips.

And in case of trouble, call on these superhero lips to save the day. Nicholas Night's "Social network" series makes Facebook a bit more real. This one is called "Joining a group." "Reached a new high score in Mafia Wars." "Only some friends see you." And "Being a fan of."

Now, a few days ago on Reddit, this giant collection of Facebook timeline covers showed up. You've got Tetris, fencing, funny walks, states of matter and more. Reddit also showed me that with the right positions and camera angle, you can hide not one, but two extra people.

Moving on. On a secluded Mexican island a local man has been decorating trees with people. Baby people. But in Morocco the trees are just full of climbing goats. Oh and these woods? There's a hidden face. See if you can find the face, but be careful.

Post-It notes can be decoration, like building-sized decorations. Or just hang yourself off a building by lying on top of it and looking up at your reflection. Robert The carves old books into elaborate shapes. And this artist stacks and crams book pages, magazines and newspapers into amazing designs, including people.

Here's a barn that's actually a converted water tower. And if you're afraid your beard might fall off, you better grow a beard strap. If you're wondering why all of these animals are so satisfied, the answer is simple. Animals are using the Internet. Not a fan of animals? Well, suit yourself.

Expect along with the reflection that looks like it says something else. And sculptures love escaping. In Japan, KitKats are much more diverse. They've got flavours like pumpkin, potato, sweet corn, even watermelon and salt. Mashable shared a diverse collection of geeky cufflinks. QR codes, typewriter keys, floppy disks and likes.

Now for something less diverse, look at your zipper. Chances are it says "YKK." 90% of zippers in the world are made by the YKK group. Keep being saucy. And as always, thanks for watching.

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