You NEED to Take Time to Reflect On Your Decisions
So I'm curious, what do you see as the importance of principles as we navigate our lives personally, professionally, financially, and collectively into the future?
Uh, what I discovered at an early age, and I really would recommend everybody do this, is that when I would make decisions, I would pause and reflect on the criteria that I would use to make those decisions. I would also put those out there with other people and say, "Are those good criteria by which I'm making those decisions?"
I think too many people just do—they're not reflecting on how they're doing. Almost everything in life has been done by other people before; think about it. If you have—you know—you run a company, okay? Now you're just running and doing.
So, when you can reflect on other people's principles and your principles, it gives me the symbiotic joy of being able to convey some of the things that I learned. Then I hope I pass those along, and you can come back.
It's that open-mindedness and learning. When you reflect on your principles, recognizing that almost everything that's happened has happened many times before, there are lessons to be learned. You don't have to just blindly do.