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Car Cannibals | Dirty Rotten Survival

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Here's the deal, fellas. The challenge for tonight: we're going to cannibalize the vehicles, in some way, shape, or form, to take things with us that will make us more comfortable to camp. Take anything we want off it. Ex: yes, you can take anything off the car and then carry fire from point A to point B, and you start your next fire with the fire that you're carrying. Done! Let's do it.

I've got a slight disadvantage; everything's wet 'cause you're wet. Dave challenged the guys to use anything they can mine from their cars and only their cars for a night out camping. I'm going to remove this reservoir for the windshield washer fluid and hopefully use this for a container if I need to carry water over distance. And when they get back, the cars must be able to drive and be street legal.

Here we have a Buick Century station wagon. Survival knife! I've disconnected the battery; I've safely pulled the airbag out. Now, from the battery to the airbag, I'm going to detonate the airbag 'cause I need the bag. This is like the end of a great action movie. It's like, you know which wire to cut: like the blue with red, and they're like, "Blue! Cut the blue one! Cut the blue one!" Thanks for the warning, bird. Jesus, I thought you blew yourself up over there!

Did you enjoy that, Johnny? I loved it! I know you did. He's 12. Their only method to start fire is with a car battery, so Dave has also challenged the guys to come up with a way to carry a burning ember all the way to where they'll camp. I'm going to make a box. A failed attempt to bring fire to the camp will result in a long cold night.

This is soundproofing; that'll hold an ember. I just keep moving it around; the ember will stay with it. So what I've done here is I've taken the seat back—the headrest. It's got these two metal rods on it; that's how I'm going to carry my fire. Wheels up, we got to go.

All right, so ember boxes or ember devices, boys or ember purses; or ember purses in your case, I suppose. Anytime, Sunshine! Dude, you don't see smoke coming out of yours? You sure you're ready to go? This is my Windstar fire purse—that's a million-dollar idea, boys! The guys are leaving their vehicles behind for a truly challenging night in the woods. The only comforts they've got with them are the clothes on their backs and whatever items they could cannibalize from their cars.

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