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The Pirate's Perspective | Lawless Oceans

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Why did you want to go into piracy? But what made you want to conduct piracy locally? Is it a little way you or the other one for the oven can grow up?

Yeah, I'm getting my devil on. Call myself the other one until the work was enough. The National Guard while demand work at the moment longer in the Horn of Africa. The line between fishing and piracy has long been blurred. The first pirates were actually fishermen turned vigilantes. They attacked foreign boats they believed were fishing illegally in Somali waters.

Fine. During her room off the Somali coast, where those pirates attacked that vessel, when they realized that they could make huge profits by holding these boats to ransom, piracy became big business and Somalia became a no-go zone for Americans and other Westerners. We have seen a dramatic increase in piracy in this area, and it is a matter of real concern. As a maritime investigator, piracy is my specialty. For over six years, I've been doing hostage negotiations and ransom drops.

So if the murder video is connected to piracy, it ought to be a no-brainer for me to prove.

"I, Carson, thanks for agreeing to talk to me. Can you tell me why you're here in prison?"

I don't know at all. It took was a panel gonna get them off. But the nopal identity, Yamaha motor page, that cannot go see out corridor.

"Opee gotta get back to back up their opinion and other positions around with different amount of the matter has a holiday."

Yeah, the mother nature is the heart of this. On my laptop, and lower chakra, his brother, and for you being a fisherman, you recognize like a boat like this will get on.

"I'll buy you another one."

Got an average of the down. Either do you think this person is from Somalia?

"My, does he look Somali?"

Call it what you want, but the guys in that prison are convicted pirates. What's interesting, though, is all the deck and swear that the victims in the water with Somali pirates. I showed those photos to actual Somali pirates, and they said, "No, these guys do not look Somali," and they just don't fit the bill.

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