Elon Musk & The Midwit Meme – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel
This is the the beauty of the midwife meme: the genius and the idiot come to the same conclusion. So what is the idiot approach? Like, that's actually how you can divine the genius approach. You're like, "What would an idiot do?" Everyone can reach for the idiot approach. Yeah, everyone has the intellectual capacity to reach for the idiot approach.
Yeah, if I didn't know anything—this is Michael Seibel with Dalton Caldwell. Today, we're going to talk about how overthinking is sometimes a founder's biggest mistake. So, Dalton, this video was triggered by this amazing meme that you made on fundraising advice. But before we get to the meme, because I think it's like one of the best memes I've ever seen for fundraising advice, let's start in general. Let's start in general.
Um, how can overthinking be bad, and when can overthinking be bad?
Yeah, I mean, I think that what people think being a founder is, is what they saw in, like, watching the Facebook movie or popular television, where, you know, you're like coding a lot and, you know, you're making deals and screwing over your friends. Um, just kidding. Um, but in reality, it's a lot of feeling lost and being not sure what to do and feeling stressed out a lot. You're worried all the time, and so you tend to overthink everything. In every decision, you kind of think in circles over and over and over again because you don't have a boss; you don't have constraints when you're a startup founder, right? There's no one really telling you what to do, so you're on your own.
And so, the experience of being a startup founder is to always be overthinking everything in this way. There's a bit of an advantage to being young, right?
Yeah, like you and I experienced this ourselves as founders where we were young when we first started. And this is the beauty of not knowing anything. The beauty of not knowing anything is that you think everything is easy, and none of the innumerable reasons why something might be hard or your startup might fail even occurs to you. You're like, "Oh yeah, I'm 22. Like, everything's easy. I can figure this out!" Right?
And so again, this is like the midwife meme, right? Where if you don't know anything, your approach looks a lot like the approach of people that are really good founders.
Yes, and the worst place to be is that you know just enough to know why the things you're trying are hard and the odds are stacked against you, and that freaks you out. And so you think about it a lot, right?
Yes. So Dalton, one of the most perfect examples of this is actually Elon Musk. And why I think it's so perfect is that depending on how you tell the story, Elon looks like the dummy or the idiot, right? Like, I'm sorry, the dummy or the genius, right? Depending on how you tell the story. And it almost doesn't matter, right? Because he's winning.
But, you know, to me, the first example that I always loved is that I read some book about the starting of SpaceX and it started with Elon going to Russia trying to buy, like, rockets and like the Russian government being like, “There's this American billionaire guy who wants to buy rockets,” and kind of not believing it. But Elon just looking really serious, so they like considered it, and like they eventually said no. But like he got to talk to people about buying rockets from them. He's just a dude with money. He was like, "Go to Russia, buy rockets!" Like, those are the extremes. Is that genius or stupid? I can't tell. I can't tell.
And like with Tesla itself, like to me the midwit is electric cars are good. That's the extreme. Electric car is good. Or on both in the middle, it's like no one has successfully done a startup car company since the 50s. And every, you know, if you look at all prior attempts to build an electric car, like there's all these words and the infrastructure.
The electric car is good.
Yeah, yes, and I think the one that we find most funny, which we'll see, this video will see if we stand the test of time, is the Boring Company, right? Drilling holes under the ground so that you can drive places faster is very clearly the idiot one, but like it could be the genius one too. It's exactly, it's a beginner's mind idea, which is like traffic is bad. What if we dug a hole under the ground to get to downtown Las Vegas? And what's funny is you read all the critiques of this, like the midwest stuff's like, “Well, bus systems already exist, and it might be much more efficient to optimize transportation.” You know, there's lots of words in the middle of that, but you know, drill tunnel to avoid traffic is certainly at the extremes.
Yeah, and you kind of see him approach all of his problems this way where you can imagine it being the same sort of ideas that we like: Mars is cool! Like, yeah, Mars is cool! Like, this is the kind of stuff we come up with as teenagers, like all these ideas.
Yes, and the hard work is in the implementation, but the idea isn't very complicated. And like the v1 is kind of simple-minded. And if he was an overthinker, he would do, he would rule all the stuff out. All this stuff is like obviously a bad idea, and anyone in the midwest territory would rule out all these ideas.
Yes, right?
Yes, and they still do. They still do. It's, you know, it's the Tesla short seller, right?
Let's go through some examples of the midwife meme, and you have to start with the meme that you made for YC founders. So just to provide context, we're in the part of the batch where YC founders start getting nervous about fundraising. Whenever a founder gets nervous, they start overthinking. And whenever they start overthinking, they assault us with office hours on topics. And Dalton created this meme so that we could fight back. What does the meme say?
Yeah, what the meme is simple. It's the naive founder is like, "Oh, I'm going to raise the amount of money I need to succeed. I need—I need here's the amount of money I need to raise for my Series A. I ran a model and it's, you know, eight hundred thousand dollars, so that's what I'm gonna raise." That is the naive approach.
Um, the really smart three-time founder, someone that's done this before, is like, "I need to raise eight hundred thousand, so I'm going to do it." And then the midwife is the one who wants to ask 15 questions and try to construct the perfect round and be afraid that someone, they may not have enough allocation for value-added investors. And they want to not have a signaling risk. They talk a lot about signaling risk. And there's like all these factors where I'll be talking to someone, and we'll be like 15 levels deep in a hypothetical for an offer that they don't have, right? And that's the midway man is that like you're screwing yourself by overthinking all this stuff instead of just being like, "Hey, I need x dollars. I'm gonna raise it. I'm gonna get back to work."
This comes up a lot with MVPs. One of the questions that I love getting from a founder is, "Before we launched our MVP, how do we know we're going to be able to survive the onslaught of traffic and users that will come on our launch day?" What’s midwit? What's the midwife play? What's the midwife meme for your MVP?
I mean, yeah, the two extremes of the midwife meme are launch something fast, build something fast, and put it out, and the minute one is like, "Well, I don't want to get a bad reputation that my thing was buggy, and we only have one shot to launch. And, you know, like what about the press? We got to do a press launch! It doesn't have to be an event! Yeah, I don't want people to see my idea and copy it, so it's got to be perfect."
Yes, that’s one. And then do we do, do we do like a TechCrunch post, or is it better to try to get the New York Times? Or like, what about Hacker News?
Yeah, we need to get all three, so how do we coordinate them together? We want to be featured in the New York Times, and so how do we optimize for that? Or oh, what should we name the company? How about—yes, I don’t—yes, we have to rebrand because there’s a name that’s kind of similar to ours. We don’t want people to be confused.
How about co-founders?
I hear this a lot, like, "I am a business person, and I'm good at sales. I need to find a marketing co-founder and an engineer, like a CTO who's already managed 50 people because we're going to grow fast. Like how-- how does co-founder?"
Yeah, it's like, "Yeah, Dalton, I'm open to the idea of a co-founder; I just haven't found the right person. And what I really am looking for is someone with at least five to seven years of experience at Google who made it to at least a level seven. And so, you know, I'm looking; I haven't found the right person yet, but we're looking for it."
Yes, when we find them, I’m totally open to bringing on a co-founder when I find that one. But first, we're gonna raise money, and then I think that'll attract a better co-founder.
Yeah, yeah, so again, the point we're kind of making is not that any one of these ideas is the one people say. It's that it's thinking in circles and having a thousand different reasons.
Yes, that it's the person that should be your co-founder is no one that you currently know.
Yes, yes, right?
And then, let's talk about the other sides of the equation, right? The on the dumb side, the founders like, "It's fun to work with my friends, so I'm just to say my friend." On the smart side, Justin likes to put a camera on his head, you know? Let's go! This is our guy.
Like we were talking, like, why didn't they pick you as your—was their co-founder? Wasn't it like, "Because I helped them find an apartment?"
And there we go! This guy helped us find an apartment! Alright, he’s the co-founder of Twitch! Done! There you go! Done!
And then, like those super-smart experienced founders are like, "Oh, having co-founders viable for emotional support. I know this is going to be tricky!" And like they have all the sophisticated reasons. Same answer, same answer. I love that.
Okay, next. This is a classic one, especially because you have to deal with so many admissions questions applying to YC. Dalton, what is what is the Jedi founder move and to apply to YC versus the midwife?
Yeah, the extremes of this and the midwife meme are I filled out my application and submitted it, like, like I applied. And the midway founder is like, "Gee, I don't know if now is the right time to apply. I don't know if we're ready." Oh, I'm gonna write a draft of my application and send it to 15 people, and I'm going to get feedback on my application, and I'm going to like, you know, "Oh, I need an introduction to alumni, and I need to talk to alumni, and I need recommendations?"
Yeah, recommendations from strangers that don't know me? I’m gonna do a lot of research! Like, you see people that put months of effort into their application to YC strategy, not correlated with success.
And then you talk to people, and they're like, "Oh yeah, I just like filled it out in 30 minutes, and I got in!"
Yeah, and I spent all that other time working on my company. And to be clear, we're not saying do a bad job on your application. We're just saying trying to tweak out on this is like something that you can spend tons and tons and tons of time on.
I'm not sure that's a great allocation of resources.
No, you didn't! I think that's like maybe the essential point here is that like we want you to spend time on the important stuff for your startup. Like we're trying to get you to avoid spending time on the things that won't help you. That's the idea. That's the idea.
Alright, next. And here's kind of a classic one: is product market fit. Dalton, do I have product market fit? And how? What's the midwife approach to?
Yeah, the midwife approach for this one is to be not sure if you have it and create 15 different metrics and like a complicated series of thoughts that maybe you have it or you have early product market fit. Versus the extremes on this meme earlier, we have some islands got earlier. The extremes of this are like, "Am I overwhelmed with demand?" Like, you know, it when you see it. Like, you don't have to think very hard when you have it.
It's sort of like hits you over the head when you have a product market fit. I think the extremes in the meme is like, "Did I sleep last night?" It's like, "I didn't sleep last night. Do I have time to wonder if I have product market fit?"
That's—yes, if you have time to wonder about it! If you're like, "Gee, do I have a product market fit? Let me let's pontificate on this." That probably means you don't.
Yes, let's do some—we'll make some reports.
So, we talk about all the situations where maybe overthinking is not a good idea. But you also describe, you know, there are certain situations you call them trapdoor decisions, when maybe you want to think a little bit harder than that before making a move. So what are some examples of those?
Yeah, so um, legal issues: don't break any law! Like saying, "You didn't know there was a law" is not a great legal defense.
Um, regulatory issues: similarly, "Oh, I didn't know that I couldn't launder this money."
Um, probably not great! You may want to overthink that and look into it.
Um, things that affect people's health and well-being.
Yeah, you should overthink that! You should really spend the time worrying about people, right, man? Like, let's not be fast and loose. If we're building an online pharmacy, let's measure twice, cut once, total.
And, and I think that, um, what really good founders do is they are very good at figuring out are they dealing with something like that or are they not. Because even within legal, right, there's certain things that are like, "Oh, this is like whatever," and there's certain things that are like really bad.
Michael, should I file patents for all of my IP?
Exactly! That's a classic overthinking. Probably not!
So, I think that like the framework here is really twofold: one, don't overthink when you don't have to. And then two, remember that like most of the work—most of the work is not in these overthinking games. Like most of the work are not in these over-optimizing games.
Yeah, it's action, action, and not thinking, right?
Yes! Yes, it's launching, it's getting the first customer, it's selling, it's like it's doing these things yourself. And that's counterintuitive because I think that founders understand that startups are really hard, so they assume you need complex strategies to succeed.
And it's like, "Ah, that's a hard thing, right? It makes sense when I say it right. This is hard, we would need a complex strategy!"
Right, how do you respond to that?
It's like, what actual kind of strategy do you need? I think if you haven't seen really successful startup companies either personally, like where you were the founder of one, or you know people and you saw them go through it, yeah, it's hard to believe how silly these things are when they start.
Like, I think unless you've literally witnessed it personally and you've seen the silly that goes on and like how what it really takes to get big, your brain rejects the idea.
Yeah, that that's actually how these companies got built. You're like, "No, not true! It had to be like lots of strategy meetings and whiteboarding, you know, flow charts and, you know, Gartner magic quadrants of like—"
Like, like I think you really, your brain won't allow you to see that actually here's a nice way to say it is you know the term beginner's mind.
You want to have a beginner's mind!
Yes, that's what the midwife meme is. And a beginner's mind is like, "I guess I'm going to build a product and I'm going to give it to people. I guess I'm going to deliver burritos!" You know? That's a beginner's mind approach.
Yeah, that's the game. And so you might find yourself after watching this video asking yourself, "What do I need to unlearn? How can I have a beginner's mind?"
Because again, this is the beauty of the midwife meme: the genius and the idiot come to the same conclusion. So what is the idiot approach? Like, that's actually how you can divine the genius approach is you're like, "What would an idiot do?" [Laughter]
Everyone can reach for the idiot approach, yeah. Everyone has the intellectual capacity to reach for the—yeah, if I didn't know anything!
So with all that being said, um, have fun and don't overthink it too much! Don't overthink it too much!
And make sure that you have a little bit of something in your head that's asking yourself, "Is this the thing that's really important?" If not, I can move on. If not, I can move on.
Alright, thanks much Dalton! Thanks!