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See the Brooklyn Bridge Model Made From 5,000 Plastic Bottles | National Geographic

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] I want people to feel emotion, because when art, until the moment of caring, it allows people to connect to an issue that they are otherwise not sensitive to. It allows them to change their inner attitude, because who you are on the inside is how you express outside. You are not even aware, and you're not thinking about the things that are happening in the world around us. If you're not educated, they're not likely to change your behavior.

I decided to use bottles because of this unifying motif. I decided to use what is ephemeral to be timeless. I started my career in fashion designing. I went to school right here on Seventh Avenue at Parsons and then began working at various well-known fashion houses. But I realized very quickly that it was not my passion to be in fashion. In true explorer spirit, I decided to step out of those boundaries and explore what was not a comfort zone to me.

I went out into the wild. I started looking at what was happening to the world around us, because of the consumer choices we’re making. So, I went from an industry that's a lot about promoting consumerism to a path of life that makes me question every single choice I make. [Music] Every time you pull your wallet out, you're changing the way the love is, and you can change it for the better, but you can change. [Music] [Music]

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