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The Cleverest Productivity Hack | Productivity Hacks for Students

3m read
·Nov 8, 2024

This is a good idea. So, I used to buy this gum from the grocery store, and it was just like regular Wrigley's Extra or whatever. But it was my study gum, so I only studied it when I chewed it, and I only chewed it when I was about to study. It was like my sacred study gum. But there's nothing special about the gum whatsoever. Again, like I said, it was just like Wrigley's Extra bubble mint flavor. Not a word of a lie, it made me study a lot better.

I think it has something to do with the placebo effect. So, the placebo effect, which you've probably heard of before, is basically a beneficial effect caused by an ineffective treatment. Since the beneficial effect can't be attributed to the treatment itself, it therefore has to be attributed to the patient's belief in the treatment. This is a very real phenomenon and one of the biggest mysteries in the realm of psychology. Literal sugar pills have cured cancer, staved off depression; the list goes on.

Like I said, it has nothing to do with the drug and everything to do with the patient thinking that the drug is gonna work. According to the American Cancer Society, the person taking the placebo may experience something along the lines of what he or she expects to happen. If a person expects to feel better, that may happen. If the person believes that he or she is getting a strong medicine, the placebo may be thought to cause the side effects.

The placebo does not cause any of these effects directly. Instead, the person's belief in or experience of the placebo helps change the symptoms or changes the way the person perceives the symptoms. So, whether you're sick with an illness or just need to get work done, we can learn a lot from the placebo effect and perhaps use it to our advantage.

Whenever you hear me talk about, on this channel, the sacred playlist, sacred space, or in this case, the sacred gum, it's kind of whoo-whoo crap, but it works. Your belief that these things will work actually means something is tangible; it will produce results. Since you know that some of these things that I say don't really literally work, well, that comes to the end of it. Again, that totally depends on your attitude.

Because when I bought that gum from the store, do you think I didn't know that it was just regular flavored Wrigley's Extra bubble mint gum? Like, I'm not an idiot. I know that's just regular gum, but I wanted it to help me study. I wanted something official to just sort of kick off my study sessions. It was my productivity goal. It worked because I believed it did.

Same thing with my productivity playlist. When I press play on that baby, there's not a chance I'm gonna get distracted because that thing is sacred. Once I press play, there's no screwing around, it's go time. So, if you're in desperate need for a productivity boost, consider finding your own productivity placebo because it doesn't actually have to work; you just have to believe it does.

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