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How I Escaped Corporate Hell (They Don't Want You To Know This)

11m read
·Feb 3, 2025

Speaker: To raising your vibration, this is the video version of my podcast. If you want the audio version you can click the link in the YouTube description. Apologies guys, if you're listening on the audio that was a YouTube intro and vice versa. If you want to listen to the video the link is at the bottom. So let's get in.

Today we've got a topic about why you you feel mentally, spiritually and physically. Now I've got a mini presentation here and I'm going simple and straightforward. I've opened the Google Doc, nothing revolutionary here but the message will hit home I am sure. So if you read this top line here for you guys in the audio it says, "Companies expect the most from you with the least in return, I.E you will turn up at this time, stay here for this long in exchange for this, you will put up with this or you're out the door."

And what do I mean by "you'll put up with this"? Well, you'll put up with the never ending pressure to do more for Less, by the way. This is for most jobs; this is for every job that I've ever done including seasoned like professions like engineering. I was in an office for a while, right? This is the reality even for top tier engineering, you—it's the entire system and it's why you feel so mentally drained and, uh, this really does go for most jobs, and it's why you're listening to me because you've seen me go from being totally and utterly stuck so deep into this system, like I couldn't I couldn't get any like deeper into this thing that these people have created for us to work in.

Yeah, I couldn't get any more like deep. I've done the most horrendous jobs ever since I was a little kid and, uh, only six months ago did I get a break from that. So this is why you're listening to me because you can see that I now work for a laptop and that is the end goal: to live freely. Right, there are different echelons of freedom levels and I'm at probably like level two. There is way way way way more for there for me out there in terms of freedom, but I will get into that later because I'm now progressing—the these levels are going up; I'm trying to help you guys get from Level zero to level one and maybe even level two where I'm at now.

Okay, so let's get into this mini mini Duck, right? Like I said, you feel mentally because you've got no energy because you work all day for a for a job you didn't even want and you've got to turn up to a place that you don't even want to go to. So what does that do to your mental and physical health already? Well, it stresses you, and stress causes disease, right? So that's why you're left with no energy. You're also left with no freedom because you've got to be there for 10, 12, 14 hours a day, and you've got to be there every day or at least five days—maybe even six, maybe even seven, maybe even 21.

Yes, that's right—I used to do whatever the maass is 21 * 12—that was my work before I got home, for the, well, I was on the oil rig. So if you don't know my story then probably just go back and listen to a few other episodes, uh, um former burnt out oil rig worker showing you how to escape that never ending misery and doom. So you're left with no Freedom, energy and you're also left with little to no money. Now the reason I'm saying that is because even on like offshore jobs or like jobs like div or something like that that's like risky and higher money, they actually trick you for the lower tier jobs like industrial cleaning—uh, like what's it called when you go into a a vessel or a boat or an oil rig—they've got like cleaning teams, I can't remember what they're called, like what's it called again, stewards and Steward SES, you know, like catering, sorry, catering and stuff, right? Those kind of jobs are actually basically minimum wage, not far off, but they trick you into thinking, "Oh, well if you here for 3 weeks you pump in twice them at hours so then you get a perceived increase in Pay until you go home and then don't get a phone call again for another three weeks," then you've earned minimum wage for that duration of six weeks, but you, you just you're just brain was and thinking that you need to keep doing that job to earn 40K a year or if I pumped in the hours into my old job I would have made 60 maximum.

Now yes, you can make good money in the in the field that I studyed, but you've got to go back to this thing here which I'm saying you'll be left with what—no energy, no Freedom, little to no money. Because most people will earn a good wage and then spend the good wage, so they're just in the same position as some minimum wage worker because they've got zero Financial IQ and they'll just spend everything that they make and not even on themselves, just on stupid. So you're in this you're in this sort of bubble and I was in it too, right? And it's why you feel so mentally because even if you do make it up the ladder a little bit, you're now comparing yourself to people who are buying all the stupid houses and cars and spending everything they've ever had on the clothes and the watches, but they're broke and they're more, more importantly, they're broke in here, right?

For example, I spent all my money on, well, out here it's—I’ve spent all my money on living and paying for Emma as well, but up until that point I still spend money on my self education. So you might think, "Ah he doesn't even have a house or a car or dog or kids." No, but I'm developing this into being a millionaire, you know? This is the most important thing is this: I just pile Drive everything and it's what I did in my job—I pile drived every spare bit of cash into my mind because it's the only thing that you have control over if you can control yourself enough to not get B bought into the consumerism ideology keeping up with the Jones's that leaves everyone miserable and depressed and broke anyway and comparing themselves to shine the shiny object syndrome. Oh, he got this car, he's got—it's all lie, it's all facade. This is the thing you need to work on because you're not happy in the in the thing that they've been pushing you into which is just N9 to5 six to6 for me like hustle hustle hustle—just crazy world that they've created for us: worker be droids, slaves to slave away for for selck few at the top to reap the rewards, right? You're not happy with it because you're watching this video and there is another way, right?

So the the other thing I was going to mention is when you—the reason you feel so mentally again is because you keep thinking, "Oh I've only got 50 years to go until I retire." Let me mention something about retirement: it is the biggest scam I've ever heard of, especially in 2024, apart from covid because—and don't get me started on that—because retirement is like a, you've heard of the car in the stick, you start off working at probably like 15; for me it was five. I open a farm with a guy I didn't like, he didn't like me, he was abusive, he was an absolute dick and he forced me to work on his farm. So from five I've been in this system of resentment towards physical jobs, right? Five years old I'm lifting Bales, digging ditches, picking up for somebody that hated me—imagine that, right? So five years old I start off in this thing that you call the the system and you've got to work for something called money that they print; certain people get to print this money on demand whenever they want—imagine that, right? Us, it's different rules for us than it is them and they call you, they say something called "you'll do this until you retire."

Now the concept of retirement for most people is they've been brain wased and thinking "I cannot wait to do nothing." Most people, if You observe, they want to do all even at the job they do the minimum, even at their work like or their workouts or their relationships—they want to do nothing. They're brainwashed into into being lazy little bees that want do all the thing is with like our brains we we like stimulus and we like learning and growing and developing and connecting and sharing, and that's what we're here to do as human beings, as Spiritual Beings living The Human Experience as a reflection of everything you've ever seen which is called the universe—the trees, the birds, the fish, everything—nature, the sky, the ocean, everything is connected and we are a reflection of it. But we've been brainwashed into thinking that work is the only thing that matters and comparing yourself to other people and buying the that they've got and just this thing called money until you retire—it's 65 or 70. The reason it's flawed is because you're relying on making it perfect health with all the stress and lack of Freedom, lack of energy and lack of money that you're somehow going to be able to just stop and pay all your bills until you die, and, uh, there is actually crazy statistic about retirement that most people retire and then die shortly after because there's no purpose in the being anymore. We're Purpose Driven beings, right? If you just stop your job because you hated your life so much and then you hit the bottle or you don't do anything with your life, it's your body and mind gives up. So this this thing that you're in is a never ending cycle—it literally is—and you have to get out, and that's why you're watching this video, right, or listening to this podcast: retirement is an absolute scam.

I'll tell you what I'm doing instead: I'm building things I want to. I'm not working physical jobs that will kill me before I'm 40 years old, as long as I've got my hands in my mind—even if my hands get chopped off, I've Got My Mind. AI can, like, if I can speak you can write—now you know there's always going to be an option. That's why I'm saying work on this the most, always work on this, right? Because once you've got this you can do anything, right? So like I said this is most jobs even if you're seasoned professional and most people are unsatisfied, but they don't want to admit it because they think it's Noble to just be like "it's okay, well someone's going to do it," right? And it's true—we're in this, we're in this system and somebody does have to do it, right? And I like I said, like I'm going to say here I do not have all the answers; I just have the answer for you that wants to operate with more fulfillment and freedom, uh, and excitement in this thing that we call life.

Now, there is—because there is—options, you just need to hold on here, right? So like I said, we do need to provide value to the world, but why does it need to be so ridiculous? Why do we need to to give up five, six days a week or for my or for me 21 in a row just to get some cash to spend all in bills and that we don't need and then poison ourselves with alcohol and then repeat? Why does it have to be like that? Why is it that most people are suffering and why do we not not have fulfillment or freedom, and why are we forced to give up the most valuable asset in exchange for something which is time—uh, sorry, we give up all the time—and exchange for something that other humans print on demand which we call Cash? It's well and truly, it honestly is, like you can't argue with that—it's it's totally—and I don't have a perfect alternative—it's just way bigger than I could even fathom. Like think about it: the thing that we live in, somebody actually made it; some humans made the thing that we are in—all the industries, they made it. How crazy is that?

But what I can offer you is a solution within this thing that they made, because this thing I'm going to show you will allow you to reclaim your time, energy and health. Because most people are giving up their time and energy for something they don't want to do, which suffers their health, right? But thank you to the internet and the evolution of Technology, you can live freely now. How do you do that? Well you do what I do: you learn remote skills, you work on your mind and you never quit. It's that simple—you need to learn remote skills that are in demand. We are in about to enter 2025; we've got artificial intelligence, blockchain, we've got, um, social media popping off, personal Brands—we've got skills like websites and coding and video editing and copywriting and and sales—like there's all these things you can learn.

And the two things I'm learning right now which I can show you how to do is copywriting which is coupled with AI copyrighting and now I'm learning AI because it's stupid not to learn AI at this time because it's the it's it's not even the future, it's here. So if you're noding your head in agreement, you think, "Whoa, I Want More Energy, time, filment—I want to, I want to be in balet with you kmen. I want to be in Thailand training Muay Tha, not thinking about my boss saying that you were two minutes late today." Then I feel you brother, because I did my entire life like the way that you're living and now I'm blessed to be in Indonesia recording this from a Macbook and living here with my girlfriend, not thinking about the 12-hour shift, the impending doom that never ends. Ah, it was horrible—I used to hate my life, I didn't understand, I was in, I was caught in a in a cycle of work and drink, work on drink, even though I knew it was stupid. I was ripped at 21 and then from there until now I drank, destroyed my gains, had no gains, um, I kind of TR trained MMA a little bit but with a drinking cult culture it was just pointless, honestly. It, it was pretty, pretty pointless—like I just destroyed my health over the years with, uh, with drinking and food because I was escaping. I didn't understand this thing I'm telling you now about Freedom Lifestyles and like skills and open and working on your mind and and just questioning everything you've ever been told because if you do not question everything you've ever been told you will continue living the way that you want that you've been told to and then one day when there is no time left the lights switch on and you're filled with regret and I do not want that for you.

So what I want to offer you is the solution—it's quick, easy and free to get going; you just need to click the link in my description. It'll take you to the freedom copy collect collective where me and I think there's 32 Lads 32 Freedom Seekers at the moment as I record this—it might be more by the time you join. Uh, I'm learning, I'm I'm teaching you guys how to write copy, use AI, work on your mindset, connect with Brothers—what else could you want? This is what you need, brother, and it's also free until—I mean I'm going to cap it at a certain number yet I do, I honestly do not know right now. It's free to enter the community; I do not know when I'm going to cap it because there—I mean it's only been going for one or two weeks and people are there, 32 members, already so I'm like, "Whoa, okay."

So I would join now before I do a price tag on it—it's going to be free for a little bit, but yeah, brother, if you want my help and to connect with other lads that are thinking the same, feeling the same—it's a lonely world out there if you do not, because you feel like you're going crazy, but other people are thinking like you, I promise you, here's one of them and 32 other of them, 32 more of them are on the other side of this link. Click that link and I'll see you in there, brother. Peace till next time. Love you.

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