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Rant: This is exactly why and when information is USELESS

4m read
·Nov 7, 2024

What's up you guys, it's Graham here. So everything you're watching is useless, everything you're reading is useless, everything you're learning is useless, and it's useless if you don't actually do anything with it. There's a big problem right now that so many people are so educated on a certain topic; in theory, they know exactly how to start that multi-million dollar business. They know that if they want to be a millionaire one day, they know in theory everything they need to do to actually do it.

But the problem is that it's so easy to get caught in the learning phase, and that's where so many people get stuck. They get stuck just learning and learning and reading and watching, and they don't actually take any action behind it. And what's the point, by the way, of getting all hyped up over watching something on YouTube or reading about a topic you're really interested in or trying to learn how to do a certain business? What's the point of all of that if you don't actually do anything with it?

The reason I'm making this video at 7:30 on a Friday is to really get this important point across to you guys. How do I know this? Because I've been there. Seriously, it's taken me 3 years just to get up the courage to make a video on YouTube. Do you think I had a clue what I was doing? No, but I was putting it off in my head. I thought I had to learn all these things; I had to become an expert, and I had to know exactly what I was doing. I got caught in the learning phase, and it's so easy. I've done that in multiple areas of my life.

I mean, don't think that I'm exempt from this. It happens to everybody. In multiple areas, you just get caught in the learning, the learning, the learning, and then you just never actually end up doing it because you're so focused on the learning. The problem too with the Internet is that there are so many different topics out there and so many different opinions. It's like, at what point do you actually know enough to feel comfortable doing it? So you just keep learning and keep learning, but the problem is that it's very difficult to assimilate all the information you learn without any firsthand experience behind it.

I mean, it’s one thing to learn something in theory; it’s one thing to learn exactly how something works. But until you've actually experienced it firsthand, it makes no sense. And that's the problem with learning all of these things: when you actually go and do it, it's like you have to relearn everything all over again because it's like, oh no, everything's all different now because it's real; it's actually happening.

So the one thing I recommend is if you're learning something, chances are you already learn enough to actually go and do that thing you're trying to learn about. Chances are you already have all the knowledge you need to go out and do it. So what I recommend is to actually start. I know it sounds mind-blowing and revolutionary, but seriously, just start on what you want to do. What's going to happen? You start blindly, and shortly afterwards you're going to be like, oh no, I don't know how to do this one little thing.

But guess what? Everything is free on Google; everything is free on YouTube. Chances are, if you want to start a business, for instance, and you encounter this little problem like a week in or a day in, just Google how to fix that. Chances are there have been hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people out there who have dealt with the same problem you have, and they've already answered it online.

Then you fix it, and you're like, all right, okay cool, so I learned that. You get a little confidence from it too, because you're like, yeah, I solved my first problem. Badass. Then, like a day later, an hour later, I don't care: an hour later you come into another problem. Well guess what?,, and just learn the answers.

It's going to teach you how to be self-sufficient; it's going to teach you how not to rely on all these other people. It shows you that you have what it takes to come up with your own answers and do it yourself. That concept alone is worth this entire video: that you actually have the capacity to go and learn something on your own without anyone else's help. You could go and make that decision and actually do it.

Seriously, just even that alone. And then what? You just keep going. You keep going, you keep going, you keep going, and pretty soon, you look back and you're like, holy crap, I just did all of this stuff. I don't know why I was so caught in that weird learning phase that was all for nothing, and then you get the confidence too in other areas of your life. It's not just business; this translates to every single other area of your life that you have the capacity to actually go and learn something on your own and do it on your own.

And that’s one of the things with real estate, for instance, in this YouTube channel that I like, is that I try not to make it just about real estate because I feel like a lot of this translates to every other area of your life. It's not just about making money; that's a small component of a much larger picture about just becoming a better, more confident, happier, more well-rounded person. By being that person, you could add value to everyone else's life.

So that is my recommendation to you guys: don't get caught in that nasty learning phase. Just go out and do it. Seriously, just do it. That's why I'm here on Friday making this video because I'm really into it and because it's that important of a point. So if you haven't already, go ahead and smash that like button. Make sure to click subscribe. Make sure to add me, if you want to, on Instagram and Snapchat. I post there daily. I post a lot of cool stuff on Snapchat, by the way. I've been getting really into making long notes and then just posting those notes. If you want to be a part of it, add me there.

That's it, you guys. Thank you again for watching, and until next time!

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