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11 MORE Video Game WTFs !!

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Vsauce, you're probably checking out my clip-on flip-up shades and thinking to yourself, "WTF?" which is exactly what we're talking about today. Vsauce has covered video game WTFS twice already, but we've only barely scratched the surface. So, without further ado, get ready for more Vsauce WTFS!

First stop, the age-old question: where do babies come from in Minecraft? You might think it's based on spawn timers, or in some cases, hot fixes or patches. But no, apparently they do it the old-fashioned way.

Speaking of amazing feats of strength, check out Spider-Man's dive into the ocean. Oh, the form! Excellent! Oops. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas gives us the opposite of a face plant. It's important to open your parachute early before you die, unless, of course, you never stop falling.

This one's famous: a guy pushes a goat and forces it to climb a ladder. But what's famous about the clip isn't the goat; it's the guy's laugh. And yes, you're reading that correctly, his laugh about that one glitch lasts for more than 9 minutes. Whoa!

Hey, hey, hey, hey! My druid's not leveled high enough for me to test this, so I don't know if they fixed it yet. But if you switch to flight form and then join a dungeon that you can mount in, like Oculus Mount, and then immediately leave the dungeon—boom! You are in flight form and mounted.

Age of Conan has some pretty girls, but part of this girl's body seems possessed—in that good way. Watch closely. If you like your twitching less subtle, check out this guy from Stalker. Or if you want it more deliberate, check out this game. Players can customize the pitching stance and the windup, and it looks like the sky's the limit. Here's my favorite: dancing, dancing, dancing pitch!

Remember Game Genie? Well, this guy found a code that makes everything act like a Hammer Brother. But in conclusion, here's something that is the most annoying: when reality stops working. Luckily, he does finally come to rest on the ground. Just kidding, it gets weirder.

We've got way more Vsauce video game WTFS coming soon. But in the meantime, tell me in the comments below what was the last thing that made you say "WTF?" Can't wait to hear them! And as always, thanks for watching.

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