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Safari Live - Day 253 | National Geographic

48m read
·Nov 11, 2024

This program features live coverage of an African safari and may include animal kills and carcasses. Viewer discretion is advised.

Well now, there are ways to start on an average safari, and then there are magical ways to start on a live safari, and an elephant calf that is just a few hours old—well, I think it's safe to say we know where that one falls. A very good afternoon to all of you! My name is Jaime, and this afternoon, Sebastian is on camera with me, and we are live from Zoomer Private Game Reserve in the Sabi Sand in the Greater Kruger National Park area of South Africa.

I don't want to take my eyes off the little one, so now that we've got that out of the way, remember you can send through your questions and your comments on #safariLIVE on Twitter, or alternatively, you can ask us questions in the YouTube chat stream.

Just once a drink month, and they've just come down! For those of you that don't know, we have a camera at the waterhole here, and it has just come down for a drink. It planted its face in the water; it was too adorable for words! I didn't even know they had such flexible hips and is now desperately trying to have some food. Mum! They've crossed over onto the other side of the waterhole, and the good news is that I can now see the guests at the lodge going to go on their game drive, which means that we can quickly nip across the dam wall and follow it, which is what I was waiting for all excited. Mum's a little bit unsettled, so we're gonna approach this nice and cautiously, but I'm gonna try and spend as much time as I can with this little one—oh, it's just adorable for words!

I think they're gonna go and find a nice feeding spot. Let's do this backward! Quickie! I'm gonna go find a nice feeding spot in the shade. They might even go and have a little bit of a sleep; I'm hoping that might be the case 'cause they've got such a brand-new herd member.

And this is what's so special about elephants: The entire herd will band around the little one and make sure that it is safe and protected, and the fact that it needs a little bit more extra sleep than they do will mean that they take care of it. They'll all stop, they'll guard it, they'll give it some shade if necessary—oh, too sweet! Just a couple of hours old.

As we catch up to this little elephant, there are several people out this afternoon. Sydney is one of them, and he's going to tell you what his plans are.

A very, very good afternoon, and welcome to the beginning of the afternoon safari! I am Sydney Femoral Mucosa, and I'm traveling with Sansa, my camera operator. We are going to be looking for the lions this afternoon; hopefully, we will find them sleeping somewhere! And for your questions and comments, you can follow us on Twitter, #safariLIVE, or you can also follow us on the YouTube chat stream. The sun is very much hotter this afternoon, which is a very nice weather in order to ground predators such as the cats. They don't roam around a lot when the sun is strong, so the chances of seeing the animals that were spotted this morning are very much high. So I hear this morning there have been a couple of lion sightings and some leopard sightings.

So now let's go to my other colleague. We are going now to the Masai Mara, where James is just about to depart.

Good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to the sunset safari. I am in the Masai Mara in East Africa, in Kenya, and we are sitting with the Sajj tree pride, and they, of course, are having themselves a good Sunday snooze. My name is James Henry. Please ask us any question you'd like using #safariLIVE on Twitter or, of course, the YouTube chat stream.

On camera today we have got Manu, El Bundy, Tore a cut, sir! There he is making noises, and over there we've got Kinky Tail. She's lying in the grass; she is the most recognizable lion in the Sajj tree pride. They are obviously not doing an enormous amount right now, but we're pretty sure that there are young cubs in this riverbed just below where they're having the snooze.

So hopefully, they will pop out at some stage. We also have heard reports of a cheetah not too far from here. Manu will point the camera sort of vaguely in that direction, and we'll head towards there. I think while these chaps sleep, the focus, of course, is going to be on these lions because we have our TV show later on today.

So I think we'll probably stay with them for the duration of the TV show. If there are some strange communications, we do have some strange communication issues with the final control at Juma, but they seem to be okay at the moment, so just be patient with us there.

Let's go back to Juma now, where Jamie is with an Ellie.

We're not going to be able to follow that little one as much as we were hoping we could. They're very, very unsettled this afternoon. I think perhaps that female's birth has caused a bit of upset in the herd. Remember how I said they're very protective over their little ones, even if it's not their own baby? And that one female on the left gave us a very stern look as we made our way closer.

So we're just gonna sit here nice and still. We're gonna wait for the female with the baby to come to us. I think it's actually having a nap at this point. They've made their way into the shade, and I think that's what it's doing. So you can see some of the older babies of the herd all settled down around the thicket. That one's throwing its trunk around, trying to grab some sand.

After the last few cloudy, very cold days, it has now heated up quite nicely. There's no wind up at the moment, but in the sun it’s probably what, sit around about 29 degrees centigrade. Okay, and far away it's okay, Nico Nico. Viewer, that tiny, tiny little baby that you saw earlier, you want to know how much it weighs? It weighs around about a hundred kilograms, believe it or not! So over 200 pounds! When baby elephants are born, they're born at around about a hundred kilograms.

So even though this thing looks minute, it is actually, I mean, it's the baby of the largest land mammal on the planet. It's tiny in comparison to them, but not quite as tiny as you might expect it to be. A big girl, if you have a look at these elephants, you can see the deep indentations around her forehead. That's indicative of age in an elephant like this. So she's quite an old female. You can see her skin starting to hang around her hip bones, around her spine.

So I would guess she’s definitely over 40. I would probably put her even older than that, so one of the senior members of the herd, if not the senior member, if not the matriarch.

I'm moving slowly; we just have to be patient in this situation. If we reposition now, if we try and see that baby again, they're going to get very upset with us. There it is! It's between the legs there of the one dust-bathing! Here we go! Backing up, big girl. I’m backing up; it's okay; it's alright! Here we go. Whoopsie! What a reverse trick! Seb, not into a tree! It's alright, big girl! Here we go. I stop here. Is that okay? Is that alright?

Unfortunately, my car's making some very peculiar sounds, so in that situation, I probably could have stayed where we were and we would probably have been absolutely fine. But the way in which she approached it, you can see her body language is unsettled. It's okay. It's alright.

Okay, now talking to her has absolutely no real impact on how she experiences the situation, but they do respond to tone. So by talking low and calm, it's just an extra way of trying to de-escalate the situation. Right, I'm going to take my foot off the brake now, Seb. Sorry! I was with my right leg, was slightly tense there, so he probably would have been fine to stay where we were.

But I didn't want to get it to the point where she was very close to us, because she did approach in a very determined way. And what she's doing is putting herself between us and the tiny baby, which is exactly what we spoke about, and in the shade as well. Maybe she just wanted the shade—no, I don't think so. I think there was a degree of discomfort there.

Now, one thing that I was not looking at was whether or not she was flapping her ears, because contrary to what people think when they see elephants, that is not a sign of aggression. And that’s to answer Joshua's question about why elephants move their ears all the time on a hot day like today. That is their way of cooling down.

So it's basically an internal cooling system. There's the baby there! Say if it's popped out! So it was suckling from them. So it's a sort of an internal cooling system. The skin is quite thin and packed with capillaries underneath; the blood flow is very close to the surface.

So they move their ears, which is something the saloon's gonna have to learn to do, because it's not quite at that point yet. And they move their ears to create airflow over the ears that cools down the skin, which cools down the blood, which then circulates to the rest of the elephant's body. Covered in dust now, I think it's put its face in the dirt.

Cole, 6—yes, potentially a car horn could scare elephants off. It could do the exact opposite and actually provoke them. So a loud, surprising noise like that could have worked, but really it was for me to back out of her space rather than trying to scare her off.

She was doing exactly what she should, which is protecting her family. I noticed they were unsettled even when they were at the water's edge, so it was just for us to back away and to give her a little bit of space rather than the other way around. See how she stayed, even though the rest of the herd has moved?

Now, it's alright, so we could have—I mean, we've actually disconnected all of the car horns given what happened to us once during a TV show going into an ad break, when it decided to have a mind of its own and just blare at us during an actual TV show. Yes, there was a wonderful time going into ad break!

Good job! The elephant's body language is a very, very important part of reading them. So while you don't have to look at the flapping ears, you do have to look at the ears occasionally now. Ears out and head up is an indication of an unsettled elephant, as well as a very stiff tail— that is the tail is the best indicator of mood.

Now, these elephants' tails haven't really been swaying—that's a good example of a nervous elephant. Now we were okay again because we're catching up with our family!

Hey boy! And you'll notice that there's other vehicles making their way in as well. So what we also didn’t want to do was be in a position where they felt sandwiched between the two of us. I had a feeling they've been trying to call me, but Saul! So I think what provoked her and why the other vehicles are fine with them is the very strange sound that our vehicle is currently making.

Jigar is, and her name is Jiji Jiji! The car that I'm driving—she doesn't sound very good; she's making some very peculiar whining sounds. And I think that might also have exacerbated the problem.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna take the vehicle back quickly to see if I can catch the mechanic. So while we do, I'm going to race off in that direction. I'm going to send you across to Tristan, who's been racing in the opposite direction towards Klana Ma.

Well, we are racing the opposite! We raced in the opposite direction; we're not racing anymore as you can see. We did stationary now! Theoretically, we're exactly where we left Kalama this afternoon. I mean this morning, and she's supposed to be here, but I don't see any sign of her!

So you kind of have to look around a little bit. But as Jerry mentioned, my name is Justin on camera, but Craig—he's had a warm welcome to Rusty, and I hope that you are going to enjoy your afternoon with us.

Now theoretically, she's supposed to be inside of this grassy tuft on my left-hand side. This is what I'm told—the Jackie and Sharla and Lauren spent the day here, and they said that she hasn't moved. But I don't find a leopard inside there. I've just looked now to try and see, but I don't see her unless I'm just looking in the complete wrong tuft at the moment, which is not a good thing at all!

So I'm just gonna try and see if I can find some sort of sign up here. I will just do a little kind of bypass and just try and check what's going on now. She could be just lying somewhere slightly different. I think the guys said that she hasn't moved, and now I know for a fact that in terms of not moving, she should then theoretically be inside here.

So I'm just trying to see—it is a wall of grass, and so maybe, just maybe, she's curled up in there! But I don't see any spots at all or any sign of a little face poking out, and I would expect her to have lifted her head or her ears at some point. Now driven around the other side as well, see anything inside there either.

So, mm, I'm a little bit kind of skeptical that maybe, just maybe she did a little runner and no one actually even noticed her moving up the backside of this grassy kind of area because I don't see any kind of signs of her. And normally with her, she's quite kind of watchful. So as soon as she sees a car, she kind of pokes her head up to see what's going on, and I haven't seen any sort of movement like that.

And I'm trying to peer into it. I might be wrong; she might be lying right here, and we just can't see her, which would then kind of show how camouflaged she can be. But I somehow don't think so, if I'm honest.

I might be wrong there. This chick—I hope she hasn't moved, because that will be a bit tricky to find her then. Reimer? No, not necessarily, you know. She's waiting for mom; her instinct will be her kind of way of doing things, is to just sit still and wait and hope that mom comes around, and so you find it with cubs. They sometimes do sit in the same spot, particularly if it's quite warm and hot.

Then you'll find that they will just kind of take it easy in the same area. But what I am surprised about is the spot she's chosen. That's what I am surprised about. This is not the greatest of the spots for a little leopard to sleep in.

Now it looks like she was lying all over here, but I don't see any sign of her. Craig, do you see anything? No, I don't see a leopard inside. Yeah—oh, there she is! Right there! Ah! So she's not in the grass at all. I've now spotted her. She's really in front of us.

Sorry, Craig. I'll move us now, but I've just got to be a bit careful. So she's sitting at probably thinking, "What are these two doing driving around like clowns?" and she's sitting in the quarry thicket over there. Anyway, let's try and reposition, Craig.

So he doesn't have this quarry bush in his face; is it quarry? Right? Yeah, that's a hidden Craig! So let's not get Craig all tangled up! Greggy, I'm going to move you round now!

Surprised I didn't see her; I was just, I suppose when you're not looking in the right direction, this is what happens, right? Now I'm going to just reposition and find myself a little bit of a better spot. So while I do that, let's send you back across to James, who's on the search for a different kind of spotted cat, one that is a lot faster!

What we are doing while Justin gets himself a little bit of a spot is trying to find a cheetah. We left the sausages; we will go back there as the sun starts to set, but we are told and have seen evidence of Mister N, the cheetah—a cheetah race move called the cheetah is female cheetah and two little cubs.

Now she's somewhere around here! We've had three or four reports. We have an Ascari called Elvis with us; he is not singing us a song, but he is going to try and help us find the cheetah, which apparently was around here somewhere next to this fig tree that looks like a giraffe.

He doesn't look like a giraffe from here, but from a distance, it really does! I thought it was a fig tree with a giraffe underneath it, and Truman said, "No, no! That is the fig tree with the juara!" You know what looks like a giraffe? They're just very good!

Now what we need to do from here is scan, because apparently underneath one of these Vallon Eyeties trees, or desert date trees, we will find the Sirian, the shuttle! Do you want to see this cheetah, please? Monsieur! And the cheetah shows your face.

There's a Tippi; you see the tepee monoterpenes. It's not appearing to be alarm calling to anything! Let’s carry on! There are a couple of termite mounds that she might just be lying behind.

Yeah! Roxy, you're absolutely right! The trees are beautiful here! We got out of the way! Right, I was given a few directions from the back, which is useful because I don't know what I'm doing in this particular area.

How about our rocks? Here it is—the most stunning afternoon! We came out early because we were terrified, a—that we wouldn't find the sausage tree pride, and be that it would rain again. And we wanted to be in position such that if a storm came through here, we'd be safe and with an animal!

But it's turned into the most glorious afternoon. It's a lovely sort of balmy, I guess, round about 29 degrees, I'm told, which is 84 degrees Fahrenheit odd. This is very pleasant, and the place is just the most magical color.

A couple of nasty rocks around here—she'll definitely be lying in the shade somewhere. And so all we have to do is find the right bit of shade, and given that there isn't a massive amount of shade around here, it shouldn't present too much difficulty. Unless, of course, she's gone back to her cubs. Now, apparently, they're in a den somewhere around here.

Someone else lurking in the shelter of a bush is Columba the Huntress! Oh yes, we've got little Amber now, who's sitting under a quarry. But you made me think that you disappeared when you were lying right there! I just opened my eyes; I would have kind of seen her quite easily, sir! She had been a snake in the grass; she would have probably bitten me.

And you know, unfortunately, unfortunately, rather, we eventually spotted her before we tried to move up too far! But I'm sure she's highly, highly sort of bored at this stage. I don't think she's going to be very happy with mom when mom gets back. Mom's going to be in the naughty box instead of her being in the naughty corner.

And this, of course, mom has food. If mom has food, well then, you'll find that the super one will probably be as boisterous as if and will be running circles around mom as mom takes her to whatever carcass she might have found. But you know, the fact that we're seeing her being left for the time period that she has been over the course of the last two days is probably indicative of her just that Tandy is starting, slowly but surely, to increase periods of time away from Columba in the hope that Columba starts to utilize this time to learn how to hunt, to find food, and to be able to kind of make it on her own.

And so I'm not surprised that this is happening. It's about the right time that you start to see that. But look at that face! Hello, little one! Oh, that's a big stretch! She's super cute, isn't she? She's been so chilled with us the past kind of three drives, and I've thoroughly enjoyed spending the time with her.

Now, MGM, you're going to ask me, and I'm draw—I actually, I know this is ridiculous, but I'm drawing a blank as to what her name means. That's right! Thank you, Christy! Sorry! I'm getting old cursed; this is what happens! But anyway, her name means mischievous, so boisterous, which is now that she's told me exactly how I would have remembered! It's hand, and it's quite fitting because she is mischievous, this little one, or she certainly was very mischievous as a little cub!

And as well, when mom’s around, you'll see that she is—she goes all over the place and runs around like an absolute hooligan when mom is present. She goes in circles, and she'll be up and down and on trees and down trees and looking and chuffing and generally being a bit of a hooligan. So she is a bit mischievous, and when she was tiny, she used to just do anything all the times, used to kind of move around and never listen to mom, and that's basically why I share in the name.

It's also, well, because you guys all voted for it! I suppose it was one of three names that were given to all of you to vote for to see which one you liked best, and so little fella was what it was finally settled as. Nice name, though—not difficult to say, but nice name.

It's always fun when it's on their own, so if you just say Columba by itself, we're all good! But when you add a little Tandy factor into it, that T sound is different from the T sound of her name, and I always get tongue-tied with it. Drives James absolutely mad!

There was also a stage where she was being called Clara lumber, which drove James and Scott around the bend! I think both of them were ready to commit a mass execution of their fellow guides at one point because that was what was being said!

But obviously, we know it's a llama; there's no Allah in that name, so that was all sorted. And the best person in the whole camp to say Columba's name is Kirsty; she is so talented at saying it! She's the best one! She has it down pat! She knows exactly how to say it! It rolls off her tongue smooth!

And in Sookie, she's laughing at me because Ghost has a problem with saying Columba's; it always just comes out in a spew of A's and L's and M's that just don't really make the word up at all! So it's quite entertaining kind of listening to Kurs try and say it. We always have a good laugh!

Hello, little one! Just call it Cub, yes! Tandy's cub, cruelly forever known as Tandy's cub! But you can see she's half sleepy, half bored. I think she's kind of wanting something to happen, but it's still a bit warm and windy, and she knows that we're here, and we're talking, and we're around, and so probably in all likelihood, she wants to kind of get up and move and carry on! But she knows she has to be waiting for Mom!

Some of her kind of way she looks at herself and thinks she's almost, well, particularly this morning and this afternoon and maybe even a little bit yesterday evening. She's got this almost like, "I want to play with you guys, but I don't really know what we're allowed to do, if I'm allowed to come close to you, am I not?" She almost has that kind of thought going through her head at times because she's got a little kind of playful demeanor to her!

And I wonder if she's quite curious about this car and what goes on! No, we haven't spent like I was saying awfully—I mean, a huge amount of time on our own with her! Mom is normally present, and in that case, the attention is mostly on her mother.

But now that she's kind of spending so much time alone like this and her brain's functioning recently by herself, and I've had one or two sightings of her on her own, but this is probably the most drives we've strung together in a row without Mom being present.

And then she almost seems to be kind of curious as to what we do and the way we speak and how it all works. And so I'm curious to kind of see how she interacts with us for the rest of the afternoon as if she's going to just fall asleep at my dulcet tones or if she's going to basically wake up and start to move around!

So Kathy viewing of cubs without needing their mom, they generally—until about eight months, so eight months, you wouldn't really view her without Mom, you'd normally try and kind of keep them to leave them to themselves.

At eight months old, obviously, if you find her, you can have a short sighting and then let them go, but now that she's a year old, yeah, she's more than capable of climbing trees and figuring out things on her own!

And I watched her last night with the hyenas that approached her during our rehearsal. She was on top of the termite mound, and a hyena came along, and she didn't even bat an eyelid! She just looked at that hyena; they looked at her, and they both kind of said, "Uh, too much effort to go anywhere," and left one another alone!

So she's figured things out, and at a year old, she needs to, because theoretically, Tandy could leave her in the next two months! Actually, did the tambour before, and she's going to need to figure things out!

And obviously when she's on her own, we can view her! So it's important that we also start to spend time with her away from Tandy because otherwise, she'll never get relaxed with the fact that the vehicles are here!

And so she's had a pretty long period to live life by herself and for us not to stress her out too much by herself. But now, you know, as we start to get to a year old, she's gonna be starting to hunt and do things, and she's more than fine with the vehicles around!

We, as you can see, we're not exactly stressing her out at this stage! Although she is watching Batman now. Look at the size of that paw in relation to her head when she's stretching! You're just doing all the poses today, aren't you? It's almost like she's just listening to what we're saying and kind of watching what's going on.

And her little one, you're so serious! You like your brother, you know that? Yes! She's enjoying a conversation about her royalty and herself. It's quite funny from my angle, which you probably won't have is you'll see that these two leaves in front of her face from the quarry tree!

Now, those tubes—they’re from the angle that I am at when she puts her head in a certain way, those are the perfect little moustache over her nose! It's quite funny! I'll try and line it up just now with Craig because it's hilarious with these two little green leaves like hanging down and either side of him as well!

It looks like she's got say a massive moustache! And there was an Australian cricketer that, if some of you may be, maybe we should Google, because he had an epic moustache that looks a little bit like this when her face is aligned, and his name was Mervyn Hughes!

He was a bad-boy cricketer, and he was, you know, all over the place, and he had this huge handlebar moustache! And this kind of looks just like that over her face—except it's a quarry bush Michelle moustache! Should I say? And so it's very, very cute when she!

She needs to get her head in the right place, and unfortunately, where Craig is is not quite the right sort of view! It was so obviously blocks her face a lot in my kind of good Craig there! But we'll try it just now to see if we can get their little quarry moustache on!

Totally lumber, what are you doing? Right! I'm gonna try and see if I can find some sort of place to align the leaves on her muzzle! And while I do that, let's send you back across to James, who's apparently "Where's Waldo" with the cheetahs of the Maasai Mara triangle!

Oh my god, from that link, everybody, is that I'm going to find something to lump a lead with Columba’s moustache! I don't think that's what it was, anyway! We are still trying our best to find the cheetah on this gorgeous afternoon. Not feeling in the slightest bit frustrated, feeling a little frustrated with pressures, because it's so pretty!

Oh, it was about two llamas' moustache! I see! That's very odd! I didn't know tree lumber had a moustache! I've found him a starch, and a woman to be particularly attractive, but each to his own! Our leaf moustachio run, and that's okay, then!

Now, I think I'm told she has a den somewhere in between these two hills, which I think that the things we're heading towards now! But if it is a bit of broken telephone you get out here, and apparently she was lying without the cubs earlier today, which means she could easily have left them at least lift where she was to go and feed them!

So we'll just pop around here; there are elephants about, so if we see something, we will show them to! Just being in a landscape like this is filled with magic and smells! So clean; there are hardly any other vehicles around, and we've basically had the place to ourselves—all 50,000 hectares or so, some 120,000 acres!

Zach, my favorite thing about the Mara is the space! I mean, yeah, really, if you look at that, that is my favorite thing about the Mara—it’s just endless gorgeous, gorgeous views! Obviously, the animals are spectacular as well, and it's lovely to have so many here, but it's the real sense of space that you get here.

I think because you can see so far—you know, the Mara Serengeti is no bigger than the Kruger, but obviously in the Kruger, you can't see the same distance! There just gives you a sense of real space. And I guess because it's parkland, in other words, because there's short grass and trees dotting it, it makes us psychologically feel very comfortable.

There's a psychological phenomenon in human beings where we seek out parkland with few tall trees but pretty short grass underneath; that's why we design our parks like that! And it comes from way back when we would just learn to stand, because it means we can see for a distance, but we still have the security of the trees—quite interesting, I think!

Alright, let's keep going. No luck is yet! We will go back to those cheetahs at least to the lions if we do not come right with these cheetahs. You know what else we didn't use to have signal in this area when I was last here, and that was all rectified during our gauntlet series!

It was very special to be able to drive in this area and share it with you! Party, Sydney is looking for some lions! So I think we're gonna find out how that search is going!

So I am now busy trying to get hold of the freshly on tracks. It seems like these lions are much more towards the Geary cut line somewhere there. It is where maybe we might be lucky and find them!

I'll just go check that area, as well as the buffalos! The buffalos are the nearest gem to where these lions have been spotted earlier this morning. The wind is too much here where I am, so there are no other animals here in this area!

Maybe this is a sign that the big cats are somewhere around here, so I'm gonna have to look very carefully because these kind of animals can lie down flat, and it's not easy to see the lions when they are lying down during this time of day unless you know where exactly they are!

Still no tracks at the moment! As soon as I pick up some tracks, I will be able to tell how much time we're going to take to find him! So now let’s go to Tristan!

Well, Mr. With the total number, you can see she's now found a nice little spot to rest here! Poor—is that comfy? Go, do you like that little spot? Yes, okay, you will come to like whatever spot you want, which you can see there! That quarry’s made the perfect little spot to kind of hang one's paw over, and imagine it's much like leaning against a shelf or something like that!

That's what's it really kind of—I would think it would be. Oh, leaning against a sort of bar counter or something! Maybe she's a little bit young for the bar counter—maybe you need to perfect your skills for later in life!

She's getting to that age where she's going to be going out on the town at nights and then going and checking around things on her own. What you noticing—the wind is really blowing at the moment! So I'm pretty sure there's a lot of noise and a lot of sounds, and lots of kind of things that are disrupting her—from trees rustling to grass moving, and there are a few birds that are chirping!

And so I'm sure she's just kind of watching out from all of that! Connie, I would imagine maybe in the initial phases, they would probably, I suppose, when they really stung, they don't even know what's going on, and so being left alone probably doesn't mean anything to them really, and then they just get used to it!

But I would imagine if things like lions come past where they get chased up a tree or something like that, and I'm sure they go through a period of anxiety or at least emotional stress!

But for the most part, I don't think so! I think it's more boredom than anything else when they’re sitting like this! And you can imagine she's been sitting here since yesterday morning, waiting for Mom to return—she'd be like, "Come on, let's go somewhere!"

And she's just had to kind of sit still and wait! Now what will happen eventually in time is that she will start to move around a lot more, socialize, start hunting; she'll start going and looking for water!

And eventually, the creation from Tandy is going to be that much more that she's gonna have to be left kind of on her own and figure things out! But I think it's a little bit early; I would be a bit too nervous of her being on her own at this age already and being left to do her own things!

I think it would be a very tricky period for her if she were to be left by herself at this time! I mean, she's still very little in comparison to, you know, some of the comparisons, you know, a lot of the other, depends on Jim to compete with that Scottish female up near Buffalo, Tandy, which, you know, should you do it, it would be very tricky for her!

And Annie! Annie to be; he's gonna come of age, and, you know, she's gonna have a tough time of it—stay out of trouble and stay away from anybody that's going to try and hurt you!

So I'm hoping that Tandy is kind and keeps her for a little while longer, maybe sort of—I would hope six more months; that should get her to a nice sort of size that she'll be able to then look after herself a lot better! Because I remember with Gene, she knows the exact same chunky; she was tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny! And around a year old, she looked as though she was half the size of Husana!

And in the space of about six months, she really grew quite a bit; as soon as she started making her own kills and developing, you know, she started to really kind of come into her own and develop in size! Ultimately, she was still quite small, and obviously, Tandy sort of chased her away, and we know that there's that whole interaction.

But I would be very, very, very kind of hesitant for it to go now!

And I'm hoping that she'll show a similar pattern to show Neely and actually start to really kind of move and try to figure things out!

So Lady Bird, her eyes are quite interesting! They've changed color slightly! I mean, when we first started to see her, they weren't actually the brightest of colors, and they didn't really look like they were going to be anything spectacular!

But in the last few months, they've almost started to take on a little bit more of a kind of greenish color! If you look at them, there is a sort of slight under ... not much; it's mostly sort of yellow based!

But it was definitely a bit more of a lightness in that! I mean, she's starting to really kind of get these beautiful eyes—that the time these kind of cubs are known for!

She said boys had cubs that had pretty eyes, and so, you know, she's almost taking one that lights kind of yellow almost translucent yellow with a touch of greeny blue in them, which is very, very pretty!

So she's got a really nice kind of set of eyes! I like the eyes that she's got! Obviously, Tamas’ eyes were extraordinary, and they were beautiful in their own right, but hers are really taking on a nice color now.

And it's often what happens with leopards—as cubs, their eyes are a certain color, and they slowly but surely start to change a little bit as they get a little older!

And you'll find that they, depending on which leopard it is, their eyes get a little bit more subdued in terms of the vividness of the color! If you take Tiyani, for example, she had sapphire blue eyes! And when I say sapphire blue, I mean they were blue, blue, blue, blue, blue!

And those faded somewhat and have now become more like Anderson’s eyes, which is this kind of grey-blue, but very, very light—and that's not the same sapphire blue that we've been seeing on her when she was a cub!

And so you see that with the cubs! Their eyes are a kind of change, and it gets a little more muted as they go. But whose is definitely getting more of a green tone to it! And she's getting older, which is quite nice!

But I think she's got beautiful eyes! It was a very serious face! Look at that! I know you did one delightful!

So just so everybody knows, apparently Jamie Patterson is a TV star now! She's, you know, gone to the Mara, done TV, become famous for her work with hyenas and has decided that she doesn't actually want to participate in the afternoon show anymore during the day!

She'll do TV this evening, but the rest of the time, she's going to gain spending her time back at camp at their feet up, being pampered, and being brought all kinds of things by the trainees! So she's apparently—this is through the grapevine!

She's ordered caviar and champagne in order to sit back and relax while she gets a facial! It's just what the grapevine is saying! And I think it's probably because she hit all-time fame actually this morning with her poetry!

She's, well, from what I hear, is being coined as the next Shakespeare, the Shakespeare of the modern era! And so she's not, you know, it was just too much work this morning for her to do another game drive this afternoon!

And so she’s decided to go put her feet up until such time as TV comes around, but she can then be the star of the show once again!

So for now, she's going to just take it easy back at camp, apparently, saying that I shouldn't be jealous, as she's putting on her charcoal face mask!

Okay, so yeah, I'm not jealous at all! I'm sitting with a leopard, which is probably for me the best place to be! We all know that as long as I'm out and there's a spotty cat around, I'm quite happy with where I am, so I don't mind at all!

But I mean, Jamie, I hope you enjoy your pamper session and your relaxed afternoon! I’m glad that you're getting some time off! You know, though you wouldn’t want to work too hard over the course of the next few days!

You obviously know that you are a vitally important star of the show, and so we will pamper when we need to! Now what I'm gonna try to do is, while little Emma's got her face up, did Jamie say a naughty word to me? That's naughty, Kirsty!

I'm gonna try and line up Craig—Craig can I ask you just to keep— I know it's gonna be a bit rough, but I just want to see her face with the little moustache.

Let’s see if we can get this right! Okay, little Columba, you've got to keep your face where it is! I know there's gonna be a stick in the way to line it up!

Perfect! If I get it right, I can also come home! Craig, let's see—going tighter there! Let’s have a look! Oh no, her face is not quite right! It was almost there! If she just drops her face, come on, put your face back, little amber!

There, little moustache is the perfect thing! Let’s see if she’ll do it! I think she will do it eventually again, but at one point, she had the perfect height on her face that it was just sitting directly over her nose!

But there you can see if she drops her head down a little bit! Can you imagine that over it? It will be hilarious if we can get this right!

Come on, Columba, which will nose down a little bit so we can see with a little quarry moustache!

Kirsty says this is—we need a laser beam! Because cats always chase lasers around! And say, they can just make her kind of put a muzzle down!

Although I don't think a laser beam would work, Kirsty! I think she'll be too reacted for that! So what we want is for her to get a little sleepy and just to drop her face slightly!

I know she’s very close; I agree, Kirsty! It almost seems like she's going to get it right! The problem is it's this squirrel's alarm calling! Someone, if Mom’s on her way back to our south, is some squirrels!

There you go—look at that! We can say she's got a quarry beard now! And it may not be a moustache, but she's got a little quarry beard at the moment!

And I’m sorry, Craig, for making fun of you! On it! But it’s willing to—just everyone’s enjoying it! There’s a little, it's ridiculous! She looks like a catfish!

So say like, yes, it looks like one of those old, you know, Chinese moustaches! Or there’s—you know there’s ones that are long and hanging down! It really is quite wonderful!

I like it! I think it's fantastic! Don't look so angry with me! I'm sorry, go! I guess I knew you would enjoy that; I thought it was quite cool to actually see!

I'm glad that all worked out! Because obviously with the camera angle and my angle is two different things! So sometimes when we see something, the camera doesn’t quite get it because it's a lot steeper of an angle than what I have!

And so you end up with these kind of different sort of looking things! But luckily Julie—exactly! It is Movember! Columba is doing her butt for Movember!

There it is! It's— it is ridiculous! Now just mute—there we go! That's it! It's perfect! When it comes out of here, knows it's the things that keep us entertained at this time of the day!

This is what happens when we spend time out in the hot sun; is there-three gal brains gets stood anywhere! We’re gonna sit and enjoy this a little bit longer while Jamie Patterson takes it easy up in camp!

But the other one, who’s not having as much fun as what we are, or Jamie, is James Henry, as he’s still playing his game of where is the spotted cat upon the plains of East Africa!

It must be nice to be a TV star! I think it must be great to be just a TV star! That Thompson's gazelle is not a TV star! Now, minor until it's Liberty!

Anyway, we're sitting here! We have yet to find our cheetah, but what we have found are two glorious—look at those! Are they not magnificent?

We are still searching for these cheetahs, but as I keep saying to you, this serves by way of consolation— we're looking for lots of other things and seeing beautiful landscapes or Obie's thompson's ghazals! General beauty!

Jaime Patterson has herself a cup of coffee! Isn't that gorgeous? Those are not common! In fact, that's the best Obie sighting I've ever had! It would be just slightly better if there was a cheetah chasing them!

Magic! Here's Kirsten, as she would be sad as they died! But we just want the cheetah running after them! We don't necessarily wanna see them torn limb from limb, do we? No, it would be disgusting!

Alright, we’re going to continue along here, going towards two very large fig trees, and then we’re gonna bend our way around! And if we don’t have any luck, we’ll go back to the lions; we don’t want to lose them!

It’s not very warm anymore! I mean, it’s warm, but it’s not hot!

No, Debbie, I don't know anything about the wild dogs from this morning, I'm afraid! You know where they came from? Where they're going! I do know that they went into the villages straightaway!

So whether they ate goat for breakfast, I'm not sure! It's one of the disadvantages of not having secure fences in an area like this! You know, they just bleed onto community land, which in one respect is wonderful because the wild animals go into the communities, and they've actually developed a really good understanding of each other!

But on the other hand, wild dogs go into communities and start killing livestock; it’s a problem! And so I don't know where they came from, who they are, but it was so exciting to see them! As you may have noticed if you were watching this morning, Paulie got fairly excited by the fact that he was seeing wild dogs in the Maasai Mara for the first hunt!

He’s sitting behind me! His teeth are showing! It's very special indeed! So we're going to cut down through this little valley once we get to the two big fig trees!

See if we get lucky! We may, we may not! We'll do a little scan from the top here!

Oh, Rach! Hey, Cathy! We're very close to the equator! We're almost on the equator here! We're just a little bit south! The equator is—I don't know how far north it is, Mano! Do you know?

Let’s have a scan through here! I'm not sure how far away the equator is, but it’s really not far at all! You do cross it in Kenya if you go north!

And so really very pleasant climate here, especially because we're so high up! You've got some pigs on you! Well done! Pigs!

There’s a huge sound of water pigs! They don’t look very panicked! My life, of course, a cheetah would think twice about taking on a water pig! The water pigs don't always know that you've seen!

Any time I see a Thompson's gazelle herring around the place, I assume that's being chased! Sometimes they just hare around!

Now I see my cheetah! I suspect those are not the only two fig trees next to each other in the whole place! The reason I say that is that we've been told to look for them while looking for the cheetah girl!

Just gorgeous! We should have a fairly gorgeous sunset as well! I'm sure you can feel the peace of this place just by looking at your screen!

And these are magnificent visitors—just utterly, utterly breathtaking! Well, Joshua, the migration never ends completely! The migration continues regardless; it just doesn't happen to be right here where we are!

Most of the animals have gone down south into Tanzania, but actually, just over the ridge to the northeast of us, there’s a place called a Salt Lick, which many of you will be familiar with!

And in fact, there are huge herds of zebra and wildebeest all around the Salt Lick, and we passed a few herds of wildebeest sansa, but today on our way down here!

But basically over that ridge there, that you're looking at, is the Salt Lick, and they will find fairly substantial herds too.

Well, certainly three days ago! You did, whether they're still there, I'm not sure! But most likely, really, it's the kind of place you need to sit and just soak it all up!

Doc drinking Dean ready, yes, you can hear bird! Thank You, Kirsten! The bird you can hear is the waffled left-wing! Not a peaceful Sunday afternoon sound, but that is the salad that's chosen to make!

Alright, I think we better carry on! That's an elephant skull there! So an elephant popped its clogs as it were some time ago over there!

Righty good! Shall we carry on driving? Let's carry on driving! So the two fig trees! A little road going down this way—yes, here we go! Be lucky!

Okay, let’s go back to the other color of the moment! It’s not so much a cub anymore!

Well, no, exactly! You're not so much a cub anymore at all! She’s gotten quite big these days, and I suppose she still is! You know, a bit of a cubby face, she’s trying very hard to have a stone stair to get rid of the cubby face!

And I suppose that's making fun of her having of lament! You see, really doesn’t help in this case at all! But like I said, we weren't having fun; we were laughing with her!

It's what you've always got to remind yourself! But she's now decided sleep time! Enough entertaining with moustaches and the likes! She's going to slide on and have a little bit of a nap!

I suppose this is what happens when we spend time, Archer, for long periods, and not much goes on—it’s that we start to come up with ridiculous things that leopards get to do!

And obviously, entertain ourselves, someone! So I can only imagine what it must be like for her—it was such a non-stop all day long waiting for mom to come out! I am surprised, though, that you know, obviously this morning we saw a hunt with a lot of vigor and energy!

And all seriousness tried to go after some impalas—it wasn't like she was kind of taking it easy and just doing a little playful!

And she was really hunting properly, and it surprises me that since then she’s just not done anything! Because there are still lots of impalas around this area! I’ve seen quite a few different impalas kind of moving about there on both sides of the drainage line we are sitting at the moment!

So there’s a drainage line just to our kind of what would we say Northwest somewhere there, and there's impalas that are kind of on both sides of that! So there's someone that’s on the far side—the way that termite mound is in the background, and that was where I last saw some of them!

And there’s some just to... it's kind of south! And so I'm surprised that after that hunt this morning, she hasn't tried again to go after anything! Maybe she's just kind of decided that it's too bright now and that she's gonna rather wait for Mom!

Maybe she thought Mom would be back a lot earlier than what she has now! I'm hoping that Tandy does come back at some point! So one of the Nico Nico viewers know we haven't searched for Tandy too much!

I did drive, so basically what happened is yesterday this interaction happened with the hyenas! The kill was stolen in the morning, and Tandy went south!

So turn you in towards cheetah plains in coral Chad! Red boundary! And from there, no one's seen her! So I’ve driven the fire break which runs to the south of the block that we're in, no sign of any tracks coming back north!

And obviously, we can't reverse in coral cheetah plains! And so, you know, ask the guys! They said they haven't seen any side of it!

It's not to say she isn't there! She can be elusive in the places where she's crossed on Saturdays!

And night, me for finding a leopard, it's very, very dense bush there! So she could just be in a some weight, and it wouldn't surprise me!

And so what the best bait fast is, is obviously we could drive around and try and find her, but if she's got a kill, she's going to come back to Kalama at some point!

And come and fetch her and take her back, or at some point, she’s got to arrive back here! So the bait sisters rather just sit tight with Columba and wait for mom to arrive!

And the other thing is that I just wanted to spend more time with her! If I'm really honest, I’m being selfish a little bit!

Hopefully, you guys don't mind a bit! We get so little time with Tandy and Kalama because of their way that they're spending time on tortured!

And we also know that it’s a difficult cut to find is Tandy at the best of times! And so when you got an opportunity to spend three drives in a row with little Claire Llama, it just feels like a really nice thing to do!

And then eventually mom's gonna come back! And getting that moment of them rejoining and coming back together is very special!

And on top of that, if we can follow them back to a kill if she does have a kill, that means that we then have tervez then for a longer period even further!

And we have a better place to start if I leave Claire Llama, and let's say Tandy comes from this western side where there's no Road up this drainage line! And then takes her back, I won't have any idea where she's gone!

And it'll be very difficult for me to be able to, or any of us, to be able to find her again! And that means that we won’t be on kind of on top of what's going on with him!

And that's the problem with Annie and Columba— they're actually not too bad if you follow them every Drive and you try to keep looking for them. It’s when you lose them for a drive than you've done, then they generally are gone and move all over the place!

And it becomes quite tricky to find them once again!

So you know, I think the best plan for now is just to sit with her and hope that mom comes back! And that we can follow where they go!

I’m hoping that Tandy wavers— she does not have a kill on in coral because obviously that means that she's gonna come here, grab a little one, and back onto in coral in a space of about 10 minutes!

And there won't be really much that we can do about it! And also, we don't want them to go outside! That's not a sign that we can drive; we want our little ones to be this side and to stay, you know, area!

I doubt that she'll go too far south with quarantine being around! And also, you know, that skittish male— it’s seeming he is spending time around Chitra!

I doubt that we’re getting to see too much movement! I've turned it to the south; she might go and explore on her own!

But I don't know if she'll take little Columba that side just yet! Right now, while we kind of spend time with Columba and see what she gets up to, let’s send you back across to Sydney, who’s still on the trail of the tawny cats!

I just got the tracks of the lions here! Where I am not too sure where exactly these tracks are heading to! So I'm trying to check here because it seems like we got disappeared somewhere here!

So I am from the buffer swoop dam! These lions have been there for drinking purposes earlier on! So I just have to check all these small bushes here because these kind of predators can easily lie down, and it’s difficult to see them from a long distance!

So maybe the tracks are heading back to the main road because I can see I'm not very far away from the main road at the moment, and these tracks look like it’s for the males! So it maybe is a correlation so there’s even more tracks here showing going up this side!

Things has been happening here, so I'm just gonna show you the tracks here so that you can see this lion has been here on the ground! I can see it's nice and clear! You can see those are the fresh tracks of these lions!

So the chances of seeing the lions in the area are getting very high at the moment! It’s just that the wind is blowing, which is making it very difficult for me to judge the age of these tracks!

So I'm just going to pull forward and see if maybe we can check around here until we pick up convincing evidence! So now let's go to a gem, so it’s looking for the cheetahs at the moment!

I'm afraid we’ve kind of given up on our cheetah simply because we don’t want to miss the lions waking up from the cubs and end up with a TV show wafting a spotlight around—there’s nothing to see!

Never be hopeless! There's a beautiful zebra! You can look at that! Just look at the beautiful zebra! Good evening, madam! Yes, I see that you are pregnant! Well done!

Good job! You've only carried your baby to term for some 11 months! She’s had to have that thing in her belly! Kirsten, we're not going down the road of silly puns this evening!

There were enough of those yesterday evening for the Lightning! There’s the sun going down! I wanted that sun going down either behind the cheetah or some lions!

So we’re going to press on! Are you ready, Manu? Yeah, little Rufe nape locking, call it after me, James! Yes, not sure she will, it might be very fortunate as we sort of drive through here and bump into her!

I think she’s probably spent the day away from her cubs because I've got an idea where the cubs in China were, so we might catch her coming back this way!

Hello, zebras! The other thing I love about the Mara—you were asking me what I love about it the most—is the smell! It's just a lovely smell! Lovely fresh verdant grass!

No, Mary, we are allowed to get out of the car if we wish to relieve ourselves, but we cannot get out and go tracking or walking! No, that is not allowed here!

It's because it's a national reserve, basically, and you can get MIT people on you! You know, the public can drive in! Suck the Kruger Park in South Africa, you can! You can go walking with a ranger who works for the place, and we've done that once or twice! But you can't just get out of the car and walk!

Because obviously, people will be flattened by the various fauna that have human flattening properties! Buffalo and elephant come to mind! In parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe, you can do what you like, and I'm not surprising that they do lose people every year!

They put up a sign that says, you know, go walking at your own risk! And well, people do, and sometimes the risk doesn't pay off!

Now I think that during the gauntlet series when Scott and Brent were knocking around down here, the grass was probably about four feet tall, and it's now been eaten flat by the migration as it came!

Yes, Paula, there are no marula trees here in the Maasai Mara! No, you find them, I think, a little bit further south in Tanzania! You do not find them here, though!

So they don't have a great marula Jam via general festivity season! Yes, they do in the low-felt, which I've explained to you results in, well, an enormous lack of productivity!

Human beings become vegetables for a little while if the marula season is in play! Now, that's not a cheetah either; mind back to the lions we go!

Alright, sustain remains with Columba and the moustache! You go back there! Well, no, she doesn't have been a starch anymore! She’s now traded that in for a nest!

She’s decided she's going to lie back where the grassy part is! She’s had enough of being ridiculed with no what are your plants in her face!

And is now going to lie looking very, very regal in amongst the grass over there! So she looks quite content, doesn't she? She seems—oh, she's going to have a bit of a nap, I think!

The other vehicle arriving just now was probably a little bit kind of didn't feel like it, and so she moved off a little bit and has decided this is exactly where she can kind of see and watch what's going on!

You feel comfortable with this sort of grass behind your back!

Aidan, who’s seven years old? Well, Aiden, we have a magic wand, and basically what happens is the magic wand is given to one of the trackers or the rangers that work out here, and it goes in the company of that animal!

And they wave the magic wand, and a name spews forth and comes out of the end, and that's how we know what they are!

Now I'm shaking it, and that's not the case at all! Basically how it works is that we will watch a leopard or a lion or coalition lions— are a little bit different to leopards in many respects!

Lion coalitions normally have a name, or prides have a name from an area that they’ve inhabited or something that makes them kind of get that name!

And most of the prides of their names for quite some time! That’s very seldom that a new name comes along! But essentially what happens is that the rangers that work in the areas, whereas the trackers—they all get together, and they will put forward names that are traits that this animal shows!

So let’s say, for example, like with Kleber meaning mischievous or playful or kind of—they will then they decide, okay, well that's how she is, and so let’s give that name!

And with her, we got three names, and you all decided which name you wanted to use, but he was engineer—that's how it works!

I mean some areas, it’s not quite that they’ll pick our three names; they’ll just pick out one; but it is the guides that work on sites, and normally it’s the first guide that gets to see them would say that Columba was formed by Taksin first!

Taksin will be normally the one that gets per first preference as to what name he would like to put forward for that leopard, and I kind of name for her!

So that’s how it works! As guides for Wild Earth, we don’t really participate in it at all! So even though we were the first ones to see little Columba, we didn’t put forward any names at all!

We asked Herbie to represent us in that regard, and Herbie kind of put the name forward with the rest of the guides! And that's how we got all the names for her to choose from!

So you know that's happened! When he works, it’s sort of out of a little bit of respect—you know Herbie and Taksin and Aubrey and William and Finnerty, and they’ve spent so much time out in this area!

And Rickson, and they do a lot of tracking on footage, and they find a lot of animals for us, and they help us so much that, you know, they’ve been here for much longer!

And the naming of these animals is far more kind of—they have the language; they know the language; they know the animals well! And so it just feels better for them to be doing it than for us!

And then it also removes any kind of emotion amongst presenters or anything like that, or any boastfulness! We're happy with however it goes as long as, you know, it's the right kind of name that the guys have offered forward from themselves!

And not just kind of mean, push it into it by us! And the fact that they allow us to kind of participate in it is always very nice!

So it's a kind of return respect that they have in many ways and that we can also include all of you as them being very kind of—what would the word be? Well, they acknowledge the fact that it's very important that you know we have these kind of ID kits and that all of you like to be able to associate a name with an animal!

And then allow all of you to participate in what an amazing kind of environment we're in, as well as the specialness of making a connection with these animals! So yeah, I think it works all the way around!

Hopefully, that wasn't too long of an answer, but it is the way that it goes! It's basically the guides that the payment that are from that particular lodge where that leopard is now! Or whatever the cat is that’s being born in!

And, like I say, you know, things like cheetah and lions don't really get individual names unless there's a real kind of trait that they have!

Here in South Africa, and the Masai Mara is slightly different there. You’ll find all the male lions pretty much have names— a lot of even the females do too!

And all the cheetahs, because of how many they are, have names, as opposed to the leopards—they’re mostly leopards have no idea at all! So it's quite interesting!

Hard down here because we see a lot more leopards, and the cheetah, all our leopards really have ID kits! Whereas the cheetah, a little bit, kind of unknown!

Whereas, you know, it's the complete opposite! And you've done well! You’re still going to sit and wait for Mom!

I was hoping she was gonna go up towards the termite mound and pose beautifully for us in the late afternoon light, but I don't think we're going to get that!

Something that's going to be a push to filing! She's going to decide to have a bit more of a nap and take it very, very easy and wait for Mom to start coming back rather than kind of moving around too much!

I really do hope Tandy arrives at some point! It will be so nice if she doesn’t! It’ll definitely I don’t make things quite interesting because I'm quite keen to see where she goes and which way she comes from!

I was excited! I don't know— I mean, I suppose it’s possible! You never know with Tandy! She does some random things at random times, and especially could be coming into a cycle again!

She made it only when she mated with with Tigana to to basically have a number, so it's possible that she could be going into a nice cycle!

But you know, the thing about Tandy is that I would be very, very surprised if she went into a nice cycle and didn't hook up with Ting Ghana! Most of her territory falls within his, and it would surprise me if we didn’t find her!

Also, she’s such a relaxed cat! And when she’s mating, it’s actually much easier to find it than it isn’t because of her frequency of mating!

And so we would have heard the reports of her mating somewhere! I don’t think she can creep around here without anybody finding her!

And so I don’t think she’s in the associates well! It will come soon! It’s gonna be within the next, I would say, three months; we're gonna start to see her coming into first Easter cycles!

And obviously, when that happens and she mates, then that kind of a break of her and Columbia starts to really kind of happen!

Particularly if she starts to feel like these little ones inside her, then she starts to get quite aggressive quite quickly towards Solomon!

And it’ll be very kind of interesting to see where the number ends up! Will she spend more time on the side and tortured? Will she go back to kind of where she was born in that area?

I suspect she’s going to hang around between, sort of, I reckon around Torchwood camp and then afterwards before like, damn!

That kind of swathe is going to be where Clara is going to spend a bit of time! The only problem is that that skittish female is being seen around Bethel’s exam a few times now!

And so maybe a little bit further south might be better for her! But it'll be interesting because obviously, traditionally, Tandy's always would favor the eastern side of Juma and the western side of torture!

Edwards within Kanyani having her side and her little female who's gonna end up settling where is going to be quite kind of interesting!

Good! We're gonna sit with this little cat tree and see when it gets up to! In the meantime, they're back to Sydney, who still searching for the Lions!

I was not lucky with lions! The minute I got somewhere near the buffer swoop, the lions crossed right into the buffers!

So now I am changing the plans! I'm going down to the cheetah cheetah then in order to see what is happening around the chitra area!

So the two male lions have just crossed! Maybe they will come back afterwards shortly after the sunset! I'll come back again and see if there will be some lion activities later on!

So this fire break here next to me is starting to recover! The moment you see there's an area where there was a control band dance some few months ago!

But now I can see that his is now starting to get green again! So soon as we receive good rains, this fabric is going to be completely green again!

And I’m even starting to feed! You can see some impalas now are excited to feed from the fire break! So these are the impalas!

They might start giving birth from the second week of December—a second week of November normally, which will be in two weeks!

Have not December, which will be any weeks enough time! That is when they are starting to give bad! So hopefully we might start to see the little ones then, the lambs, anytime soon!

So when giving birth, impalas are too clever! They, most of them—they—I have been lucky with an impala giving birth before!

And impalas normally they give birth during the daytime when they know that the predators is when they're inactive! So at night, they know it's very dangerous! Most of their babies, they are coming during the day!

So I'm just about to get to the Chitwa cheetah them at the moment! Maybe you might be lucky with some other lions day! The humans, they like that area a lot!

Let’s hope for the best; maybe we'll be lucky also with one of the spotted cats! So what I like the most about Chitwa Chitwa is that I always hit two birds with one stone!

So the traditional area is full of surprises! So now let's go back to the Maasai Mara, where James is also driving around in search of the lovely animals!

But we’re back trying to find the lions! We haven't quite arrived where we left them! Nearly such a flutter in the stomach as to whether or not they're going to be there!

Nearly there! The sun is going down; lions could start to move just about here! Wasn't it? Was it further along, Manu?

Further along my—the next tops of trees! Hello, Schuyler! Ah, when to be to do this job! You've got to be very old like me! I'm 27!

And you need to be about 27 to do this job! No, I'm not 27! I'm not going to tell you all I am! But you need to be in South Africa; you need to have was here! You need to have a driver's license, which means you need to be at least 18!

I'm in a mild panic now! Just gonna look inside this little drainage line! Hopefully, they're there with the cubs!

There's a lion! Oh! Small panic! Don't worry! So surely you need to be at least 18 to drive a car!

You've got to have 21—21 to guide! So it's actually guide people—you've got to be 21 years old! But to do this job, to present, to drive a car and talk to a camera.

I guess all you really need is a driver's license and a, well, a pretty good knowledge of the wilderness! So as long as you have those two things!

Any—adjourning! Thanks goodness! Sparrow! The Sasari pride! Where are their babies? That's what I want to know!

They're on the move, so they could be on the hunt! We arrived just at the right time! Not to have been fun, who had arrived here a little bit later!

Now, will we see some baby sausages? Have to be! I can be the best! You want you on this angle! I knew once this angle of the sausage tree pride!

There we go! I'll sit still now! Shot! I'm on him! I know likes me—just sit still! Not break dance on the back here!

Kirsten, sarcastically manner! Very artistic! It's not the kinky—not a kinky tail!

It's not kinky tail; it's one of the other two! We have here, no cubs as yet! And only two lionesses! There are five in the Sasari tree pride!

And you can tell that the one is Kinky Tail by the color of her nose, which is in fact purple! I'm being sarcastic! You can tell by the kink in her left foot!

Yes, keep watching! Keep watching! No, that's not her! Wonderful! It's what he told Kirsten! What did she say, ‘cause it’s straight tail!

Flippy tail! So funny! Got a gorgeous sunset going on! I'm gonna move forward, and then we will get you a picture of the sunset!

Kirsten, I think you should be quiet! You reached a pinnacle of your joke skills! That's Kinky Tail there! She doesn’t look very fat, but she looks foolish!

Is that Kinky? Oh, she—yes, it is! She got a kink in her tail! I don’t even see she did her hair!

Yes, I've definitely been eating something! But I think that other one was also very heavily pregnant and all of you enjoying the sunset! Thank you! Yes, we're enjoying it— too very gouges!

I was trying to take some illegal pictures of us, and just it's just— not vaguely doing it justice!

So we're the other two members of the society pride, art—I don't know! But I'm going to hang around with these three! It goes well!

I think that's a pretty good return! I'm not going to take an illegal picture with my telephone!

Yes, good—to pretty! Now they've got up! Moved from where they were, and I wonder if they've left the Cubs because they’re gonna go hunting!

Or if perhaps it's the other two that have come! Ah! There's a thought that maybe they're going to go in search of the other tooth!

This all next to us is either very pregnant or very full of food! But see how she's not breathing very heavily, lady Starfire!

That's an interesting question, and I mean, it's obviously there's a complicated answer to it! You say if I came across a lion giving birth, would I stay in the sighting?

The answer is— it depends entirely on the effect that I was having on the sighting! If we drove up onto this riverbed here, look down, and there was a lioness giving birth in a cat in a cave, and she didn't move, because she'd matured into vehicles like these ones are, then I would sit very quietly and watch! Absolutely, would I tell anyone about it? Probably not!

Because, you know, in a lodge situation, you absolutely wouldn't stay! Because if one set of guests thought that

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