Storytelling on Steroids: Quick Cuts and Relentless Editing #Shorts
Videos feature nauseatingly quick cuts and rapid-fire text, and they're always trying to hook you with forced uncertainties, making you wonder what will happen next or how something will play out. Most media works this way, but this is storytelling on steroids.
After a small sample audience has viewed their video, creators will use YouTube's analytics and editing features to cut out parts with low viewer retention. This gives the video an even more relentless feel. YouTube creators cut their videos like an infomercial designed to hold your attention as long as possible.
The longer they keep you watching, the more likely you'll make a purchase or something. YouTube as a whole works in a similar way; the longer you stay on the platform, the more ads you see, and the more ad revenue the platform generates.
As a result, a content creator who can keep people glued to their screens longer creates more value for YouTube. The algorithm rewards these high retention channels by feeding their videos to more potential viewers, and the cycle continues.