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A day in my life in Japan vlog-Shopping/Getting a haircut

3m read
·Nov 25, 2024

[Music] Okay, so good morning! It's currently 4:35 AM, and I just woke up. You might think, "Why are you waking up this early?" The reason is, yesterday I was so tired, so I just went to bed pretty early, at 7:30 PM or something, so that I can wake up today early and start studying. I'm gonna start studying right now; let's get started!

I watched some study videos while making some active recall questions using Notion, because taking notes is useless. If you want to spend your time wisely, just do some active recall. [Music]

Okay, so I have done two 50-minute Pomodoros, and also plus six minutes or so. Now I'm gonna be doing my skincare, and we're gonna be having breakfast. It's really 6:30 or something like that. If you're interested in my skincare, you can watch it right here. [Music]

It's breakfast time! My grandparents have green tea during and after every meal. Green tea is super healthy. If you're interested, just research! That's what I do every time I get curious about something; I just research it.

This is our breakfast. We have pretty much the same thing every day in Japan. In Japan, culture and religion are pretty mixed, like everywhere in the world. But most of the people don't believe in any religion. Even though they don't believe in any religion, they follow the Buddhist Shinto, which is kind of like a mixture of religious things.

It's time to do the laundry. It's my job in Japan to do them; I do them every single day. I hang out the laundry, and now it's time to do my makeup and change my clothes. I'm gonna be getting ready for my hair salon appointment. I'm gonna pass this while I get ready with me kind of video, so stay tuned for that! I'll see you later.

Okay, so I did my makeup, I changed my clothes, and now I'm gonna brush my teeth and leave the house for my hair salon appointment. I booked a hair salon using the Hot Pepper online service. If you're in Japan, you're probably familiar with it because it's super popular. And no, this video is not sponsored; I wish it was! By the way, I only get a haircut in Japan because I think Japanese hair salons are the best in the world. [Music]

Now it's time to eat some food because your girl is hungry. I was trying to decide what to eat. [Music]

Oh, that was a donut shop, by the way! In Japan, they say "like the night kebab," and there are plenty of dinner kebab restaurants in Japan. But people don't really know that it's a Turkish dish, and most of the workers here in Japan are not Turkish. By the way, I decided to have some sushi, and I think sushi in other countries is not that good. If you want to have some real sushi, you have to pay a pretty good amount of money. I don't know if there are some places in the world where you can eat good sushi affordably.

Don't ever come to me and say sushi isn't good even though you never had some real good sushi; your girl is angry! I hate it when people say they don't like the food when they've only had one version of it. I mean, you can just say that it's bad only if you've tried various types of it from different places, you know what I mean?

I had some miso soup and then a sushi plate. My favorite sushi is maguro and salmon. What's yours? [Music]

You can eat sushi with your hands as well. Mom told me that sushi used to be fast food in Japan. The taste between cheap sushi and expensive sushi is so obvious. So if you want to have some real good sushi in Japan, go to a real sushi restaurant. [Music] [Music]

There were some sushis that I don't like on that plate, but I ate all of them because your girl is a good girl. Now it's time to show you the streets in Japan.

This is the game center, by the way. I went shopping and got some new clothes, and my mom hated every single piece of it. [Music] [Music]

So [Music] [Music] Now it's time to get back home. Even though it's super expensive, I really love public transportation in Japan because they're always punctual. [Music]

So [Music]

Okay, guys, so I came back home. I changed my clothes, I had dinner with my family, and now I'm about to film some videos, edit some videos, and study for a couple of hours. Then I'll go to sleep. That was it for today! I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Let me see you in my next video. Bye! [Music]

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