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Slow Motion Ice Bucket Challenge (Dog, Cat, Chicken, Kid) - Smarter Every Day

2m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey, it's me Destin and welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So I was challenged by Grant Thompson to do the Ice Bucket Challenge and I want to do a video that's smart and teaches you something, that's fun to watch and something that actually ends up giving a lot of money to the ALS Research Cause.

We've got this dry ice, 'cause that's what Grant did. We're gonna put dry ice here in the, uh... in the bucket. We've got a phantom running about 1000 frames per second. Is this a good idea? -laughs- No, it's not a good idea... (bubbles) Ha, are you ready? Do you wanna trigger it? Okay, so here we go!

ALS does affect your ability to react. I don't really want to do this now... Okay, so here we go! (sploosh) (children laughing) Yea, it's funny, daddy's wet. Isn't it! Okay, my part is now done, now time for a little pseudoscience just for fun.

What we're gonna do is test the reaction times for 4 different animals. As you know, ALS affects the ability of nerves to fire muscles. So we're gonna remove the ice so there's no danger to the animals at all, and just put a little bit of water in there so we can just startle them. Maybe splash beside them? And see which ones react the fastest. This should be pretty fun!

Okay, take it and put some water in there. Yea, go put water in it! First animal up: my two-year-old son! (laughs) Are you ready to get wet? Here you go! Come here Buckshot! Isn't that food good? (laughs) She doesn't care!

Okay, now we're gonna test an old cat. Very good, Old Cat! Man, look at all that food! Lot of food, don't you like food, Speckles? (cluck cluck cluck cluck) Okay, let's compare. Have a good one!

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