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iWork '09 Review

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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Hey guys, this is Mad Kids in a one. This is just going to be a, um, a brief review of iWork 09. I purchased this yesterday, um, on the 6th, the day it came out, and, um, I've been testing it out, and I'm going to do a review video.

Okay, so first of all, I'll just show you. After you install iWork 09, just like iWork 08, it puts a folder in your Applications folder called iWork 09. Within that are three applications: Keynote, Numbers, and Pages. Now, Keynote is a, um, a presentation creator. It is for things such as PowerPoints, um, or PDFs. Numbers is a spreadsheet maker; it's compatible with Excel spreadsheets. I won't be demonstrating this today; if you want me to, I'll make a separate video on this.

Also, Pages, um, which is a word processor, not just a text editor, similar to Microsoft Word in many ways. So first of all, I'll just show you what these applications look like. Pages has a template chooser, and you can just select a template, and, um, right here is the main window. You have this attributes window right here, and right here you have—you can view the pages, you can go full screen, you can set outlines, um, you can do a bunch of stuff. There’s this nice media function which lets you insert media. This is also in the other two applications; you can insert media, and that’s just nice.

Um, I will show you the best feature at the end. Um, there’s also Keynote, which is the presentation creator. This is the one Apple uses—gradient—and this is just, um, pretty simple here, and you can edit this, and, um, yeah, that’s that. Pages. Pages. I'm not sure what Keynote saves as. You can also export, um, Keynotes to PDFs, HTML files, all sorts of things. Same goes for Pages and Numbers.

Um, so next I’m going to be showing you a few file formats that work. Subscribe.doc is my .doc file I have; that's a regular Office file, Office 2003 or earlier creates that. Um, subscribe.docx is my Microsoft Office Word 2007 document. Um, subscribe.ppt is a PowerPoint I created; um, this will open it. And subscribe.rtf is a rich text file, which I prefer to use TextEdit for because it’s simpler, but, um, Pages does it very nicely as well.

So first, I’ll open a .doc. I’ll just open it with Pages, and here it is. And so you can, you can obviously use all the tools, um, set a landscape. I won’t continue on, but this is very compatible—same with .docx, same with .ppt. If I open it with Pages, it works just as well, so you don’t have to deal with compatibility issues. Um, pretty nice. I'm not gonna say that subscribe.ppt, my PowerPoint, opens quite nicely.

Now, the disadvantage of this is that you can't just plain go ahead and save it as a .ppt; you have to save it as, um, a .whatever the file extension is for Keynote. Same goes for Pages and .docs, so basically, you have to export it.

And let me just demonstrate export. If you go up to Share, then click Export, you can select a format: QuickTime, .ppt, PDF, images, HTML, or iPod. I'm not going to export it; this because it's not the best thing ever. And then, of course, here's my .rtf file. I use TextEdit for these, but I'll just show you—Pages opens the .rtf file just as well. I don't think inserting media would go great in here, nor would tables. This also opens HTML, but I don't have any good HTMLs to show you that don't—basically that aren't our website.

So I won't go on to that. Um, now whenever you have a Pages document, I'll just open up—or a Keynote document, or a spreadsheet, a Numbers document—there's a great feature that has been added, and that is That's totally HTML. So if you click, and I'm going to edit out where it says my email address, it will ask you to invite someone to share your document online. Okay, share this document.

Now, they won't be able to edit it, but they will be able to download it and leave comments. And right here, you can select your email address, and you can just type a message: "Hello, share this." Now you can click share, you know, share this document.

Okay, and so now I’ll just show you what they'll see. Right now, is a beta, and they'll want you to log in just to make it secure. So I’ll log in. Okay, so now...

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