BONUS: "FANBOYS," a mnemonic song | Conjunctions | Parts of speech| Khan Academy
Fanboy, Fanboy, the boys who carry the fan.
Fanbo, Fanboy, the boys who had a plan.
For the way was long and the day was hot.
The boys were always prepared; neither sand nor heat would deter their feet.
They did what no others had dared.
Bo fanbo, the boys who carry the fan.
Fanboy, Fanboy, the boys who had a plan.
The Fanboys were on a train to Loro when bandits made an assault.
But the Fanboy fan made a win so mighty that the banditry came to a halt.
And boys, Fanboy, the boys who carried the fan,
The boys who had a plan.
The magistrate said, "We're all very grateful, but it's time for an end to your fun."
He said to the boys, "It's your fan or your freedom, and you may only have one."
Fanboy, Fanboy, the boys who carried the fan,
The boys who had a plan.
The boys saw the land was crying for justice, yet they knew that this wasn't the way.
So they put down their fan, and they picked up their notebooks,
And this is what they had to [Music] say:
"Though we lay down our fan this day, you too can have the power to unite phrases, words, and clauses with the coordinating conjunctions of English, which are four: and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
You too can harness the power of the Fanboys."
The Fanboys, the boys who carry, that's their whole deal.
We're all fanbo!
Remember the boys with the f...