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Creativity break: Why is creativity important in algebra? | Algebra 1 | Khan Academy

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] It's all about solving problems. It's not about, like, maybe in previous years you've done a multiplication table memorization. It's not like memorizing how to solve problems; it's learning the tools of how to solve problems and then using them, um, and building them up in creative ways.

So, it's kind of like, it really does remind me of art because if you are doing, like, a painting or something, you have like specific tools about, like, maybe paint brushes or different techniques you can use, um, to create something bigger. Um, so I feel like algebra is really all about combining things that you already know how to do, um, into something bigger.

So the word algebra comes from the Arabic word "al-jabr," that literally translates to "reunion of broken parts." This breaking apart of mathematic representations and putting it back together in the form of balanced equations is the essence of algebra. And the beautiful thing is that this balancing and solving of equations can be done in many different ways, which is where creativity comes in.

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