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The First Meeting of EDUtubers! ft. CGPGrey, Vsauce, Smarter Every Day, Numberphile +more

3m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Hey, Veritasium!

Michael [Stevens] from Vsauce here, and we're gonna ask some important questions. Let's find some random about you? Yes?

Michael: I don't believe you're scientifically literate.


Michael: If a tomato is a fruit, does that mean ketchup is a smoothie?

John Green: So, can you name any of the cities in the Indus Valley civilization? Are we talking about, like, Cairo?

John: (scoffs) Yeah, Cairo would not qualify as one of the cities in the Indus Valley civilization.

John: Cairo!...Cairo!

This is Brady Haran from Periodic Videos, and Sixty Symbols, and bibledex, and DeepSkyVideos, and Numberphile, and nottinghamscience, and foodskey, and--

Alright, and I'm Derek from Veritasium.

Brady: Wait, you only got one channel?

I know!

Brady: You call yourself a Youtuber?

Vi Hart, uh, you want to ask me a question?

Vi: Triangle.

Um, that's not a question?

Vi: Triangle. (laughs awkwardly) Uh...ah-um...

John: In what year did the French Revolution begin? 17...72?

John: You had the--the first two numbers were awesome! (Derek chuckles)

Brady: We have a Veritasium exclusive right now. We're gonna show you the first, unauthorized picture of CGP Grey, who's standing here right next to me.

Here's a question for--oh. Hang on. He was here a minute ago.

Henry Reich: Okay, so what I was thinking I might have you, uh, try to calculate here is some Feynman diagrams in curved spacetime. But to start off with something a bit easier, uh, I think we should start off with the Christoffel symbol for the Schwartzchild metric.

Um, and in case you've forgotten I've written it, I've even written the metric here--

Derek: No, I know it--I know what it is. I don't need you to show me.

Henry: Okay.

Derek: No, I know it--I know what it is. I don't need you to show me.

Henry: So like--

Derek: No, I know it--I know what it is. I don't need you to show me.

Henry: I know.

Henry: You have something on your face.

Vi: Triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle.

Vi: Triangle, triangle, triangle... I am actually quite concerned about what you're doing to my face.

Vi: (laughs) TRIANGLE! I am actually quite concerned about what you're doing to my face.

Right, so this is CGP Grey and Veritasium at the BrainSTEM Conference here in Canada and it's been a great couple of days.

You gonna come visit me Derek?

Definitely! I've always wanted to visit Great Britain.

(CG Grey sighs) I mean...the United Kingdom? England?

Derek: The British Isles?

CGP Grey: Great.

CGP Grey: Great, yeah. I look forward to it. Going through U.S. customs in, like, an hour.

(Vi laughs) I was expecting, like, a triangle, but this is feeling like lots of triangles.

Vi: Well, they--they're happier in groups.


Vi: Like, they're like sheep. They get sad and lonely by themselves.

Destin Sandlin: So, we're in the Corolla. I don't--I just met these guys.

Henry: Look, look, there's like the Mennonite farms out there. If this car crashes right now, like, all of science on YouTube is going down.

(everyone laughs)

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