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Advantage | Vocabulary | Khan Academy

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

I have The High Ground, word Smiths, because we're talking about the word advantage in this video.

Advantage, a noun, it means a better position, something that helps. If we're running a foot race and I get a three-minute head start over you, that's a definite advantage. I got to start before you did. Indeed, that's what the derivation of this word gives us: avantage can literally be translated from French as "beess." So, avant means before in French, both before in time and before in space. It can mean both earlier and in front of.

A in English pronounced "AG", right? This AG is a noun-forming suffix that also comes from French. It works like this: you pack stuff into a package, you store things in storage. Leaky things are prone to leakage. You get the picture.

So, thinking about avant or advant right with the D in there and H G as a noun-forming suffix, what similar words can you think of? I'll give you ten seconds. Here we go!

[Music break]

Here are three that I came up with: disadvantage, right? The opposite of advantage. This is when something is making things harder for you, like your opponent in a foot race getting a three-minute head start, for example.

Advance is a verb that means to go forward or to go onward or up. Advantage, this noun, is usually part of the phrase "vantage point."

Means a good spot to view things from. The top of a hill is a great vantage point from which to watch a fireworks display, for example.

All right, let's use advantage in a few sentences. Elias P. Beanpole, the tallest boy in sixth grade, had a distinct advantage on the basketball court; he was like 20 feet tall. He could dunk from half court; that was his advantage. That's his superior position, right? But he did keep bonking his head on the ceiling, which I would say is a distinct disadvantage to being that tall.

Listen, just because my mom runs a candy shop doesn't mean you could take advantage of our friendship. To take advantage of an opportunity is to get some benefit from it, but not always in a fair way.

To take advantage of a friendship is to say something like, "Hey, your mom has that candy shop. How do you feel about hooking up your friend David with some free candy?"

Hm, you do that enough times, and you're probably going to exhaust your friend and your friendship.

Taking advantage doesn't have to have a negative connotation or feeling, though. You could take advantage of a windy day and fly a kite, or take advantage of a rainy day and play a board game. That kind of thing.

I hope you take advantage of these videos, dear wordsmiths, and realize that you can learn anything. Dve it out.

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