What OS Do You Use?
Hey guys, this is Maads, and right now I'm kind of tired. But I was just wondering, what operating systems do you guys use? Because I know I use my Mac a lot, and I know I'm interested in Linux as well. I have a very nice Linux computer, but I was wondering what you guys care about. What kind of operating system do you guys use as users?
There are three main ones: there's Linux, all the flavors of Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. There are others like Solaris, which is UNIX, so there are UNIX systems too. But I just want to know what you guys use. So I want you to post video responses to this video, and if not, just comment and rate and express your opinion on which operating system you use. Because I want to know what operating system you use.
If I get reliable, accurate results from about 20 or 30 people, maybe even a lot of people, then I will make a separate video on it. I'll have a nice little chart to show how many people who subscribe to us and watch our videos use Linux, Mac, and Windows. If more people use Windows, I'll say, "Hey, maybe Windows has some good stuff to it." You know, I mean, Windows might be kind of cool in some ways.
I mean, I like programming for Windows, but I never really use it. I never get the chance to use it very much, and I have nothing I can really do on it that I can't do on my computers now that I've learned Cocoa and Objective-C programming. But if you have an opinion on what you should use, this is your chance to express it.
You'll expect all video responses to this video, so just post one, post comments, post whatever it is you want to post. Tell us what you use and what you want to use, etc. So thank you for watching Macad 101. Please subscribe to our videos, and goodbye.