Life’s short
Life is short. I'm dying every minute, a time at a time. Right? It's a... it's a... you, you. We've been dead for 13 and 12 billion years. That's a lot! That's how long from The Big Bang till now. The universe will be around for 70 billion years. You're around for 50, 700 years.
You're... it's a blink of a firefly in the night. One time, right? You're just barely here, so you got to make the most of every minute. Which doesn't mean that you chase some stupid desire for your entire life. What it means is that, like, every second that you have on this planet is very precious.
It's your responsibility to make sure that you're happy and you're interpreting everything in the best possible way. So happiness is one of these bad words, and I'm almost started to bring it up because it's an overloaded word. It's like... it's like friendship or love. It could mean anything to anyone.
To me, happiness is an internal trait that comes out of being peaceful and accepting of whatever is going on around you. It's that sense that nothing is missing in this moment, right? So if you have the sense that something is missing in this moment, AKA a desire that will pull you out of this moment, it will make you unhappy. Our natural state is to be happy. If a child...