Fibonnaci on a Marble-Powered Computer
This is the Turing Tumble. It is a marble powered computer. So sorry nerds, it's kind of a jock thing now.
What you are watching is my solution to a puzzle posted on their forums. I have programmed the machine to output marbles according to the Fibonacci sequence. So, as you can see, so far we've got one blue, one red, and now we've got two blue.
Next up, we should have reds coming down. How many reds? We'll take the last two values and add them: 1 plus 2, so three reds. Here's the second red. The third red should trigger a blue to fall by hitting that left lever. Nice, we got it!
Now, how many blues in a row should happen? Well, we should have two plus three, so five blues total. Here's the second blue. Oh, by the way, if you're watching this on YouTube, YouTube Shorts can only be a minute long, so it's going to cut halfway through. You'll have to go to TikTok, Instagram, Facebook. Sorry, guys, but we're up to the fourth blue. This fifth blue should trigger red by hitting that right lever. Here it comes. Red!
Now we got eight reds in line because 3 plus 5.