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2016 Breakthrough Junior Challenge with Priscilla Chan | National Geographic

3m read
·Nov 11, 2024

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is a video competition in which we invite you to submit creative and exciting explanations of ideas in math and science. Last year, Ryan Chester won the first Breakthrough Junior Challenge prize.

"Make a video about science! I loved science, and I've made videos my whole life. It was the perfect thing for me to do. I learned a lot by looking at all the finalists’ videos."

Ryan talked about Einstein's theory of special relativity, and it's complicated. Ryan brings it to life through physical experiences that you and I can relate to. No one had ever explained it to me! Time travel is something that sounds like magic, but there's actually a way to explain it using science.

"By teaching you, you really understand a lot more. When you engage in the idea that you're really excited about, you start to understand it in a deeper way than ever before. That allows you to both internalize and share with other people. It's always better to know things rather than not to know them."

There's no limit to what your video can be like. We want the Breakthrough Junior Challenge to be a competition that engages kids from all over the world. Last year, we got submissions from 80 countries, and this year we would love for kids that haven't been previously engaged in all different parts of the world to submit their ideas and their interpretations of things that are important to math and science.

"It's pretty exciting! You win a $250,000 college scholarship, which is crazy. That's pretty much covering an entire 4-year college education, wherever you want to go."

Winning that has been incredible. "I could really afford to go to whatever college I wanted. I also got accepted to Harvard, which I never expected. You also won a prize for your science teacher that's been your mentor through this process, and your school gets a lab. It's brought a lot of attention to my school and my city."

"The mayor of North Royalton proclaimed February 8th Ryan Chester Day, which was completely unexpected but awesome! I can't guarantee that you'll have a day named after you. We can really advocate for it, but I can promise you that you'll have a day that you won't forget!"

"Visiting us in Silicon Valley, participating in the Breakthrough Prize ceremony, the challenge gave students the chance to become teachers themselves and make a short film about a big scientific idea. It's really the merging of people from all different fields that really believe in the power of science and math changing the world and wanting you to be part of that movement."

"And now, the winner of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! I'm proud of you, Ryan, and honored to be your teacher."

"Wow! It just kind of seems like a dream looking back on it. My life really has changed since November. If you're thinking of taking part in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge this year, definitely do it! Go to to submit your video."

"Ryan Chester has a day, that's amazing!"

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