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REAL Human HORNS! ... and more REAL WORLD WTFs

4m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Vsauce, hello! I'm coming to you today from Los Angeles. I went to the Griffith Observatory today and everything was so green and verdant. I decided instead of doing video game WTFs, let's do some real-life WTFs. I pulled together some of the grossest facts I could find in this book, "1,1 Facts That Will Scare The Sh Out Of You," and I bugged a bunch of my LA video maker friends with the facts and tried to make them puke. Let's see if it worked.

All right, Todd, thank you very much for recording. This one's really important. Did you know that while you walk around during the day, um, going take that camera alone, place like that, just don't move? All right, here's the deal: During the day, while you walk around and move, your body's own weight compresses your joints, ligaments, and tendons so that by the time you go to bed at night, you are 8 mm shorter than you are when you wake up in the morning, fresh and expanded. It makes me wonder if you're in space without the gravity to compress you back down, how would you grow to be? Would you just continue to grow?

Yeah, I think you just keep growing. Neil Armstrong actually, by the time he got back from the moon, was 20 ft tall. And that's a fact; Vsauce doesn't lie.

So I'm looking at these crazy cutaneous horns. I don't know if you've heard about it, but humans can actually grow a horn that looks like a devil horn on the top of their head. It's made out of like your fingernail material. Yeah, they don't know what causes it, but they guess that maybe, uh, exposure to radiation. That's W. I guess the only thing doctors have really concluded is that they make me horny.

Um, I'm the director, so just say what you're going to say, Tom. Thank you for filming, but please, I'll be the director today.

Okay then, here I'll do my impression of you. Oh, you're going to throw a tantrum!

Hey, the sauce! How about these images of Chinese food? Guess what? They're not images at all; it's a map of seafood restaurants!

Oh, a cat fighting a warrior? Crazy!

Subscribe, guys! Let's stop joking around and talk about, in the year 2000, obstetrician Alan Zarin in New York City performed a C-section on a woman. When she was giving birth, he thought he did such a good job that he actually carved his initials, AZ, into her belly. I mean, I thought everybody did that! I mean, oh, when I was circumcised, I've got initials from when I was circumcised.

Um, Dr. Miller? Oh, I thought that was like a time you can pay extra for that if you want it.

What's up B?

What's up, Michael? Michael from Vsauce here to tell you that if you wear a ring, there can be more germs underneath it than the population of Europe. Eww! That is disgusting, and that's why I'm not wearing a ring today. But you know what? I was wearing mark fedos from yesterday's Key of Awesome shoot. Yikes! Those things are made out of razor blades.

Yeah, but don't worry. Michael, did you know that our stomach acids can dissolve a razor blade in less than a week?

I did not know that! You want to try one?

Let's try one!

All right, Che, back with us in 10 days!

Up! Can I get, I get some salt? Oh, and some ketchup! Mhm, mhm, mhm!

I'm here with Star from The Wing Girls. She gives out great dating advice. And Star, did you know that in your lifetime, your salivary glands will produce enough spit to fill two Olympic-sized swimming pools?

Wow, no, I did not know that! That is a lot of spit! You know, I actually created this whole pool with my spit.

That's sexy! It's hot! That's why the pool is so warm and so slippery!

Wow! I mean, I can think of so many times where I've been kissing a guy, and the one thing I think is like, man, if there's only more saliva right now, I'd be so happy!

This is Andre from Black Nerd Comedy, and I am forcing him to stare into the sun because this fact is a doy: There are 6.7 billion people in the world, and mathematicians have calculated that based on that, at any given second, there are 4,000 people doing it right now.

And here's another fact: It will never, never be me in the 4,000 people! That is so sad!

You deserve some shade there.

Thank you!

So there you go! Those are a bunch of gross facts! But let me know in the comments below, what is the grossest thing you have ever seen? For me, my roommate back in college boiled up a bunch of octopi and sort of forgot it on the stove for weeks. And I had to then clean out a rotten fungus-filled tentacle pot! It was great!

But let me know below if you can top that! What's the grossest thing you've ever seen?

And hey, as always, thanks for watching!


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