Unlocking the Power of Your Mind with Neuralink Technology #Shorts
Neuralink cuts out the middleman and allows input and output directly from your brain to whatever you're doing on a machine, or vice versa. It's like going from writing using a quill to having a pencil, to having a keyboard, to having Siri, to now potentially having nothing but the power of your own brain. This is where brain-machine interfaces come in, and they change everything.
A brain-machine interface, or BMI, is composed of two things: a brain and a machine. The machine could be anything—a phone, a computer, a bionic arm—anything that provides you with sensory inputs from the outside world or an external source. These inputs are then returned back into your brain, where you can process them.
But you need something artificial in your head to return this data to. Now, don’t worry. It's not like putting a CPU inside your head; it's actually quite tiny. Each Neuralink N1 chip is roughly 4x4 mm with 1,000 electrodes each. It's feasible to fit up to 10 of these inside your head in different areas, all to measure and affect different parts of your brain.