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What we've learned in 100 Episodes - Smarter Every Day 100!!

9m read
·Nov 3, 2024

[party whistles] Hey it's me Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day. A very special Smarter Every Day. The 100th episode, but not only that, it kind of coincided with a million subscribers, so thank you very much for your support. And because of that, you get to join the party with us. Here's your party hat.

So what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go through all 100 episodes of Smarter Every Day, and we're gonna look at clips from each individual episode, and we're just gonna reminisce together. What was the first Smarter Every Day you saw? What was your favourite Smarter Every Day? What was your favourite Smarter Every Day? - Cat dropping video. - Obviously, she has a cat. What was yours? - The slingshots. - And mine was the baby I think. I don't know, it might have been Operation Rocket.

So what we're gonna do is, leave me a comment, tell me what was your favourite, what was the first one you ever saw, and then after we watch this video together, we're gonna go back and introduce you to three people that you may or may not know that have been working behind the scenes on some pretty cool stuff. So, join the party. Let's watch a video together. [party whistle] Let's go.

Hey it's me Destin. So ah, we don't have really awesome accents and we don't have a lot of money, but we do know our guns, and we are rocket scientists. So we're gonna start a new web series called Smarter Every Day. You make a quick macro lens that also acts as a microscope. The reason they call it a trigger fish is because you have to pull the trigger in order to get the dorsal fin to go down. - The reason you have a carousel inside your microwave oven is cause that beam always travels through the same path. - Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

These are what pineapples look like when they're growing. This is one that's not very mature. You can see the red leaves and things like that. (Destin) Say, will you show us what this is? - This is comb. - Comb. Yes. - This one is loom. - This is the loom. Alright. She's swapping.

Hey this is the first tank. Or actually the first vehicle to be called tank. [cheering] If they roll each on this rod on the inside, which.. [bang] I decided I was going to learn the chemicals for fireworks. Purple is a combination of strontium and copper so you get the red and the blue going together.

So the sound is simultaneously initiated from all points along the lightning bolt at the same time. So you can see the current spike. We've made a fire tornado. Let's check it out. We've decided to change the format, make learning very very serious, and by serious I mean.. - Seriously awesome! [cheering] - Yes one hit. - One hit. That's amazing. - T I A. [laughs] - Which stands for? - This.. is.. Africa. [cheers]

[rushing wind] Notice it happens where it's rolling from the high pressure side to the low pressure side. I know it's a rainbow but I made it, which makes it manly. [laugh] - Daddy are you OK? - I'm OK. - That looks weird. But I like it. Bullet vs cow eye. [music]

OK this morning we used your frisbee as a plate to eat cassava and beans. What are we using it for today? - Surgical prep. Hey it's me Destin. Welcome to Smarter Every Day.. NOPE! - Welcome to the slingshot channel! [Intense German Laughter] - Yes! [laughs]

[music] Did you.. Did you just call me something? - No.. [laughs] - The inside of the stomach has hexagons on it. Wow. - Rood. - OK. Red balloon vs blue laser. [pop] Easy. [air escaping]

This is the very first time that this kid's every seen a rocket in his entire life. Have a good one, we're going to have a baby. Bye. He's alive and well, and his lungs are working and he's breathing air. Bullet blur is calculated by the velocity of the bullet as it exits the weapon, multiplied times the flash duration. Do you eat this part? Is this the nut? [model helicopter engine]

  • We're gonna apply force straight up here.. and it rotates 90 degrees. (Destin) What do you know about gyroscopic procession? Right, back, up and down. This is so awesome I want to cry. No power at all.

So today what I'm gonna do is start a playlist called the deep dive. - Sunspots are magnetic storms on the sun. (Destin) Oh that's awesome. [slowed gunshot] [cheer] [laughing]

The top band is clearly accelerating slower than the bottom band. These guys are working on the sun shield for the James Webb space telescope. And what I think is so cool about this photo is that this guy in the bottom right corner is my dad. And uh, yep, that's Machu Picchu. And of course, that's a llama.

OK so what do you do to hold a bird? - Hold on tight and don't be scared. - That's right. [laughs] - Go chase him. Let him go fly. (Destin) The wing separates, and the feathers turn so that the air is flowing straight in between them.

So I convinced Alan to do a self portrait with me. This self portrait would reveal more information than any of the other videos. Yeah I'm at YouTube headquarters here in San Bruno California. [laughs] Get in an arc [firework explosion]

  • I thought you'd come down enjoy taking a high res photo of Machu Picchu. - Sweet. - If the sound goes in this ear, not all the same frequencies are going to reach this ear. - 2.56 seconds later divided by two, 1.28 light seconds to the minute.

Hey it's me Destin welcome to Iquitos Peru. It's a city of 400,000. We're working on a septic tank for an orphanage. We're gonna learn about how to use levers. Oohhoo hoo.. Wow. Oh are you serious. [laughs] Oh ghhhrr! You serious! This tiny spider has created debris that looks like a big spider.

  • It's called puddling. Basically they're drinking the minerals in the sand to get salt. (Destin) How you gonna get this worm down the hole?... ahh. Easy. Is it possible to wiggle in such a way that you're able to rotate to a different angular position and then stop?

On Smarter Every Day we demonstrated this with a high speed camera and a cat. - OK well that's a great question. We don't have any cats on board, but we have a medical doctor who maybe can try to demonstrate.. Yeah next best thing to a cat. He can't change his angular momentum but he can change his body position.

(Destin) The only meteorite ever to strike a person happened in 1954 in Alabama. (Destin) OK. What just happened? - Skipped. - Yep. High five. There he is. - Basically these are in sequence all the frames of the video.

(Destin) Dragonfly wings have something on them called the Pterostigma, which is Latin for wing mark. - So that's the actual pupa inside and then on the outside is the cocoon. (Destin) 3.. 2.. 1.. [gunshot]

  • Get him to rear up. - Oh.. oh no. - Holy cow he's fast. I'm gonna put my hand down here where your pouch is, and we're just gonna see how this goes. Don't bite me. Just don't bite me. I cannot feel a pouch.

Alright that was amazing. I really like looking back and seeing all the crazy stuff we've learned just by opening our eyes and looking at the world differently. It was amazing, thank you for being there. Be sure to tell me what your favourite part was.

So, I told you there were three people that have been working behind the scenes on Smarter Every Day with very little to no recognition so I'm gonna do that now. The first person is a guy named Andrew Jackson. Not the president. To some people he is the most important component to even be able to understand what I'm saying on Smarter Every Day.

I caught up with him in Australia. This is Andrew Jackson and you don't know who he is but he touches every Smarter Every Day video. Andrew volunteered to do the captioning on Smarter Every Day, and you've done it faithfully for how long? - Over a year. - Over a year, and you don't even know that he does that.

I wanted him to tell you why he does the captioning ‘cause I think it's a pretty big deal. Can you tell me the story? - Sure. So a friend of mine who I work with who's deaf wanted to enjoy Destin's videos, and so I offered to do the captioning and forward that on to Destin so that she could watch them. And uh.. - What's her name? - Her name's Ann.

  • Ann, can we put a caption right here "Caption. Ann we're doing this for you" [laughs] - And so I figured that if I was doing it for one person then the power of the internet is that it can be for everyone.

  • He's done this for free the whole time, it's a pretty big deal. And this is just, I wanted to let you know that there are many people that do things that you don't know about that make a world of difference. And for that I would like to give you a high five. [laugh] Thank you Andrew. - No worries.

  • So one thing you might feel when you watch Smarter Every Day but not really think about is the music. Gordon McGladdery from A Shell in The Pit actually writes the music from Vancouver. I Skype with him at night, we talk all the time, but Gordon's been there since the beginning. Here's some video I caught of Gordon McGladdery in the rainforest of Peru when we finally got to meet face to face. [laugh]

(Destin) So who are you? - I'm Gordon, From Shell in The Pit. - Alright, Gordon people might not know who you are and that they've been listening to your stuff for a couple of years. - Yep. Um, well I do all the music for Smarter Every Day. Destin and I met online a year and a half or two years ago.

  • You make it sound like a dating website man, that's not how it was. [laugh] - I said hey I'm looking for a hot guy to write music for. - That's not what happened at all. [laughs]

  • And uh, so.. we started making videos, and we just met I guess a week and a half ago in Lima Peru. Sound is 80% of what you see. - What do you mean? - Um, I made that number up for starters. [laugh]

  • One thing that has irritated me a long time about you is your insistence on having incredible facial hair, and then I tried so hard, and this is all I got. It looks like some kind of child trying. - I can't do it. Hater's gonna hate Destin.

The music I've done for the series, we can find at my Bandcamp page. A Shell in The Pit,, right? - Right, I think so. - Amos are you really in my house? - No. [laugh]

  • How.. You're.. You've.. You live in Michigan now. How are you in my house? - Well I'm going to the Okra festival.

  • OK the last guy that's been working with Smarter Every Day for a while that you don't know about is Amos Kennedy. Amos is a printer, and he recently moved from Alabama to Detroit, and the idea is to teach other people how to print basically. - Correct.

  • So Amos has authorised me to do 100 posters.. - I am going to print 100 posters to celebrate the 100th episode of Smarter Every Day, and Destin is gonna figure out a way that that can generate funds for Smarter Every Day.

  • OK so I can put these 100 posters on some type of bidding website, and then that whatever the price gets up to, that's money that I can put back into Smarter Every Day. - Right. And all the posters are gonna be really bizarre.

  • Amos Kennedy. You're gonna see more of him once we figure out exactly how we're gonna do the posters. - If you don't see me you'll see the posters. [laugh]

  • OK. We're gonna try a real cat this time. Oh yeah. - Yeah so I'm really excited to show you guys how these posters are made. Now I'll do that in a future episode but for now I think Amos seems like a wise man so I'll take his advice and I'll use these 100 episode celebration posters as a fundraiser so I'll leave a link in the video description, if you're interested in doing that and if you want to support Smarter Every Day you can do that however you choose.

But, for now, thank you. I owe you a thank you. I mean 100 episodes, that's pretty crazy for just a dad in Alabama just looking at the world differently. Not only that, a million subscribers, it's hard to imagine.

Anyway you've offered me your time, your attention, your criticism and your encouragement. And thank you for that. Here's to 100 more episodes. I'll do my best. I am not perfect. I will try my best for you.

Anyway, I'm Destin, you're getting Smarter Every Day. Have a good one.


[Captions by Andrew Jackson] Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.

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