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Network is the key to selling corporate jets.

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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You sell some really expensive stuff. Take us through the process of how you sell it.

It takes many, many years of building that network because the network is key. You have to get to know people who have these assets, and you have to convince them to give it to you to sell for them, or if somebody's looking to buy, to buy from you. So, you have to build that reputation that you know what you're talking about, and when you call them, they take your call.

That relationship is so important; there's an energy that connects or doesn't connect. Once you have one end of that deal, you either control the buyer or control the seller. It's more easy to go find the other side. If you make enough calls, you'll find that needle in the haystack. If you just stay home and never go to meet anybody, nothing's ever going to happen.

But if you go out to enough restaurants, bars, parties, events, you will meet somebody who will know somebody or need you to do something or give you a piece of information that will give you an opportunity somewhere else. You need to be out there. The people you're dealing with really know their stuff. You have to be sincere in what you're telling them, and they'll feel that in your voice, and they'll...

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