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15 Ways Rich People Prepare for WW3

14m read
·Nov 1, 2024

We've had World War One. World War Two. The question of a World War Three is not an if, but a when. And in the last couple of years, there's this feeling floating around in the air of political, economic, and social unrest. Somebody screws up a nuke, goes out flying, the recipient retaliates. Sirens go off. Martial law is in place. All of a sudden, borders are shut down, the stock exchange shuts down. Whatever you had in your savings account in the bank is now owned by the state for the war effort. A can of sardines and a roll of toilet paper now costs more than the new iPhone.

Everybody thinks they'll do well or be able to figure it out in times of societal collapse. But the worst time to develop a game plan is during the catastrophe. Billionaires and millionaires know this and have already started making preparations to increase their odds of survival. Here are 15 ways rich people prepare for World War Three.

First up, multiple citizenships through international investments. Did you know that rich people have multiple passports and can actually buy citizenship? Things go down hard. You don't have access to your financial services and you need to get yourself and your family out of the country. Where do you go in times of crisis? Citizens are allowed to go back home, meaning to places where they hold citizenships, even in times of martial law. It's called repatriation, which is just one of the reasons why in the past two decades, the super rich have been buying up citizenships through investor or golden visa programs.

You invest between $500,000 to $5 million in a country and they'll make you a citizen. You can own land, bank accounts, have cash flowing investments that take care of you because your country is at war. Your currency is becoming worthless. One thing is for certain: you don't hold on to cash during wartime. Don't take it from us. There's a direct quote from Warren Buffett: "The one thing you can be quite sure of is if we went into some very major war, the value of money would go down. That's happened in virtually every war that I'm aware of. The last thing you'd want to hold is money during a war."

So you need two things. One, purchase power. Why the rich earn in more than one currency? And two, unequal weighted earnings, meaning the rental properties and your chain of hair salons aren't bringing you any new money. So you need to get paid from somewhere else.

There are five big spots where billionaires park their investments: One in Europe, Switzerland, Luxembourg, or Portugal; Two, Mexico. If the U.S. has a target, you want to be able to escape quickly. The more you go south, the better and cheaper life gets. Three, Dubai—zero taxes plus access points toward Asia if needed; Four, Australia or New Zealand. Islands usually perform well in most catastrophes. More on that in a second; or Five, Singapore—access to Asian markets, without giving most of your money to the Chinese Communist Party, at least that's still the case while making this video.

Investing abroad could literally be the thing that allows you and your family to flee and supports yourselves as far away from the conflict as you can. Very important here is how fast can you get your family to a safe haven? All of a sudden, those helicopters and private jets start to make more sense, don't they?

And speaking of helicopters, jets, and motorcycles, now, the last place you want to be while full-on war is happening is stuck in traffic in the middle of an important city. Drop everything, grab your kids, one or two sentimental value objects alongside your documents, and head for the helipad. Ideally, you want to get to the private airport as quickly as possible in case of war. Motorcycles are a superior form of transport over cars because of how agile they can be.

In every apocalypse movie, there is the same long line of cars abandoned on the highway exit in times of war. The main airports get run over, and usually, the only way to get out is through a small independent airport operated privately. The super rich actually have war insurance where they pay private security firms a yearly retainer to have priority access to emergency evacuation infrastructure where they get you out of there as quickly as possible.

Actually, most of the things that seem like opulent splurges of the rich double as emergency facilities. And on a similar note, yachts and super yachts. People love poking fun at the super rich for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase these massive liabilities until you realize they're escape pods where you can fit your entire family. If the mainland becomes toxic, you just get on your boat and sail away. All of the facilities of a five-star hotel: water filtration, solar and satellite connection, and abundance of fish for nutrition.

Technically, if you've got the water or you can desalinate well, you could survive at sea forever or until you get someplace safe. Although they're expensive to run, think of a super yacht as a home that you can take with you wherever you want to go, and not having to leave anything behind. Your family's already familiar with the interior layout, and it'll make the mental toll of going through a war more bearable.

But if you could go anywhere, where would you have the highest chance of survival? Buying islands or land in New Zealand. If you've ever played the game Plague, you know the value of islands in a pandemic or biological war. This is why most billionaires purchase islands for themselves. Why the tech elite of Silicon Valley purchased islands in Hawaii. Why do British billionaires own islands around the world? Why some of the richest people in the world bought land and homes in New Zealand going fully off-grid? Self-sustaining water purification, electric batteries, diesel generators, solar roofs are all available for purchase.

Sure, they might be expensive to make habitable and sustainable long term, but once you do, are you stranded on an island escaping war? Or have you just arrived in paradise? Away from it all? How you mentally deal with the situation, the scarring it has on the psyche? You and your family are one of the most important things to consider.

Which brings us to the next point. Top mental and physical shape. What if you only had one opportunity to get out, but you pulled a Velma and went blind as a bat because you lost your glasses? Rich people are getting Lasik surgery, knee replacement surgery, taking supplements to make sure they're in their best physical shape possible. As hilarious as it might be, we've heard of people taking archery and fencing lessons just in case—not just because there might be a zombie apocalypse or a war coming in, but the rationale is that if you can afford it, why risk being a liability in a life or death situation?

And it's not just physical. The mental toll is huge. All of the weapons and the shelter aren't going to do you any good if you freeze in a crucial moment. Your family relies on your ability to make smart choices in the moment. So people who are mentally strong have an edge over everyone else. Being able to process and navigate difficult situations is a massive asset in both business and life.

And survival in war situations is more of a mental game than most people realize. It might be a long shot, but having a game plan ahead, having a reason to keep going, having someone reminding you that there is more to life in the moment is a big deal. This is why education and mental strength are so important and why over 100,000 people have downloaded the ALUX app. It's a mentor in your ear, keeping you focused while giving you insights that you didn't even know you needed.

And as of yesterday, it just got a massive upgrade where instead of just one coaching session a day, you now have access to our entire multimillion-dollar library for the same price. Once we are done with the next version, the price is going to go up. So lock your subscription and now by getting one today, hey

Cooperation with other billionaires. Survival is a team sport, and who you know matters more than how much money you have. While researching this topic, we found a paper that looked at the death toll of both world wars separated by wealth classes in Europe. No surprises there. The rich endured fewer deaths per family than the poor. What's even more interesting is that white-collar rich families from the city outlive the rich families from the countryside by a massive margin.

And although that might sound counterintuitive, the aristocrats and big cities worked together to get themselves out of a messy situation while the rich from the countryside were all alone and lacked direct connections to influential decision-makers. So when push came to shove, while their wealth didn't matter as much in moments of crisis, it pays big time to have friends who can provide valuable access. Take a moment to think of your current friend group in the case of a catastrophe. Who could you rely on and what would be your game plan? Send them this video so they can get ready as well.

Privilege. Aged Information Access. Every time something big is about to happen, there's a small group of privileged people who find out ahead of everyone else, just like Nancy Pelosi does with stocks; there is a market for information. The people who escape to Germany in the Second World War were the ones who moved at the first signs of danger. Rich people do the very same. They're always moving. Think about the last pandemic and how the rich moved faster than everyone the moment COVID broke out of China. Those islands and holiday homes? Well, they came in handy when the world was in a lockdown.

Luxury bunkers with air and water filtration. With the assets you have on hand right now, how long could you wait it out? Months? Weeks? Maybe only days. There's a market for doomsday prep, even more so now in the geek tech community who've been playing survival games for years and have recently started buying gear. They're called programmers. We're not making this up. Hit the like button if you learned something new today.

Outside of the small fry, the rich are actually digging hard at this, meaning they're creating habitable bunkers deep within the ground where their plan is to just wait it out for years, whatever calamity might strike. LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman told The New Yorker that he estimated that more than 50% of his fellow Silicon Valley billionaires have acquired some kind of doomsday hideaway spot in the US or elsewhere in the world. These are not cheap either, with prices going from $250,000 to all the way up into the millions.

There are even underground condos where you can buy an apartment for you and your family to wait out whatever is happening outside. Air filtration, water from deep, deep inside the ground, solar and manually powered tools, micro gardens with artificial light, and even entertainment. A private army in case of war or apocalypse. You'll need protection. But how can you be sure? The moment all hell breaks loose, the army won't throw you out of the bunker and take it for themselves. Well, this is actually one of the things debated by the rich behind closed doors.

And last year at Heretic, Miami, the short answer for the military dilemma of the rich lies in skin in the game. You provide the same level of comfort to the families of the soldiers that you hire on your dime. Sure, there is separation, meaning that you have your own private area, but they're taken care of as well. This should buy you some time, and if things go really bad, you can go into lockdown mode and do it all on your own.

This might sound hilarious, but if you're unable to deploy your resources effectively, you're just building someone else's inventory because they'll just come in and take it. Gold, art, Bitcoin plus anything valuable they can carry? No, this isn't a segment sponsored by Masterworks. Chill out, all right? The truth is, you need to be able to transport value across time and space. Since war is hyperinflationary, your paper money is worthless. So you need real stores of value.

This was actually the main purpose of jewelry. You got to put the family's savings onto your body and run with it. Gold jewelry or valuable art have historically been used as stores of value in times of war. Now, this is the first time that we've got a digital currency disassociated with any other currency that could provide function for both a store of value and commerce. Now, we're not saying that crypto is your safe haven. Not at all. But if on the other end of where you're going, there is someone willing to trade you goods and services for something that fits onto a USB stick or even better than that, you can hold it in your mind while there is value to it.

In times of war, stores of value like gold, silver, and theoretically Bitcoin will do really well. If you're more traditional, go for the metals. If you're more digitally native, you can go for the digital gold and that's Bitcoin. And we're not advising anyone to sell their homes and go all in on any of these, but it might be wise to look at it as an insurance investment. If things go south, you take it with you. If things go well, you might have an appreciating asset.

Limited by scarcity, we break down in a step-by-step fashion. The fastest way to get yourself some Bitcoin and put it on a hard drive that you can hold in your pocket. In our Bitcoin Essentials course, go to and use the promo code ALUXER for 25% off in less than 3 hours. You've got your entire setup in place.

Active war supply chain. Some businesses make their money in wartime: Shell, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Phillips 66, BP, and Sinopec. And the major weapon manufacturers such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Bay Systems all see jumps in revenue during wartime. They also happen to be some of the biggest donors behind your favorite politicians. But we'll save that for another video.

The military in and of itself doesn't make money. In fact, military forces cost an exorbitant amount of money to operate. That money comes from taxpayers. The government prints money or cuts deals with corporations to support the war effort. Manufacturing companies usually do really well in times of war because they can simply switch their assembly lines to military goods. For example, Volkswagen made tanks. Hugo Boss made clothes, cutlery manufacturers made helmets. The list goes on. And before you say it's just a German thing, know that Ford provided them with a vehicle and war production services.

It's well documented that Henry Ford was an open Nazi supporter and a violent anti-Semite. Businesses involved in the recent Iraq war split $138 billion among them. The same thing is happening with Ukraine and probably the same situation in the Middle East. If you want to make money during war times, look at the supply chain and figure out where you fit in.

By the way, the War Dogs movie is an excellent depiction of what's actually happening. Before you do that, though, know there are ways to make money without supporting active war. Here is one: reconstruction business news. After every war ends, there's a period of reconstruction. The world needs to be rebuilt. Some of the richest people in the world have the money, the tools, and the expertise required to rebuild better than before or at least faster. Government-friendly companies usually get billion dollar contracts to help with the reconstruction efforts.

Kellogg, Brown and Root, the subsidiary of Halliburton, got $2.3 billion to help with the post-Iraq and Afghan war. The thing that kind of rubs us the wrong way looking at it is the double dipping of the same organizations. Here's an example: BlackRock, the largest hedge fund in the U.S., is the one who financed the war in Ukraine. They're the largest owner of the largest weapons manufacturer in the U.S. So they make money when there's a war. Well, a couple of weeks ago, they struck a reconstruction deal with Ukraine where they're lending money to the government as long as they're the ones who get to rebuild. You can draw your own conclusions there.

Guns and ammo. Not only do people who are investors in weapons manufacturing make bank during war, but the appetite for gun acquisitions skyrockets with every news flash on TV. People get scared, so they buy more. Rich people are just like everyone else, so they stock up on as much of it as possible. They buy high-end. They armor their cars, they wire their properties, and they have 24/7 security. They might not be the ones to pull the trigger themselves, but they've got the funds to give a green light.

Satellite communications and private internet. Those who are not off the grid depend on the grid's ability to provide one hit and the grid is over. What do you do when the lights don't turn back on? What do you do when there's no signal on your phone? What do you do when you can no longer DoorDash your food? That's where direct satellite tech comes into play. And why? Like it or not, Elon's StarLink is actually changing the game. Not sure if you know this, but there are 4,550 satellites in orbit. Space X owns by far the largest number of satellites. To put things into perspective, Space X has 12 times more satellites than all of China has.

In a period of conflict, those who can maintain their communication infrastructure, well, they usually win. Rich billionaires rely on these kinds of infrastructure projects to maintain their influence and protect their wealth. StarLink might seem expensive until you need it.

And last but not least, humanity pods in space or on other planets. That's right. If things get really, really bad, rich people will leave the planet by rocket. That's the entire purpose of Elon's Mars project: to have a second home for humanity, if nuclear war or the end of humanity ever comes to pass. Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin is trying to do the same thing and build space floating countries where basically people survive on structures much bigger than the International Space Station. Richard Branson wants to open a hotel in space next year when the entire planet is on the verge of total collapse. The rich will go to space.

It's a horrible thing to think about, but people spend their entire lives saying that money doesn't buy happiness. But in times of crisis, it becomes obvious that money gives you a shot at escaping misery. So get rich.

Hey, Lux, sir. Also, we saved a little bonus for those of you who watched until the very end. The media is not your friend. In the last couple of days, it became obvious that mainstream media is not your friend. They have their agendas. They take sides, and they twist the narrative to support that side that they're on. The beauty of technology is it gives both sides a voice. It's easy to see just how much pain and suffering both parties are inflicting on the innocent.

All those responsible for that suffering are left untouched. Although we tried to do a slightly light-hearted piece today, you know, the last couple of days shook us to our core and made us take the personal vow to never allow our children and family to experience anything remotely close to the trauma and suffering that comes with war. We hope the same for you, my friend. The person watching our content. Stay safe. Tell people you know that you love them and never allow hatred to guide your actions.

If you've made it this far and you are war, write the word LOVE in the comments. Look, we know that's kind of cheesy, but the world really does just need more of it right now.

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