Account Apps
Hey guys, this is Mids in1. This is just going to be a video, um, that I'm making because, um, some people don't like our website exactly, um, the way that it is. They love the design and stuff; everyone loves our website design, but some people are having issues. Like, it takes a long time for the site to load. It takes a long time, once it's up there, to log in because it loads more pages. So, if you're on a slow internet connection on, say, your iPhone or iPod touch, it might take a long time.
So, um, like, if you look at my screen, I click log in. Now it has to load a whole new page with this wonderful design, a lot of images. Now, you type your username and password. Okay, now it even took my browser a few seconds to load our background. We've set a wallpaper on our account, by the way. But anyway, so this, we've just loaded three pages. If we want to create a new document, or view a document, or upload something, or compose a mail, or disable file sharing, or um, reset our background, or whatever, it has to load the page all over again. This whole page also includes this—the background, this bar on the top, the picture, all these ads, everything.
So, basically, people have found this kind of annoying. So I am proposing something that will not only allow you to access your account system, um, quicker, but it'll also allow you not to have to open your browser to do it. For the Mac Kids1 iPhone application, I'm going to make it so you can use that application directly to log into your Mac Kids and one account. That's right! It'll have a feature on it to log into your Mac Kids and account. From there, you'll be able to view images, text files, etc., that you've uploaded, files that you've created through our own text editor. You'll be able to read your mail and compose a mail. You'll be able to create and upload, but um, when you create an upload, the only thing you'll be able to upload is an image, and I'm not sure I'll actually do that, but I might make it so you can upload an image. That might be in a future version, like 1.2 or 1.3.
You won't be able to access the chat room, but you will be able to disable and enable file sharing. So that is what we're going to do for the iPhone app. For the Mac, let's say you have a very, um, slow internet connection, which a lot of people do. We're going to make it an application for Tiger and Leopard, and it might not run on Tiger. I'm not sure yet, but it'll definitely run on PowerPCs as well as Intel computers running Leopard, and it may also work on Tiger.
Um, and it will do the same thing essentially, except it'll be on your desktop instead of on your mobile device. So these are applications we're making that deal with it. Now, say you're a programmer, and you're just kind of wondering how we're doing this. We're creating pages on our website in a secret place in our website, and literally, all they are is when you do certain parameters, like question mark file equal so and so, they will display the contents of a file—list files, create a file, create an upload, disable or enable file sharing, and get whether file sharing is enabled.
So, um, this is how we propose to increase the, um, usability of our Mac Kids and one accounts system. We are also planning, um, to add to make the interface for the Mac Kids on one application a little better. But other than that, that's what we're going to do to make your account system on Mac Kids in a one work more of the way you would like it to. So thanks for watching Mac Kids in a one! Subscribe and goodbye.