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Customizing the Leopard Dock

4m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey guys, this is ma kids11, and I actually, um, I got many, many, many requests on how I pimped out my dock like this. I made it darker, and I made my Finder icon look however I want.

So first off, um, for all of you guys who are afraid to customize your dock because you're like, um, "No, I want exactly how Apple made it." First off, I'd like to tell you what are the chances that Apple is going to make every icon and everything on the Mac exactly the same way that you think it would look the best? I think it's about zero. So, um, just keep that in mind so you can do that.

Okay, the first thing is to customize your Finder icon and any icon you want, basically. Um, you can download an application called Candy Bar, which is what a lot of people use. But, um, there's something that does the same thing but for free, and that's called, um, Light Icon. It's free, and I'll have a link to download it in the description of the video.

Yeah, so just open that up; it's going to load the icons. Hold on. Okay, so you can upload; you can change the desktop or all these icons. You can also change the folder icons, the device icons, the Dock icons. I just changed the Finder Dock icon and some other icons. Then you're going to have to relaunch Finder when you're done.

So, um, where I got this Dock icon, um, is oh, and by the way, you can't do the application icons. But if you want to do an application icon, what you can do is pick your application, pick the other one, and then you can just drag that into there in case you want to drag an application. Drag the bottom one to the other top one.

Okay, so where I got my icon is from a website called interface I'll have a link to that website in the description of the video. But this is a great website that has lots of themes and backgrounds and stuff like that. So you just go under, um, search icons, and then, um, after a couple pages, I found the Finder icon. I think it was like on the third page under Mac desktop. I clicked on an ad.

Okay, Macintosh icons, highest rated. Well, that's pretty cool for the Firefox thing. Okay, well, I don't really know where it is under here, but I know it was on this website, and I'm not going to go around and go find it. But, um, yeah, so basically what you do is you take your icon. By the way, I would back up the thing first, so I'll just search "Finder icon." Let's say I want to do this one. So, I have the picture; drag it to your desktop, and then basically you just drag it in and then you say "apply changes."

By the way, I’m actually going to say cancel because I like that icon better, so I'm just going to delete this. Now, how do I customize my Dock? Well, there's another application, also free, it's called, um, Dock Library. Hold on, let me open it up.

Okay, and basically it's going to start with just a default Dock, and you're going to have to put more docks. You can either make them yourself or download them from the website that's going to be in the description of the video, and it's called, um, leopard And basically, the one I like—I don't know about you—but the one I got was, um, I like it a little darker than the actual Dock but not too much darker.

So hold on, which one was this one? But the thing about this one is it replaced some of the images. So if I say, you first off you gotta say "download Dock," and then you gotta say, "okay." Okay, so basically you just, um, say import, and then you pick the folder; you just drag in the folder, and then you say "open."

But the thing is, um, basically this is what it had instead of this had a triangle under it, like Tiger, and I like the Leopard one. So what I did to get mine is I kept the background and stuff like that because I really like the darker background.

Then I went under Macintosh HD. I'll have a link to this path also for you guys so you can just go say "go to folder" and then just type this in: So “Macintosh HD/System/Library/CoreServices.” By the way, it's the one on the X with the X on it right over there, so, um, you'll know it's Core Services.

And then you say "Dock." This is where the Dock application—sorry, really can't talk today—is located. So you right-click on it, say "show package contents," and here are all the images for the dock. So what I did is I took all of these. These are all the ones that make this work. Drag them into the other folder, say "replace, replace, replace," or you could have just said "replace all" or whatever, and, um, then I import it.

But I'm not going to import it because I already have that one. But okay, so this is what you do. So let's say I want this one, the ruler dock, so I say after it's imported, you can rename it to whatever you want, and then you say "activate." Now I have the ruler dock. I like the ruler dock too, but it's not—I don't like it as much as this one, so I'm going to keep this one for now.

Activate. Okay, so I hope this helped you. If it did, please subscribe to us, and, uh, yeah, thanks for watching.

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