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3m read
·Nov 8, 2024

252 subscribers! What is going on, guys? Hold on, we're the 15. This video will be a lot lower quality than you're used to from the channel. I don't have access to a computer that can do the same type of editing that I usually do for my videos because I'm at home for the week, and it's spring break for my school. That's why there hasn't been any activity on the channel and I haven't been releasing videos. But that all—hold on, I can't talk—that will all change on Saturday. I've got some videos coming up, and they're really good, so stay tuned.

But that's not what this video is about. Hold on; someone is watching me. That's awkward. I don't like people watching me when I'm filming a video. I'm still self-conscious. I'm not, you know, a big YouTuber yet, so I'm not okay with vlogging everywhere. What was I going to say?

250 subscriber giveaway! So the way I'm going to do this is I'm going to pull names from a hat. It's a really primitive way of doing things, but I thought it was kind of cool and old school. Obviously, we won't be able to do this forever because the channel is growing, and there'll be too many names. I don't want to cut up that many pieces of paper, but for now, we can do it this way and that's really cool.

What am I giving away? So the winner of this contest—oh my god, it's just all so... again, the winner of this contest will win an iPhone case with the "Better Ideas" logo on it. It could be redesigned because I think that looks pretty ugly at the moment. So I'll be in contact with you to see what kind of phone you have. It might say, like, "Better Ideas" right there.

Also, a Better Ideas mug—hold on, you can't even do that. Look like that's good! I'm losing you guys, losing your attention regardless! And also a ten-dollar Amazon gift card. So that's the giveaway. Let's do the names from the hat.

Sad that these are my subscribers; it doesn't look like many. I mean, it's not all the subscribers; it's the people who have commented as well. So I'm just going to pull around the names here, and the winner is Matt Crouch! If you can see that, let's have Matt Crouch.

So, Matt Crouch, you are the winner of the 250 subscriber giveaway! I will send you a YouTube message so we can be in contact and figure out your details and stuff like that. I know a lot of people don't check their YouTube messages, but that's how I'm going to contact you. I'm going to contact you through your YouTube messages. I think you can go on your YouTube dashboard, feel like the top right of your YouTube channel. You can maybe—I’m wrong, but either way, you can look up a Google tutorial, a YouTube tutorial, see how to check your YouTube messages because that's how I'm going to contact you.

What else? Thank you so much for subscribing, guys! Everyone who subscribed—250 subscribers is kind of crazy! I've never reached that many subscribers that fast before on any of my channels, and the majority of you aren't people I know really well or are not immediate family. So that's kind of a good change-up!

I'm really tired; I can barely talk, but I'm going to hit the gym anyway. See, I'm stuttering everywhere; this is embarrassing for me. I'm going to turn the video off now, and I hope you all have a nice day! Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll catch you in the next video!

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