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Rant: THIS is why you need to make YOUR OWN decisions...

4m read
·Nov 7, 2024

What's up you guys? It's Graham here.

So, I think between YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram, I probably get a hundred messages per day. Now, one of the more common themes in messages that I get are questions like, "Hey Graham, is this a good idea? Should I do this? Is this okay to do?" In almost every single scenario, I say yes; that's a good idea, yes, that's okay to do, yes, you should do this.

And that gets me to the topic of this video, which is about asking someone's permission or having someone tell you what you should do, and why that's such a big mistake. First of all, I think it's totally natural to want to be told what to do. Why? Well, if you go and do something because someone else told you what to do and it doesn't really work, well then you could just blame them. Then it's their fault because they're the ones that told you what to do and you were just following someone's direction.

Same thing, like if someone tells you, "You should do this, you should do that," and you go and follow it because following it, again, is the easy route. You don't have any responsibility and if it doesn't work, again, you have no responsibility and you blame everything on the other person for telling you what to do.

It's also very easy to fall into this trap because there's so much information out there. If you have a concept you want to bring to life, if you go on the internet and you find out how to do it, there are so many different ways to do something. There are also so many opinions about a right way and a wrong way, what you should do, what you shouldn't do, and honestly, sometimes the more you read, the more confused you get.

The harder it's going to be just to start because you have now all these different opinions to sift through and it just makes it that much more complicated. So, of course, the natural most comfortable thing to do is just to ask somebody, "Hey man, should I do this? Is this okay to do?"

Then once you have someone's okay, okay, and just go and do it because, again, they said it's okay. So therefore, it must be okay and therefore, if it doesn't work, it's not really my fault; it's their fault.

Now, to be honest with you, I think we're all deep down just as scared and clueless as everybody else. We're all looking for someone else to swoop in, take responsibility, so we ourselves can go and relax. If something doesn't work out, it's not really our fault. Nothing of ours is on the line because they're the ones that told us what to do.

This is why it's also so unhealthy because at the end of the day, your decision is the only one that really matters. This is why it's so important to learn how to be a decision maker. You need to be the one that takes all the information and comes up with your own decision, independent of what everybody else thinks, myself included.

It's very important to learn how to take direct control of all the choices you make and stand by them. It's also important to take 100% responsibility for every single decision you make, again independent of what everybody else thinks. You also need to learn how to come up with a concept and execute it on your own.

Now, I feel like some people might misinterpret this as don't listen to anybody else because nobody knows what they're doing. Don't do that! Still listen to as many people as you can, still get some opinions, but at the end of the day, you're the one that needs to make your own decisions. Whether or not you do something, you're the one that needs to make the decision on your own.

You can take other people's opinions, you can consider what other people have to say, but like I said, it's so important to learn how to make your own decisions, stand by it, and take total control over what you do and what you don't do.

As always you guys, thank you so much for watching my videos. Everything means so much to me to see all the support and see you guys enjoy this.

If you haven't already, feel free to add me on Instagram, add me on Snapchat, click subscribe if you haven't, click like—you know the drill!

Well, I don't even know anything else that I can ask you to do. And buy my hat, didn't buy my shirt or buy my jacket or find like she like honest sort of crap this right?

You know what this is? Out of curiosity, you guys want to see like a Grant Stefan shirt? Now, I'm not going to make any shirts or hats or anything like that, but I'd be so curious to see people that actually buy like a shirt that says Grant across it. Like, it seems so weird to me.

Anyway, that's it. Thanks, guys!


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